Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Islam in Europe > 3 Syrian Migrants gang-rape young girl in Sweden, Gov't cracks down on academics whose research connects the dots


In Sweden, Three Muslim Migrants

Rape Underage Girl

Sweden, like Germany, has in the last decade open wide its doors to Muslim economic migrants posing as refugees. Even when there is no reason for them to remain in Sweden, because the ostensible cause of the danger to them at home has disappeared, they are almost never deported. Three Syrian economic migrants in Sweden have just been charged with raping an underage girl while holding her hostage in a locked bathroom. One of the rapists sent a picture of the rape to a friend on Snapchat — no sense in not letting fellow Muslims enjoy the spectacle of an Infidel girl being raped by three Muslims. They had been allowed into Sweden by posing as refugees who would ostensibly be harmed in Syria because of that country’s civil war. But now that that civil war is essentially over, they have been allowed to remain, rather than being sent back to their now-pacified country. And instead of integrating into, and contributing to, Swedish society, they are in no hurry to find employment. They prefer instead to take advantage of every possible benefit the generous Swedish welfare state has on offer: free or heavily subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment payments (even without a work history in Sweden), family allowances, and more. Why work when this cornucopia is readily available?

Sweden: 3 Syrian migrants charged with locking underage girl

in bathroom and raping her, posting child pornography to Snapchat

by John Cody, Remix News, January 4, 2024:

Three Syrian citizens have now been charged and brought to trial for raping an underage girl in Sweden and transmitting child pornography. They are now appearing in Linköping district court for the crime, which was committed in September 2022.

The three suspects, two aged 17 and another one 18, are accused of raping an underage girl in a public toilet at the Garden Association in central Linköping on Sept. 18, but they are only appearing in court now over a year after the incident.

Police say the suspects locked the door and prevented the girl from escaping. All three suspects then raped her in turns, according to Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag.

Police obtained footage of one of the rapes, which one of the suspects recorded with his smartphone and sent to a contact on Snapchat. This suspect has therefore been also charged with transmitting child pornography.

DNA was also obtained from two of the three suspects when a rape kit was ordered for the young victim.

Since all the suspects were under the age of 18 at the time, they will be charged as juveniles. The suspects also all require an interpreter in Arabic.

I would be happy to interpret if I'm allowed to take my baseball bat into the courtroom. My baseball bat named, "The Interpreter". 

So they’ve been living in Sweden, pocketing every conceivable government benefit, but not bothering to learn the language. How can they be expected to integrate into Swedish society, and find work, if they haven’t performed the most essential of tasks — learning Swedish so as to communicate with the people who have allowed them into their midst?

They deny that they committed the crime….

Of course they do. Why should these three Muslim Arabs tell the truth to Infidels, who are “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? Besides, the girl they raped was not dressed in modest Muslim fashion. Her clothing was of a Swedish come-hither variety. Unlike a Muslim girl, she did not modestly lower her eyes when speaking to men, but met their gaze with the bedroom eyes of an Infidel girl. She had it coming.

The madness of the government

Yet like almost all European governments, the Swedish government refuses to follow the wishes of its people, who after their brutal experience with Muslim migrants who have arrived in the last decade, would like much stricter limits, or even a complete halt, placed on Muslim migration. And those governments try to prevent the dissemination of academic studies that reveal some unpleasant home truths about the behavior of Muslim migrants once they have been admitted to European countries. Two well-known academic researchers, studying the background of those convicted of sexual crimes including rape, came to a conclusion they had not expected: that foreign-born, mostly Muslim, migrants had rates of conviction for sexual assault, and especially for rape, far out of proportion to their numbers in the general populationAnd the Swedish government, instead of letting the public know about these findings, which would naturally lead to an even greater increase in opposition to such migrants than has already been observed, is deliberately trying to defund those researchers who choose to study such matters, and in the case of the two academic researchers Prof. Kristina Sundquist and Prof. Ardavan Khoshnood, to punish them for daring to publish their findings, so damning on the subject of the Muslims and sexual assault.

This is how a country commits suicide. The ruling political elite in Sweden, afraid to publicly recognize the menace within that it has helped create by allowing in large numbers of Muslim economic migrants, wants to put off the day of reckoning when the public finally is made aware of the scope of the Muslim problem. But despite their machinations, including attempts to punish such intrepid researchers as Khoshnood and Sundquist, that day is coming. It can’t come fast enough.

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