Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, 16 March 2025

The Rape of Britain > No jail time for Muslim ex-Met cop for raping 14 y/o girl - London; Muslims to get lighter sentences for same offenses in UK


UK: Muslim Met cop gets suspended sentence plus community service for sexual assault of 14-year-old girl


Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson has been in prison for over four months for nothing, and other British citizens are in prison for insulting Islam. Shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain is choosing the future it wants for itself, and it will have it.

Mother urges women to speak out as Met cop sentenced

for sexually assaulting her daughter

City of London, February 27, 2025:

A mother hopes more women and girls feel empowered to speak up about sexual abuse and help police catch more predators, just like her daughter did.

The mother has spoken for the first time about sexual assault carried out on her 14-year-old daughter by former Metropolitan Police Special Constable Hassnain Shahzad. She and her daughter hope that by telling the immeasurable impact the assault has had on them, it might empower more women and girls to speak out about abuse they have experienced and bring others to justice.

For the two counts of sexual assault, Hassnain Shahzad, 27, of Ilford Lane, Ilford was sentenced at Inner London Crown Court to six months in prison for both offences to run concurrently, suspended for 18 months.

He’s been ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work. He was found guilty of sexual assault by a jury on Monday 6 January at Inner London Crown.

Shahzad will be on the sex offenders register for seven years with conditions….

Where is the justice here?  Does this non-sentence mean he can get another job as a cop? The girl is still a teenager and has the potential to run into Shahzad at any time of the day or night. How fair is that? Such a possibility should be removed. Was the judge a Muslim too?

UK: Muslims to be given lesser prison sentences than non-Muslims for the same offenses

I warned you this would happen, and you called me a racist “Islamophobe.” And now here we are. Britain is passing laws that favor people of a certain race and religion. Maybe the “racists” were people other than those who have borne the weight of the term all these years.


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