The charges keep coming for Pennsylvania pervert
EPHRATA, Pa. (WHTM) – Police have filed additional charges against a Lancaster County man arrested last week for the alleged sexual abuse of a girl who was less than 13 years old.

Court records show Elizabethtown police additionally charged Keperling with aggravated indecent assault of a child and indecent assault of a child.
Northern Lancaster County Regional police charged Keperling last week with aggravated indecent assault, indecent assault, unlawful contact with a minor, and corruption of minors. They said he sexually abused a girl between February 2014 and March 3.
Bail was set at $25,000 after his arrest and at $100,000 in each of the two following cases.
Charged by 3 different police forces! Aren't you special!
Texas ex-con pedophile goes right back to
sexually abusing children LUBBOCK, TX -- Jeffrey William McCall, 41, was arrested Friday evening by FBI agents and charged with production of child pornography.
The criminal complaint was sealed and some of the court records were still not open to the public on Monday evening. Court records said on April 7 McCall induced and enticed an underage girl to let him make a “visual depiction” of her genitals. The publicly accessible court records did not say if McCall made images or videos or both.
However, the court records did say McCall was already a convicted sex offender. He was charged with both aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a child in 1999. He served most of a 15-year sentence for the aggravated sexual assault, which was finished in December of 2013.
The Lubbock Police Department sex offender registry said
his victim in the 1999 case was
a 5-year-old girl.
In the current criminal case, prosecutors asked that McCall be kept locked up until trial without a the chance to post bond.
Ordinarily the penalty if convicted for production of child pornography would be 15 to 30 years. However, because McCall has a previous conviction in State District Court, the penalty could be 25 to 50 years.
And let's hope and pray that it's closer to 50 years to get this pathetic creature off the streets for the rest of his life.
Dickinson man sentenced for continuous sex abuse of child
The Dickinson PressDICKINSON, North Dakota - A Dickinson man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a child over a prolonged period of time was sentenced Monday to 26 years in prison.
Jacob Lampl, 49, was arrested a year ago on a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child for engaging in sexual acts with a girl under the age of 15 on several occasions between 2008 and 2014. A second, separate count of sexual abuse of a minor under 15 was brought against him in June of last year.
He pleaded guilty in December to both Class AA felony charges under a plea deal with the state.
Fourteen years of Lampl’s sentence was suspended under the plea deal.
Assistant Stark County State’s Attorney Tom Gehrz could not say whether the sentencing was common among similar cases, but noted Lampl’s case “was really serious.”
I'm not too clear on this - he was sentenced to 26 years, but 14 of it was suspended by a plea bargain. A bargain, indeed! So that means he is out in 12 years or sooner. That's age 61 - still capable of destroying other little girls. How does that fit with "was really serious"? Huh?
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