Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday 23 September 2024

The Islamization of Europe > Do Austrian kindergarten teachers need to comply with Sharia? Netherlands' sexual harassment law


Austria: Kindergarten teachers told to keep their clothes

buttoned up so as not to provoke Muslim fathers

The principle is always and everywhere the same: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims are expected to conform their behavior to Islamic sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims are expected to conform their behavior to Islamic sensibilities.

Muslim dress code for kindergarten teachers in Vienna: Opposition is stunned

translated from “Muslimische Kleidervorschriften für Kindergärtnerinnen in Wien: Oppsition ist fassungslos,” Exxpress, September 21, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

In a kindergarten in the 14th district of Vienna, the teachers were asked to keep their clothes “buttoned up in the future” so as not to provoke Muslim fathers who pick up their children with their appearance. While the responsible municipal department MA 10 and the education councillor Christoph Wiederkehr want to keep the incident to themselves and distance themselves from the instruction on Muslim dress codes, the opposition is stunned.

State party chairman Karl Mahrer called on councillor Wiederkehr to act immediately: “This latest case of completely misunderstood tolerance in Vienna shows once again the integration failure of the Vienna city government. Neos councillor Christoph Wiederkehr is called upon to act urgently and protect the teachers in this kindergarten from medieval rules!”

Do not bow to the medieval image of women
Councillor Caroline Hungerländer, integration spokesperson for the Vienna People’s Party, also calls for immediate action: “Instead of demanding an adjustment to our values ​​and supporting the teachers – as they deserve – the teachers are being asked to bow to the medieval image of women held by Muslim fathers. This cannot be allowed and must be stopped immediately by the responsible authorities!”

FPÖ calls for consequences
The Viennese FPÖ found even clearer words. “If Muslim fathers now want to tell kindergarten teachers how they should dress, then these practices must be put to a clear stop. Such Islamist parents have no place in this city and should return to their Islamic homeland,” said Viennese FPÖ leader Dominik Nepp, who is himself a father of two. “I call on SPÖ Mayor Ludwig and Education Councillor Wiederkehr to instruct Viennese kindergartens to immediately report such outrageous demands and to impose consequences for these parents,” emphasises Nepp.

Is the real problem here that Muslim men have no self-control? Or, does it have to do with the Quran teaching Muslim men that if they see a little flesh on a woman that she needs to be raped to be taught obedience to Sharia? Do Austrian women need to be obedient to Sharia? Is Austria already Muslim?


First test for Netherlands' new law criminalizing public sexual harrassment...

First suspect of sexual harassment on the street

in Rotterdam to appear in court soon

The first suspect of sexual harassment on the street in Rotterdam will have to appear in court soon, said the municipality. A pilot has been running in Rotterdam, Arnhem, and Utrecht since July 1 to enforce the new article of law that criminalizes public sexual harassment.

In Rotterdam, this is being done with the aid of 13 specially trained investigative officers. Four of these officers work in regular clothing, and they are supported by two officers in uniform and followed some distance by two officers on bicycles who can be on the location quickly if needed. The test will take one year.

"Rotterdam has pushed for criminalizing sexual harassment on the street for a long time," said Alderman Pascal Lansink-Bastemeijer (enforcement). "Now that there is an article of law, we are committed to implementing the law as best as possible. We have one chance to get it right, one chance to protect victims of this degrading phenomenon, and that is this pilot. The fact that our enforcers have now succeeded in bringing a first case to court is an important breakthrough. We are still a long way from that, but I am proud of this."

Earlier this month, it was reported that punishing the culprits is tricky. The law assumes an "intrusive sexual approach in public that has an intimidating effect." The limits of freedom of expression and the interpretation of the action make it difficult to fine someone.

The official report is first submitted to the Public Prosecution Service for a quality test. If it complies, the Public Prosecution Service will take the case to court.

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