Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday 30 September 2024

Islam's rape/torture of Yazidi girl results in trial in France for ISIS bride


France: Former wife of ISIS commander to stand trial

for Yazidi genocide and crimes against humanity

Sonia Mejri could not possibly face adequate justice in France for her part in “genocide and crimes against humanity.”

In 2018, an Iraqi judge said that he was sentencing ISIS jihadis from the UK to death in order to protect Britain. ISIS brides are every bit as dangerous as their male counterparts. Many Yazidis reported about the ISIS “theology of rape,” as well as about torture and how ISIS brides participated in it.

The Wilson Center reported this about ISIS’ theology:

Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.

The Wilson Center is indignant because it assumes the Quran doesn’t teach what ISIS claims. Unfortunately, ISIS has a case.

Initially, “the French government long refused mass repatriations of children and wives, dealing with them on a case-by-case basis that rights groups criticised as deliberately slow.” In January 2023, France finally repatriated 15 women and 32 children from jihadist prison camps in Syria. Human Rights Watch reported what “welcome news” it was, citing the “hellish” living conditions in the camps for these poor families. The gross indifference of these so-called human rights advocates to what jihadi brides have inflicted upon Yazidis is beyond the pale, from assisting their husbands in torture and rape, to the most gruesome murders. Once these ISIS brides are repatriated, after telling gullible Westerners what they want to hear, they often continue their jihadi missions on Western soil, while liberals advocate for them and dismiss the major threat they pose to society.

The mere fact that France allowed the repatriation of ISIS brides demonstrates how ill-equipped the country is to deal with them. France’s ongoing lax immigration policy is another show of the country’s ineptitude regarding national security.

Former wife of IS commander to stand trial in France on Yazidi genocide charges

Radio France Internationale, September 25, 2024:

The 35-year-old, originally from southern France, is accused of enslaving a teenage Yazidi girl in Syria in 2015 while living with her ex-husband Abdelnasser Benyoucef, a key figure in IS’s external operations.

Benyoucef is believed to be dead, though an arrest warrant has been issued for him.

The investigating judge has ordered a trial for Benyoucef on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and complicity in these crimes, as well as directing a criminal terrorist association.

Sonia Mejri’s lawyer, has reportedly disputed the charges throughout the pre-trial investigation.

‘Inhuman acts’

According to the committal order, the judge has requested that the former couple be tried before a specially composed jury court for slavery, imprisonment, torture, rape or complicity in rape, persecution and inhuman acts committed against the Yazidi minority.

Among these inhuman acts, the order highlights “forced conversion or the couple’s attempt to achieve it”, such as “ablutions after rapes” attributed to Benyoucef on the teenager.

Abdelnasser Benyoucef – alias Abou Mouthanahas already been convicted in-absentia in France for an aborted attack in the southern Paris suburb of Villejuif in 2015.

He is believed to have been (killed?) in 2016 in the Syrian-Iraqi border region under IS control in coalition air strikes.

​​​​​Testimony of Yazidi ‘slave’

Sonia Mejri is also to appear in court on charges of membership of a criminal terrorist association.

Imprisoned upon her return to France from Syria, Mejri had given evidence in trials for defendents charged with terrorist crimes – evidence that her legal council, Nabil Boudi, maintains proves her to be a “convinced repentant”.…

Being repentant would require her to renounce Islam. Whether she does or not, she still has to pay for the crimes against the Yazidi girl who was so badly abused in her presence. 


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