Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday 7 April 2023

Approaching Sodom > Another Trans Arrested for planning school massacre; Nike's sports bra woman is a man


Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested

6:07 PM ON APRIL 06, 2023

William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male who claims to be female and goes by the name “Lilly,” has been arrested in Colorado Springs, Colo., after threatening various local schools. Whitworth has been charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, as well as criminal mischief, menacing, and more. 

His case, following so soon after Audrey Hale, a woman claiming to be male, murdered six people at a Christian school in Nashville, once again raises the question: wouldn’t we be better off treating this “transgender” business as mental illness rather than coddling and celebrating people who suffer from these delusions?

KRDO in Colorado Springs reported Thursday that Whitworth made “threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20.” This was where he himself went to school between 2014 and 2016; KRDO adds that “they attended both in-person and the district’s Homeschool Academy.” Whitworth did not have an accomplice; KRDO is referring to him as “they” because Whitworth himself apparently prefers to be referred to in the plural; after all, the demons said long ago, “My name is Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). Curiously, however, KRDO begins referring to Whitworth as “she” and “her” later on in its report.

It is a peculiar manifestation of the madness of our age that even as a mentally ill individual plots to act upon his mental illness by murdering people, those who report on this fact still treat his mental illness as if it were perfectly normal and even torture the English language in order to accommodate it. Apparently, no one at KRDO had the vision or wisdom or simple guts to say, “Hey, this trans kid was just planning to kill people, maybe we shouldn’t coddle him and pretend that he’s in his right mind by referring to him according to the pronouns of his delusion and fantasy.” No one would have dared.

Nevertheless, all was clearly not sane or well at the Whitworth household. Police were first called out to visit the Whitworths last Friday, when they received reports that the sister of the reporting party had “threatened to shoot up a school,” had “anger issues,” and had spoken the day before about “school shooting.” When deputies arrived at the house, according to their report, “someone at the door” told them that “someone inside” was “very upset and punched holes inside the walls,” but nonetheless initially refused to let them in. Eventually, they were let in, however, and found “two holes that appeared to be punch marks in the wall,” as well as a door off its hinges. In a bedroom, they encountered the reporting party’s “sister.” It was “Lilly,” that is, William Whitworth.

When the deputies asked Whitworth if he was planning to shoot up a school, he nodded. When they asked him why he would do such a thing, Whitworth replied: “Why does anyone do it?” He was then asked if he planned this massacre at Timberview Middle School, which he had attended, and he nodded again. Asked why he picked that school, he mumbled: “No specific reason.” He added that he also planned shootings at local churches.

“Why does anyone do it?” - mental illness, demonic possession.

The deputies eventually found Whitworth’s manifesto, which he himself dismissed as “schizophrenic rants.” Asked if he was schizophrenic, he answered: “I hope not.” Well, it may not be that, Whitworth, but it’s something, and all the people who told you that “transgender people” were beautiful and courageous and stunning and brave and not at all mentally ill share responsibility for bringing you to this point.

Authorities also found floor plans of the school and directions for how to build a detonation device. They also found a copy of The Communist Manifesto (well, well, well), a list of weapons and 3D printer instructions, hit lists, and a list of various public figures, including conservative YouTuber Lauren Southern, whom Whitworth described as “Pathetic,” and Donald Trump, whom Whitworth dismissed as a “Con-mam” (sic). “Bad cops,” said Whitworth, were “useless garbage.”

William “Lilly” Whitworth, in sum, is yet another Leftist “trans” would-be mass murderer in a society whose leaders steadfastly ignore the existence of such people and blame their victims. Old Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the rest are virtually certain to ignore Whitworth as well since he doesn’t fit their narrative about how “white supremacists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today. Or if they pay any attention to him at all, it will be to affirm their solidarity with the “transgender community” and scold patriotic Americans once again for daring not to believe that men can become women. William Whitworth isn’t the only mentally ill person in this scenario.

The New Nike Spokesperson for Sports Bras Is… Yeah, That Guy Again

APR 7, 2023 6:00 AM 
New in PJ Media:

Suddenly Dylan Mulvaney, the fellow who would once have been known as a “flamboyant” homosexual and is in today’s society known as a “trans woman,” is everywhere. He’s advertising Bud Light. He’s also currently the pitchman for Ole Henrikson, Urban Decay, Ulta Beauty, Charlotte Tilbury, and Mac cosmetics; the Plaza Hotel; Tampax; Crest toothpaste; fashion designers and suppliers Kate Spade, Aritzia and Mugler; the dating app Ok Cupid; Svedka Vodka; Walmart; and the designer clothing rental firm Rent the Runway. That list will likely be even longer by the time you read this. And Mulvaney has just become Nike Women’s new spokesman for a product that, like Tampax, he does not need: sports bras.

This is extraordinary. The only thing of note that Dylan Mulvaney has ever been is a man who claims to be a woman. That made him a TikTok star with his “Day X of Being a Girl” series, which has become massively popular despite the fact that he hasn’t actually spent even one day as a girl. Yet even seen in light of his TikTok stardom, the blizzard of endorsements Mulvaney is getting is striking.

If it keeps up, before too long there won’t be any products left for which Dylan Mulvaney is not the pitchman. Even Babe Ruth and Willie Mays and Mark Spitz and pre-Caitlyn Bruce Jenner and any other American hero you can name would envy Mulvaney’s ubiquity, which is no doubt immensely lucrative for him.

It’s almost as if some sinister unseen figure decided to get behind Dylan Mulvaney in a big way and is strong-arming these corporations, whether with carrots or sticks, to make him their spokesman. Or maybe this is just an example of the groupthink that is increasingly common on the Left; one company features Mulvaney, and so every company has to do so.

We may never know what’s behind Mulvaneymania, but we can be sure that the corporations who are placing him front and center are trying to normalize the delusion of men thinking they’re women and vice versa. And so whether we’re entranced by Dylan prancing around and mocking the way real women act or are repulsed by it, we’re going to see him everywhere we turn. He’s here, he’s queer, and the corporate elites are demanding that we get used to it.

But why? If Dylan Mulvaney painted his face black and put on a minstrel show, he would be banned and excoriated everywhere. Why is his mockery of femininity not just tolerated, but celebrated? His ubiquity is just the point: after the manner of propaganda in all totalitarian states, we must be reminded at every moment that the old order has passed away and that the new order has come, in which tradition is meaningless, family is based on proclivities, not bloodlines, and one has no loyalty to anyone or anything except the omnipresent state.

There is more. Read the rest here.


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