Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Heartbreaking Child Victims in Today's Asia-Pacific P&P List

12yo takes own life after alleged ‘period shaming’ by school teacher in India

© Puneet Vikram Singh / Getty Images

Police in India have charged a 26-year-old schoolteacher with ‘abetment of suicide’ after a 12-year-old girl took her own life Monday as a result of consistent harassment which culminated in ‘period-shaming’ in front of her classmates.

“After she experienced menstruation in the classroom, the teacher sent her out with a stern rebuke. The school management did not even provide a sanitary napkin citing non-availability of an ayah (nanny) and just gave her a piece of cloth to use,” a source within the District Child Protection Unit said, confirming the period-shaming The New Indian Express.   

“We have also learned that the victim was depressed as one of her classmates said she had shared her intenti­on of committing suicide,” the source added.

The 12-year-old girl jumped from a rooftop Sunday after ongoing problems with her teacher at school.

"Her friends pointed out that she had stained her uniform and so she asked her class teacher Ilakiya for help," the girl's mother told The News Minute.

"The teacher did not even take into account that there were boys in the class. She asked my daughter to lift [the] top of her salwar up and then gave her duster cloth to use as a pad," she said outraged.

The girl left a note but did not mention her teacher by name, police said.

Palayamkottai police said the suicide was the result of the overzealous scolding of the young girl due to poor academic performance.

“Among the 52 students from Class VII, we spoke to all 11 gi­rl students to know more about the alleged me­nstruation incident," investigating officer Inspector Periyasamy of Palayamkottai told The New Indian Express.

"[None] of them mentioned it. As the victim claimed her teacher was torturing her, we have altered the case from suicide to abetment of suicide.”

Menstruation is still considered taboo in parts of Southeast Asia, including India.  

Palayamkottai, India


90% of Iraqi children have lost a relative,
orphans exposed to rape & abuse

The battle against ISIS in Iraq has devastated civilian lives, particularly those of children. While some have been reunited with surviving relatives, hundreds of them remain abandoned or in dire need of psychological help in Iraqi orphanages.

Over the past months, together with Iraqi and Russian authorities, RT has been leading a “Bring them home” campaign, focused on returning Russian speaking orphans back home. Some of the children, recognized by their relatives after being shown on RT, have already been sent to their families.

“We already managed to return six children [to Russia],” Iraq's ambassador to Russia, Haidar Mansour Hadi, told RT.

The ambassador explained that once children, whose parents are believed to have been killed while fighting in IS ranks are discovered, they are put in government run children’s homes in Baghdad, where “they are provided with the best services, looked after and given food, clothing and good caring until we find their relatives and they prove the kinship.”

There are several such children’s homes in the Iraqi capital, but the plan is to put all of those children in one home, so it is easier to coordinate the efforts of various government entities involved in the process and speed it up. Iraq is also in the process of setting up a database “to know exactly how many children, how many people the Iraqi government and the Iraqi embassy can help through diplomatic and legal channels, to return those children safely home.”

Just this week, two more children, whose parents are believed to be Russian-speaking, were brought into the orphanage in Baghdad. However, getting the new arrivals to open up and talk has proved to be a difficult process. 

Mouhamed allegedly speaks a mixture of Russian and Arabic, but says nothing to reveal his identity. He has an injury on one of his knees. 

Haddja says nothing at all. She is suffering from a wound to her ankle, in what appears to be a severe burn.

One of their mates said both children were brought into the orphanage at night, and she has not heard either of them speak Russian since. The team working on the ground is now trying to establish if the children are of Russian descent.

Many Iraqi children have endured more bloodshed and agony than most adults will in a lifetime. Children living in violent environments experience horrors which most others are not subjected to, such as destruction of their homes, the death of parents, siblings and friends. Those who end up by themselves are forced to make critical survival decisions at a young age to live through situations where they believe they will die.

“Nearly 90 percent of children have lost a member of their family – either they were kidnapped or killed. When they were escaping – they were shot at from behind, or fell on booby traps,” Aram Shakaram, from Save The Children, told RT.

Once found by authorities and brought to relative safety, the children require both psychological and physical help, support which orphanages in Iraq are struggling to provide.

“We are helping those children, certainly we don’t have enough resources. Children are almost everywhere,” Shakaram noted. “But ultimately, the support comes from family, from government and from extended family. Once we connect the children, everyone is keen to receive them and support them.”

The problem, as RT's Murad Gazdiev has found out in Erbil, Iraq, is making that connection with the lost relatives, especially since most of them suffer from psychological trauma and don’t talk much.

“As soon as a helicopter flies around, the children drop to the floor and cry. Some of them cry at night. Some fear when they see foreigners. Some fear when they see strangers. Some shut up and say no word for a long time, until they open up,” Maulid Warfa from the United Nations Children’s Fund told RT.

“It’s severe distress. And many of them are wounded – some of the hospitals we visit confirm that the biggest number of civilians they have in the hospitals are children,” Warfa added.

Previous studies of psychological problems in persons who have witnessed and experienced the horrors of war noted a wide range of conditions. Post traumatic stress disorder and various forms of anxiety disorders are most common, in addition to depression and prolonged grief disorder.

Helping children of foreign ISIS fighters find homes is no easier than helping Iraqi orphans reunite with loved ones.

“It is much better if foreign children were reunited with their families. They will have problems here – with documents, in schools, with healthcare. They need their families love,” the director of Mosul's orphanage, Tahin Ami, told RT.

Even those children who live with relatives are prone to abuse and various dangers of the war-torn country, RT has found.

“They are vulnerable to abuse. They are vulnerable to trafficking, they are vulnerable to any danger that children are exposed to,” Warfa noted. “With today’s technology, a bad group could go get those children and harm them.”

To protect them, Warfa says, social care workers teach them not to talk to strangers. Charities also try avoiding to needlessly show children on camera in order to protect their identities.

The Iraqi government is meanwhile trying to return children of foreign ISIS fighters back home, and is in the process of setting up a database to help the repatriation process, Ambassador Hadi told RT.

“There were terrorists from almost 100 countries, including from the US, Europe, and even as far as China, who we were fighting in Iraq,” Hadi said. “We believe there is probably more.” So far, about 500 children of those terrorists have been discovered in areas previously controlled by IS, the diplomat noted.

The ambassador also expressed hope that more countries will join Russia’s initiative to help return home the innocent children of their radicalized parents, who chose to die in Iraq fighting alongside the terrorist group.

“We believe that once we clear up all the areas and find [such] children there, more countries will come forward and contact us asking for their children back.”

Cambodian court imprisons Korean pastor for
sexual abuse of children
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — A Cambodian court has found a 63-year-old Korean man guilty of child sex offenses and sentenced him to 14 years in prison.

A spokesman for Siem Reap provincial court said Park Youl was found guilty on Thursday of child prostitution and sexual intercourse with girls under 15 years of age.

Cambodian newspapers, citing anti-human trafficking police, said Park was a pastor of a Christian church in Siem Reap in northwestern Cambodia.

The court spokesman, Yim Srang, said Park was also ordered to pay a total of $70,000 in compensation to seven of the nine known victims, and would be deported after serving his prison term. Two other victims did not request compensation.

Cambodia has a reputation as a haven for foreign pedophiles largely because of lax and corrupt law enforcement.

Jury retires in Kiwi caregiver sex abuse case

Hawkes Bay Today

The jury in the trial of a male caregiver alleged to have sexually offended against disabled and mentally impaired children in his care has retired to consider its verdicts.

Napier District Courthouse
The man, who cannot be named, is standing trial in the Napier District Court this week for allegedly abusing children and youth with significant disabilities over the course of several years.

The man was charged with five counts of sexually exploiting a person with a significant impairment, six of rape, two of indecent assault and three each of attempted rape and sexual conduct with a child under 12-years-old.

Yesterday the charges were amended to reflect the evidence given; the defendant discharged on one count each of rape, attempted rape and sexual conduct with a child under 12-years-old. One charge of unlawful sexual connection was added.

Judge Bridget Mackintosh has summed up the week-long trial for the jury of eight men and four women this morning.

Judge Mackintosh told the jury it's only human to feel sorry for people who are disabled and have those challenges in their lives, and they can feel equally sorry for people accused in cases like these. However, there is no room for that in this case and they have to put aside any feelings of sympathy and prejudice, the judge said.

In her summing up, the judge told the court the Crown alleges many of the sex acts were committed by the caregiver in the family home and in vehicles when they were alone. She said the Crown have highlighted there is a pattern to the allegations - the complainants are all female, they were all in his care, they were all vulnerable, each described similar sexual acts and they were all told not to tell anyone.

The defence argue that the allegations are "absurd" and simply did not happen. The complainants were influenced by one child who was deeply troubled, and who was motivated by wanting to get away from the household, the judge said.

Judge Mackintosh said the defence claim the complainants were unreliable because of their significant impairments, and there was no opportunity for the defendant to carry out any of the alleged offending because the household was very busy with lots of people coming and going.

Prosecutor Jo Rielly closed the Crown's case on Thursday, saying the defendant must by his "very nature be opportunistic" as he would wait until the females were left in his sole care before he sexually abused them.

Ms Rielly said each of these defence witness's testimonies, while well-meaning, seemed "contrived" and asked that the jury consider the fact the alleged abuse happened in private when no-one else was around.

"It's clear that all of the defence witness love the defendant, care about him and respect him. It's also clear he has done a lot of good for his family and community over the years...but what I'd say to you is many otherwise-good people do bad things."

And pedophiles often appear to be very good people. It's part of grooming the community.

In his closing submissions defence lawyer Scott Jefferson cautioned the jury to check themselves if they started "feeling sorry" for the complainants in light of their impairments.

"You wouldn't be human if you hadn't some feelings of sympathy...but you can't apply prejudice to your determinations."

Mr Jefferson called numerous witnesses for the defence case who each told the court they never had never seen anything untoward about the defendant's behaviour towards those in his care.

The court heard the children entrusted in the man's care had very good lives, with birthday parties one had to see to believe, and that he cared for them like they were his own.

B.C. ruling that found ministry failed to protect
kids from sex abuse overturned
Laura Kane

VANCOUVER - A court ruling that found social workers in British Columbia failed to protect kids from sexual abuse by their father, which sparked widespread condemnation of the Children's Ministry and triggered an independent review, has been overturned.

The B.C. Court of Appeal has also dismissed a family court decision that found the father had sexually abused his children, ruling that the judge largely relied on evidence from an expert witness who misrepresented her credentials, and ordered the man a new trial.

Justice Daphne Smith, writing on behalf of a three-judge panel, found there was no evidence to support any of the mother's claims, including that a social worker maliciously tried to discredit her allegations of sexual abuse with police and child welfare staff.

She also tossed findings that the director of child welfare was reckless and negligent in allowing the father to have unsupervised access and that he sexually abused his toddler during those visits.

"There was no evidence that the social workers deliberately disregarded the interests of the children in favour of the father. Rather, the evidence is clear that the director prioritized the safety and well-being of the children," she wrote.

The mother's lawyer, Jack Hittrich, said his client was "shocked and completely disappointed" by the decision and that she has asked him to file leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.

She will retain custody of the children pending the outcome of the new trial in the family court case. None of the family members can be named due to a publication ban.

The father has never been criminally charged.

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Paul Walker issued both the decisions that were overturned on Thursday. He delivered the family court decision in 2012 and relied on evidence from that case to decide the mother's lawsuit against the Ministry of Children and Family Development in 2015.

The appeals filed by the father and the ministry were heard together over five days in November.

In the 133-page decision, Smith wrote that Walker accepted evidence in the family court case from Claire Reeves, the U.S.-based founder of an advocacy group called Mothers Against Sexual Abuse, who described herself as a licensed psychologist and an expert.

After posting the report on the link just above, I reported Reeves to the FBI, but have not so much as received an acknowledgement. It grieves me to think that she may still be operating as an 'expert' in the field of child sex abuse, when the only thing she is expert at is fraud.

However, Smith wrote, there were "obvious spelling errors" in her report and "red flags" that the judge and the mother's lawyer should have noticed. Reeves testified that she supported chemical castration for sex offenders, had done extensive media including with CNN but had declined a request to be on the Jerry Springer Show, and described herself as "Michael Jackson's nemesis," the ruling says.

Reeves did not interview any of the children or the father in reaching her conclusion that sexual abuse occurred, the ruling says, and her degrees were all obtained from unaccredited diploma mills that provide credentials for a fee without requirements for exams or study.

"Ms. Reeves knowingly misrepresented her qualifications to the court, was untruthful about her expertise, employment and court experience, and offered opinion evidence that was based on discredited science," Smith wrote.

Much of the opinion evidence brought by the mother was highly prejudicial to the father, distorted the fact-finding process and fundamentally undermined the fairness of the trial, and a new trial must be granted, the ruling says.

The judge's decision to roll most of the evidence from the family court trial into the civil trial created significant unfairness, the appeal court found, and findings against the ministry of misfeasance in public office, negligence and breach of fiduciary duty must all be tossed.

When Walker's ruling was released in 2015, it prompted outrage at the ministry and calls for action to be taken against social workers named in the decision. It led to a wide-ranging review of the child-welfare system by retired deputy minister Bob Plecas.

Plecas recommended boosting staff, funding and oversight, while also criticizing the provincial children's watchdog and a "culture of relentless accusation" where there is great appetite for blaming the ministry and workers for "perceived and real failings."

Child sexual abuse in Malaysia:
Is punishment deterrent enough?

THE scene at the Sessions Court in Kota Samarahan, Malaysia, was rather busy as reporters swarmed the complex, waiting for an important proceedings last Friday.

It was on that very day judge Marutin Pagan ended a six-year-long torment of a teenager and her younger sister from a village in Tebedu, near Serian, through his verdict against the girls’ grandfather, father and two uncles.

He had sentenced the four farmers, aged between 26 and 57, to 335 years of imprisonment after they pleaded guilty to 13 counts of committing incest with the victims between June 1, 2011 until last month.

The victims’ grandfather, father and the third defendant, the sisters’ 26-year-old uncle, were sentenced to 25 years’ jail for each offence.

The victims’ other uncle, 28, who faced four charges of having sexual intercourse with the sisters, was sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment each for the first two charges and 30 years’ jail each for the other two charges.

All jail sentences for all of the accused were to run concurrently from the date of their arrest.

The four were also slapped with 24 strokes of the rotan each.

The older victim, who is 19, is 26 weeks’ pregnant. She was 13 when she became the object of lust of her grandfather, father and uncles.

Her younger sister is 14. Both victims have been placed at two protection shelters, supervised by the state Welfare Department.

As the department turns its focus to help the victims overcome the traumatic experience, the authorities were again confronted with a similar case involving a Form Three student of a religious school in Saratok.

The teenager, 15, confided in her school counsellor that she was raped on seven occasions by her father for the past three years. The father was arrested and has been remanded until Friday.

Preliminary investigations into the case, which is being probed under Section 376B of the Penal Code for incest, however, revealed a disturbing detail — the mother of the victim, who was the only child in the family, knew of her husband’s heinous act. The woman claimed she turned a “blind eye” after she was threatened not to expose her husband’s wrongdoings.

Although there was no information how bad the threat was, the state’s statistics on domestic violence cases do not paint a good picture.

A total of 279 domestic violence cases were reported in 2015, and the figures drastically rose to 427 cases the following year. In the first seven months of this year, 323 cases have been reported.

The recurrence of sexual assault cases against children and teenagers by their own family members has sparked many arguments on social media.

Among the questions repeatedly asked was whether the present legislation is deterrent enough to set a lesson for others from committing the same offence.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim said she personally believed that no punishment was equivalent to the crime committed by sexual offenders against their kin.

“Personally, I don’t think the punishments stipulated in the present law are enough to punish these irresponsible people. This is irrational. How can they do this to their own children? I don’t know what to say, I am angered by this.

“We (the ministry) have carried out campaigns promoting good parenting and creating awareness of sexual crimes against children, but these cases still persist. I am baffled,” said the  minister recently.

Nevertheless, Rohani said the government was doing everything in its power to punish offenders of sexual crimes against children. Such commitment, she said, was reflected in the setting up of a special court for sexual crimes against children in Putrajaya on July 4.

The court helps the prosecution team establish stronger cases against those accused of committing such offences due to the nature of the court. Similar courts will also be established in every state soon.

The state government has also conducted two surveys to look for ways to address problems relating to statutory rape cases and incest.

At this juncture, it is imperative to continue to educate children and teenagers about incest and sexual abuse. Children and teenagers need to be thought to be brave to discuss problems, which are not related to academic issues, with their teachers and counsellors so that they don’t suffer in silence.

Kota Samarahan, Malaysia

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Dragon's Den, Child Sex Dolls on Today's Disgusting UK P&P List

Dragons' Den contestant jailed for 'appalling' child sex offences had thousands of indecent pictures

A search made on Richard Hazell's computer said 'can you be found guilty for downloading child porn if the files are deleted on your computer?'

A Dragons' Den contestant found guilty of 'appalling' child sex offences (7th story on link) had nearly 3,000 indecent images of children on laptops and computers, a court heard.

A search made on Richard Hazell's computer asked if you can be found guilty for downloading child abuse images if the files are deleted on your computer, a court was told.

The 48-year-old, from Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, has been sentenced to five years in prison at St Albans Crown Court.

The allegations against him related to four different girls, the Hertfordshire Mercury reports.

Hazell appeared on the BBC show Dragons' Den in 2007 asking for a £10,000 investment for a diamond drill bit he has invented, but he was turned down.

Self-employed and running his business 365 Drills from home, Hazell was arrested on Monday, August 22 last year for sexual offences committed against a young girl on August 19. The girl's father complained to social services on Saturday, August 20 and police visited Hazell's home the next day to interview him and his wife, who is divorcing him.

Prosecuting, Tim Forster read out the details of a search made on Hazell's computer on August 30 last year, relating to deleting child abuse images.

This search was entered on the only laptop police had not seized on his arrest on August 22 last year, when only one allegation was made, relating to an incident at his house on August 19 when he allegedly touched a primary school-aged girl inappropriately.

Asked why he entered this search, Hazell said: "I did search that, I was worried about what the police might think instead of what actually happened." Mr Forster responded: "You have typed your own confession."

Images included two pictures taken of two young girls on a beach in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on October 24, 2015, where he was on holiday.

These images had been cropped to zoom into one of the girl's private parts, which were visible as she wore no underwear. Another image shows Hazell's face superimposed onto a naked man's body holding the hand of a young girl with no clothes on.

Hazell claimed the image was made as a practical joke by someone he knows after a group of friends went on holiday in Jamaica in April last year and found out they were staying next to a nudist beach. He refused to reveal the practical joker's identity.

Hazell maintained he had no knowledge of any indecent photo of children on any of his devices. The court heard he had 2,957 indecent images of children on his various computers.

He was convicted of 13 charges; two of sexual assault on a child under 13; two of sexual assault; one of taking indecent photos of children; seven of making (downloading) indecent photos of children; one of making an indecent pseudo photo of a child.

He was sentenced to a total of 57 months in prison, of which he will serve at least half. And he was cleared of two offences of sexual assault on a child under 13.

Deputy Circuit Judge William Kennedy dismissed Rebecca Lee's attempt to mitigate on the basis Hazell showed a willingness to engage in therapy. He said: "I find remorse difficult when sexual abuse of a child has taken place. There is one category of crime that appalls everyone, and that is the sexual abuse of children."

"To rob a child of their trust in adults is a truly appalling offence. These offences do not last a day, or a month, or a year but throughout their life. For that reason these sentences are rightly regarded as so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence is appropriate."

Hoddesdon, UK

Child sex abuser's victim ended up
turning to alcohol to cope

Historic allegations referred to victim who was aged just nine
when abuse began

A 63-year-old man convicted of historic sex abuse has been jailed for nine and a half years.

Harold Hamilton had been convicted of 10 sex offences involving a boy who was aged between nine and 11-years-old.

Hamilton, of Park Avenue, Weaverham in Northwich, had denied the allegations but was convicted after a trial at Liverpool Crown Court.

Jailing the defendant, who appeared via video link from Walton prison, Judge Norman Wright said he had repeatedly abused the victim “for your own personal sexual gratification”. He said the most serious offences involved him simulating sexual intercourse with the boy which “fell just on the other side of attempted penetration”.

The judge said his behaviour had had “a corrosive affect on the victim who had then yet to obtain and realise his own sexuality”.

He said it was clear the victim had put it to the back of his mind and “blanked it from his life”. It came back to the fore and he made a disclosure about it in 2004 but took no action about it.

However, “it clawed its way back into his consciousness” and the only way he was able to cope was with the excessive consumption of alcohol. Eventually he felt he had to come forward and he went to the police last year.

Hamilton was found guilty of seven offences of indecent assault and three offences of indecency. He was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Owen Edwards, defending, said Hamilton “is a broken man in ill health. His shame is now a very public shame”. - As it should be!

Chelmsford sex offender who admitted he was going to download child abuse images jailed for 2 years
By Essex Chronicle  | By Hannah Kane
A convicted sex offender was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting he was intending to download child abuse images of young girls.

Matteo Manfredi, 30, who was staying at a hostel in Chelmsford, was sentenced on Wednesday (August 30) at Chelmsford Crown Court, following three breaches of a sexual harm prevention order.

The 30-year-old was previously convicted for downloading 665 indecent images of children in October 2016, after police discovered that Manfredi searched for websites containing pre-teen pornography.

He avoided jail, but ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work within three years and 75 days of rehabilitation.

Ban child sex dolls: British charity

LONDON: Recent criminal convictions prove a strong link between people who use lifelike child sex dolls and child abuse, a leading British charity said on Tuesday (Aug 29), calling for ownership of the "grotesque" dolls to be outlawed.

Britain should close a legal loophole which allows people to own child sex dolls even though it is illegal to import them, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) said, amid a surge in seizures on its borders.

"Early evidence shows that those using these grotesque dolls are already harming children through their other online activities," NSPCC spokesman, Tony Stower, said.

"Six of the seven men who have been charged in the past year with importing child sex dolls also had indecent images of children," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

A British man was convicted in July of importing a child sex doll in a landmark case in the fight againt a new form of sex crime against children.

Police found more than 34,000 indecent images of children aged three to 16 on computers and hard drives in his home.

"The UK has some of the toughest powers in the world to deal with sex offenders and we are committed to ensuring that the system is as robust as it can be," a Home Office spokeswoman said.

"We continue to work with the police and other law enforcement agencies to ensure that the right powers are available for the authorities to tackle sexual crimes."

Opinion is divided over the use of sex dolls, which have the appearance, weight and anatomy of real children.

A Welsh charity said this month that the dolls should be made available on prescription to help prevent people who are sexually attracted to young children acting on their desires.

Paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder. Most treatment focuses on therapy, mentoring and supervision to help paedophiles control their behaviour.

Critics say sex dolls can be dangerous proxies to act out fantasies like rape or child abuse.

Britain's National Crime Agency (NCA) has stepped up investigations into sex dolls since border officials noticed an increase in imports of child sex dolls in 2016 from Hong Kong and China using parcel carriers.

The surge in seizures led investigators to identify dozens of previously unknown suspected paedophiles, it said. — Reuters

Certainly, more research needs to be done on whether these dolls reduce a pedophiles use of online child porn, or whether it increases the likelihood of them offending in person. 

It's just sickening that we need to have this conversation at all. It's sickening that there are people in China and elsewhere who design and create such perverted toys. And it's sickening that there is an extraordinary demand for them.

9 Stories Make Up Today's P&P List from USA

A father and son team, a 'candyman', a young woman, a church maintenance man, 'Caregiver from Hell', A Marine Colonel, & a soccer coach, among assorted perverts and pedophiles

Another Father and Son Pervert Team?

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. - A Volusia County father and son remain in the county jail without bail after they were arrested on charges of abusing two children, deputies said.

9 Investigates reporter Daralene Jones found out this isn’t the first time the family has been investigated. 

Leslie Ross Senior and Leslie Ross Junior are accused of abusing one of the girls starting with when she was 3 years old and the other when she was 5; both are family members, investigators said. 

Channel 9 normally doesn’t report on stories involving allegations of sexual abuse and family members because it may identify the victims, but we chose to do so in this case because of the previous allegations leading up the arrests. 

One of the girls said the abuse continued until three weeks before the police report was filed, investigators said. 

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood told Eyewitness News that sex abuses cases are most common among family.

“We teach kids in school, someone calls you to a car, don't go over, clearly there's a threat there. The biggest threat, in my opinion, is internal, coming from your family members,” Chitwood said. 

Leslie Ross Senior has lived in the same DeLand home for more than 40 years. 

Ross Jr. was a teacher at T. Dewitt Taylor Middle-High School, in Pierson, and was investigated for having a sexual relationship with a student in 1999 and again in 2006 with two different 17-year-old students. 

9 Investigates learned he married his first victim and they later had a child. They divorced when she learned Ross Jr. allegedly cheated with another student in 2006 at Taylor-High School. 

He had worked for the school since 1997 but resigned the day after the accusation was made, a school spokesperson said. The state later revoked his teaching license. 

The cases involving Ross Jr. were never prosecuted because the victims did not cooperate, investigators said. 

Ross Sr. was accused of molesting one of the victims in 2006, but the prosecutor declined to file charges, according to reports obtained by 9 Investigates. The state attorney’s office and the Volusia County sheriff could not explain why charges were never filed. 

Both face charges of sexual battery and lewd and lascivious molestation. If convicted, both face life in prison.

A small town’s so-called “candyman” faces
child sex charges spanning two decades

Police arrested Carl Axel Hagnas on child sex abuse charges for incidents that allegedly began in 1992 and continued until 2015. Hagnas was known in his hometown of Warrenton, Oregon as “The Candyman” because he frequently gave candy to children in the town.

The Clatsop County Circuit Court warrant that led to the August 25 arrest listed twelve charges of first-degree sexual abuse and one charge of first-degree sodomy. The charges are the result of numerous investigations over the past few years, KAST reports. He reportedly abused one child eight times between 1992 and 1996, but those crimes weren’t reported until 2015 — the same year he abused two other young girls.

Hagnas was a handyman in the town and was well-known. He also volunteered at Ocean View Cemetery; where some of the crimes reportedly took place, according to the Daily Astorian. He manages a number of rental properties in the town and performs small jobs around the community. He was previously arrested and convicted in 1991 on charges of manufacturing and delivering a controlled substance.

A press release from the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Department states that “Hagnas was known to the victims and their families as a friend.” If convicted on the charges, he could face up to 81 years in prison, according to the Daily Astorian.

Brooklyn Man Sentenced To 30 Years For
Sex Abuse Of Girl

A Brooklyn man was sentenced to spend 30 years in prison for multiple counts of rape and sexual offenses against a girl
By Deb Belt (Patch National Staff) 

ANNAPOLIS, MD — A Brooklyn Park man was sentenced to spend 30 years in prison for multiple counts of rape and sexual offenses against a girl, prosecutors say. 

Demetrius Troy Wallace, 43, was sentenced by Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Michael Wachs to 30 years in prison, five years of supervised probation upon release, and lifetime registration as a sex offender for sexually assaulting a minor.

On November 17, 2015, Annapolis Police received a case from the Child Advocacy Center about a 15-year-old girl who had been sexually assaulted by Wallace between November 2014 and August 2015.

On July 26, 2017, Wallace was found guilty after a four-day trial of three counts of second-degree rape, two counts of second-degree sex offense, and one count of sex offense of a minor.

Roanoke woman pleads guilty to
child sex abuse and other charges
By Web Staff
ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7) Court officials say Shannon Marie Bobrosky, 23, of Roanoke, pleaded guilty to a number of charges related to child sexual exploitation and child pornography Wednesday morning.

According to evidence presented in court, Bobrosky sexually abused a 5-year-old and sent pictures of the abuse via text message.

Thanks to the investigative work of the Supervisory AUSA Rottenborn, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Homeland Security Investigations, the FBI and Roanoke Police, the child was rescued from further sexual abuse.

Pryor man guilty of sexually abusing a child

LARRY MAYER, Gazette Staff

A federal jury in Billings this week convicted a Pryor man of sexually abusing a minor.

The panel found Sidney Charles Decrane, 40, guilty on all three counts in an indictment that charged him with abusive sexual contact with a minor, attempted sexual abuse of a minor and attempted sexual abuse, court records said.

Prosecutors accused Decrane of engaging in sexual contact with a person who was between the ages of 12 and 16 in Pryor on May 14, 2016.

The trial began Monday, and U.S. District Judge Susan Watters will set a sentencing date.

Decrane faces a maximum two years in prison and a $250,000 fine on the abusive sexual contact count.

Trial set for man facing child porn charges

BRENTWOOD, N.H. -- A trial is set for a former maintenance supervisor at Bethany Church in Greenland who was arrested in January for allegedly possessing sexual images of children in his Seabrook home.

Jury selection is scheduled for Jan. 22, 2018, for the trial of Ronald Nekoroski, 68, who was arrested Jan. 3 this year after police found images depicting sexual child abuse on laptops, hard drives and USB thumb drives in his home at 2 Maple Ridge Road.

Nekoroski was indicted in April on six felony counts of possession of child sexual abuse images by a Rockingham County grand jury. He was being monitored by bracelet until June 21 when the bracelet was removed by authorities, according to an operator at the Rockingham County House of Corrections.

Nekoroski worked at Bethany before retiring in 2015, according to published reports, as well as at IBM and Motorola. His arrest was the result of an investigation by the regional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. ICAC found his IP address during a probe into the file sharing network Bit Torrent, from which Nekoroski appeared to be downloading the files, according to a police affidavit and Portsmouth detective Duane Jacques.

Police said at the time of his arrest six images were allegedly found in Nekoroski’s home depicted acts involving adult men and minor females, including some prepubescent children.

Nekoroski is next scheduled for a status conference Sept. 20.

Grand jury indicts woman on aggravated child abuse
By Amber Eady

A Lauderdale County grand jury indicted a woman on aggravated child abuse and several other charges. 

In March, the Florence Police Department was notified that authorities in Cape Coral, Florida, had arrested 52-year-old Jenise Spurgeon, 52, on outstanding felony warrants.

See 'Caregivers from Hell' - 6th story on link.

The warrants stem from an ongoing investigation into allegations of sexual abuse involving Jenise Spurgeon and her husband, Daniel Spurgeon, 47.

In July 2016, detectives with Florence police were contacted by detectives with the Cape Coral police following an incident that had occurred in their jurisdiction. Their investigation led detectives to believe that abuse had occurred in Alabama while the couple lived in the Florence area.

Police say the Spurgeons moved to the Florence area in 2008 and later moved to Florida. Investigators say the couple housed more than 50 foster children during their eight years in Alabama.

Daniel Spurgeon remains in the Lee County, Florida, jail with holds placed on him for the warrants in Alabama.

On Wednesday, Jenise Spurgeon was indicted on charges of domestic violence strangulation, suffocation, and human trafficking charges. She will be arraigned September 20. 

Lauderdale Co., AL

Court martial begins for colonel charged with
child sex abuse
WNCT Staff

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (WNCT) —  Court martial proceedings began Wednesday for a Camp Lejeune colonel accused of child sex abuse.

Col. Daniel H. Wilson is facing numerous charges of assault and conduct unbecoming an officer.

He is charged with sexual assault, assault consummated by battery and absence without leave, stemming from incidents that occurred throughout 2016.

The government and Col. Wilson’s defense began with opening arguments during Wednesday’s court proceedings.

The government began by detailing each of the incidents. The first, it says, occurred in February and March of 2016 while Col. Wilson was stationed in Darwin, Australia as a liaison officer, and in Okinawa, Japan. He’s charged with multiple Article 133 counts including sharing a revealing photo of another man’s wife and requesting a pair of her underwear, sending threatening messages to a colleague, sending an inappropriate email from a colleague’s work computer, and making lewd comments about another man’s wife.

The second set of incidents occurred during the summer of 2016. The government says Col. Wilson sexually assaulted a girl under the age of 12. He is charged with inappropriately touching her. The government says the girl, her parents and sisters were friends of the Wilsons. Col. Wilson is also charged with inappropriately striking and licking the girl’s sisters.

The third incident occurred during December of 2016. The government says Col. Wilson inappropriately touched and held down a female victim several times during a trip to Beaufort, S.C. He is also accused of putting his fingers in her mouth without consent.

Col. Wilson’s defense offered opening arguments to the members next. His lawyer, Phillip Stackhouse, asked the members to consider the allegations in context. He said Wilson’s actions in Darwin and Okinawa were banter and made in jest. Stackhouse also said Col. Wilson and his wife were grandparent figures to the girls and would never harm them. Stackhouse said he was doubtful the government can prove its charges without reasonable doubt.

Col. Wilson is pleading not guilty to all charges.

The trial is scheduled to last until Sep 9. Col. Wilson has been in pre-trial confinement at the Marine Corps Installations East Regional Brig facility at Camp Lejeune since Jan 13.

Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Provo coach pleads not guilty to
raping girl in soccer club
Kurt Hanson Daily Herald 

A Provo soccer coach has pleaded not guilty to multiple charges of child rape and child sex abuse after a young girl in his soccer club came forward and accused him of sexual abuse.

The defendant, Charles Camara, pleaded not guilty Tuesday to 10 charges: three first-degree felonies of rape of a child, five first-degree felonies of sodomy on a child and two first-degree felonies of aggravated sexual abuse of a child.

Judge Thomas Low also found probable cause to bind Camara, 40, over to trial. Camara has a pretrial conference scheduled for Sept. 18.

Police reports state that in April, a girl reported to police that she had been sexually abused by Camara, a former volunteer at the Walden School of Liberal Arts in Provo.

The girl reported that in fall 2015, Camara grew fond of her and purchased her things like a phone, clothes and food. She reportedly said he would touch her body over and under the clothing. Then, on Sept. 29, 2015, Camara raped her at a campground near the Alpine Loop, reports state.

The girl told police this likely happened over 100 times over the next year, reports state.

Camara told the girl he would go to prison if she told anyone and threatened to take away her home if she told, reports state.

The girl told police the last time Camara raped her was in February 2017, reports state.

Should Camara be convicted, each charge carries a minimum mandatory sentence of 15 years to life in prison.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

2 Stories from Africa, 4 from Down Under on Today's Global P&P List

Porn detector to combat ‘lesbianism &
defilement’ in Uganda

Minister Simon Lokodo claimed pornography was responsible for drug abuse and lesbianism. © Simon Lokodo / Facebook

An $88,000 porn-detection machine is coming to Uganda to halt the spread of “one of the deadliest moral diseases,” according to Ethics Minister Reverend Simon Lokodo.

He made the announcement at the inauguration of members to the Pornography Control Committee (PCC) in Kampala on Monday. Lokodo blamed pornography on “escalating cases of drug abuse among youths, incest, teenage pregnancy and abortion, homosexuality and lesbianism and defilement,” reported The Daily Monitor.

The minister did not state what information backed up his claim. RT has been unable to find any legitimate studies to corroborate his words.

Speaking at the event, in which five of the nine members of the PCC were inaugurated, Lokodo said the machine would operate in computers, mobile phones and televisions.

It is unknown how the machine will work, with speculation it may filter content access through Ugandan ISPs. Others believe it may be a method to allow the government to spy on its citizens, reported iAfrikan.

In May, when the plan was first announced, Lokodo said: "We will attack and attack again. I have new tactics. We are going to get (a) machine that will detect gays and pornographers, especially those who use applications such as WhatsApp for bad purposes."

Uganda is reported to have purchased the machine from South Korea in May.

Boko Haram Leader Confesses to Chibok
Abductions, Surrenders
By Allen Cone  

Some of the 82 released Chibok girls meet Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa in Abuja, Nigeria, on May 7. Photo by EPA

UPI -- A top commander of Boko Haram has confessed to leading the abduction of schoolgirls from the town of Chibok and has surrendered to the Nigerian army in Borno State.

Auwal Ismaeela confessed to the kidnappings and other crimes, and was being interrogated at a military facility, the army said. He has offered to help security agencies locate other commanders of the sect.

Ismaeela said he "led other squads" with another commander in the abduction of 276 schoolgirls from Chibok in 2014, according to an interview with PR Nigeria published Sunday.

In May, the Nigerian government said 82 of the Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram were released, though more than 100 are still missing. The group released 21 of the girls last October and another 50 or so have escaped on their own,

Ismaeela said he led an operation in 2014 in which students and youths at the Central Secondary School in Sabon Garin Madagali were killed.

"It is unfortunate that I was brainwashed and misled not only on some abductions but in the killings of my own people that were innocent," he said. "I wholeheartedly regret my actions."

He said in one of the operations he abducted "my wife named Maryam who had two kids for me in Sambisa Forest."

And when Ismaeela led a battle in Konduga, he said he lost his right leg.

"Even at that, I did not stop fighting for the course," Ismaeela said. "Sheikh [Abubakar] Shekau ordered that I should be given a tricycle which I continued to use for various operations before I eventually surrendered."

He voluntarily surrendered to the Nigerian troops "after realizing the misleading sermons, barbaric indoctrination of the sect leaders and atrocities being committed in some of the Boko Haram camps."

The former commanded added: "I willingly surrendered to the military because I was tired of the senseless killing and fight. I realized that our people have resorted to stealing and all sort of atrocity contrary to the teaching and practice of Islam."

He noted the tough conditions in the nation.

"Women were being raped, sometimes publicly," Ismaeela said. "Children died from malnutrition and disease as the living condition became harsher. As there was no food in the camp, people died every day because of hunger."

Nigerian troops in the past few weeks have intensified operations against Boko Haram terrorists through coordinated air and artillery bombardments enclaves.

"So far, a total of 68 insurgents have denounced terrorists activities within the last three weeks," said Col. Onyema Nwachukwu, deputy director of Army Public Relations of the command, in a report Saturday by the Nigerian Bulletin.

"These surrendered terrorists also reported that many of the enclaves have become untenable and life has become unbearable for the Boko Haram terrorists owing to the blockade placed by troops and the sustained bombardments."

Cambodian Bar Owner Gets 10 Years for
Child Sex Crimes

A Siem Reap bar owner and real estate developer who previously was investigated in one of Australia’s most infamous cold cases was sentenced on Tuesday in Australia to more than 10 years in prison for a series of child sex crimes dating back to the 1960s.

One of his victims also said on Tuesday that he had been questioned on Sunday by South Australian Police working on the cold case, which involves allegations that Anthony Munro was complicit in the unsolved 1966 disappearance of three siblings.

Mr. Munro, 72, was arrested for the child sex crimes in June last year upon his return to Australia from Cambodia, where he is also under investigation on child sex crime allegations. In Australia, he faced 10 counts of abuse of two boys, including sexually violating one child “over 400 times” beginning when he was 11. Mr. Munro pleaded guilty and in December was convicted.

On Tuesday, he was sentenced to 18 years, but the term was reduced by 40 percent in light of an early plea, according to South Australian district court documents. Mr. Munro will be eligible to apply for parole after serving just over 10 years of the sentence, records show.

“Given his level of cooperation and early plea, I thought that it was a reasonable sentence,” his lawyer, Stephen Ey, said by phone. But Andrew McIntyre, one of the victims, who waived his anonymity in order to speak out about the crimes, said the sentence wasn’t enough.

However, he said what appeared to be renewed police interest in the disappearance of the three Beaumont children from a beach in his childhood hometown more than 50 years ago left him confident that Mr. Munro would remain imprisoned long past the end of Tuesday’s sentence.

Mr. McIntyre and his sister, Ruth Collins, had long appealed to police to investigate their accusations against Mr. Munro in the disappearance of the children.

“Finally, after 10 years, I was interviewed by major crimes on Tuesday,” Mr. McIntyre said. “He’ll never get out of prison and he’ll die there because I’ll keep him in the prison with the Beaumont children.”

Ms. Collins claims that her late, estranged father, Max McIntyre, showed her the mangled bodies of the Beaumont siblings in the trunk of his car after he and Mr. Munro, his friend, returned from a trip to the beach in 1966.

Andrew McIntyre claims that later that day, he saw a “big patch of blood” on the seat of Mr. Munro’s car. The siblings say they believe their father buried the children in a well on family property and that its excavation would reveal the children’s fate. “There’s a 100 percent chance those children are buried in that well,” Mr. McIntyre said on Tuesday. Detective Senior Sergeant David Sheridan, the lead investigator in the Beaumont case, could not be reached for comment, but has previously said the siblings’ allegations held no water.

“Major crimes is satisfied that my client has no involvement in it,” said Mr. Ey, Mr. Munro’s lawyer. “The assertions are completely without merit.”

A couple hours with a back-hoe ought to settle it. Wonder why the police have been so reluctant to investigate Munroe?

Perth’s new Anglican archbishop Kay Goldsworthy supports same-sex marriage
Nick Butterly

Australia’s first female Anglican archbishop has suggested she supports same-sex marriage, saying she favours the more “inclusive” side of the marriage debate.

That would be as opposed to the Biblical, Godly side of the marriage debate.

The diocese of Perth yesterday named Kay Goldsworthy to lead the church in WA, making her the most senior female Anglican in the nation. She will replace Roger Herft, who stood aside last year after admitting he let down survivors of child sexual abuse in the wake of royal commission hearings.

Archbishop-elect Goldsworthy is now serving as Bishop of Gippsland in Victoria, and was previously an Assistant Bishop of Perth. She was among the first women in Australia to be ordained a priest and the first woman to be consecrated as a bishop in 2008.

Speaking to The West Australian, Archbishop-elect Goldsworthy signalled she was a supporter of gay marriage, but said her views were not those of the church as an institution.

“I think the diocese of Perth has been understood to be fairly inclusive on this particular topic and matter but that would not be the same for everybody in the diocese of Perth,” she said. “Personally, I am on the more inclusive end of this discussion and this issue in our lives.”

Raised in Melbourne, Archbishop-elect Goldsworthy is married and has twin adult sons.

The ordination of female priests remains controversial in some wings of the Anglican Church. Even when holding the top rank in Perth, Archbishop-elect Goldsworthy will be restricted in performing certain religious duties in the conservative Sydney and northern WA dioceses.

Archbishop-elect Goldsworthy said her nomination for the top job was a significant moment in the life of the Church. When she was ordained in the early 1990s, female priests faced a Supreme Court challenge.

This month, Perth’s top Catholic, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, urged followers to vote against same-sex marriage, saying having doubts about same-sex marriage did not make someone homophobic.

The Anglican Church in Perth has been without a leader since December when Archbishop Herft went into early retirement amid pressure over his handling of historic abuse cases in the Newcastle diocese, where he was bishop between 1993 and 2005. Archbishop Herft was then the highest ranking casualty of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Archbishop-elect Goldsworthy said the Church faced challenges in repairing its image and ensuring those who had been abused were properly cared for. “I guess that we can reconsider our place as a place of welcome and safety for vulnerable people. That’s the picture of the gospel,” she said.

Roebourne's 'horrific' damage: Community let down, former minister Terry Redman admits
By Eliza Laschon

A youth walks down a street in Roebourne alongside a metal fence.

Successive West Australian governments have failed the remote community of Roebourne but a fresh approach is working, former regional development minister Terry Redman says.

Mr Redman was in government as incidents of child abuse continued to grow in the Pilbara town.

An ongoing police investigation into child sexual abuse in the west Pilbara has led to 36 men being charged with 300 offences. (6th story on link)

Mr Redman said the extent of damage the children were exposed to was "horrific" and the 184 known victims had been let down.

How Roebourne is fighting back

A group of locals is determined to heal one of the most socially dysfunctional towns in Australia.

"I don't think we can sit back and say our hands haven't been dirtied by some of this," Mr Redman said. "It's challenging. I think successive governments have failed in this space."

His comments come after the ABC spoke to Roebourne community members who are refusing to give up and are striving to heal the wounds and move forward.

Police say unlike other affected towns, disclosures by children, young people and community members in Roebourne have allowed police to identify a very large number of victims.

Mr Redman, a former WA Nationals leader, is confident an approach adopted by the previous Barnett Government is leading to change.

"Our government actually exposed those issues and was working towards a strategy for fixing them up, so to me we were certainly on the front edge of doing a better job," he said.

Building community trust

Former child protection minister Andrea Mitchell said the approach involved fostering relationships between government, agencies and community to build trust and engagement.

The process, kept out of the public eye, allowed community members to push through the fear and shame often felt around their claims. "We knew it was serious, but we didn't know how many people we were going to be able to get charged," Ms Mitchell said.

"That build-up of trust within the community, within in the people, making sure we didn't just keep changing (government) people each time we went in was critical to building the confidence amongst people to talk, so that we could actually do something about it."

The model Ms Mitchell described was corroborated by Roebourne community members, who said it gave many the confidence to speak out and disclose their claims with officials. Ms Mitchell said it allowed Roebourne locals to take a key role in addressing the problems.

"(It was about) strengthening the families, strengthening the community, they then say 'this is what's acceptable in our community, this is how we are going to live'," Ms Mitchell said. "If we actually haven't done anything about changing behaviours and changing the community, then you come back into where you left and we haven't made any change," Ms Mitchell said.

Meanwhile, homicide officers are investigating the death of a 33-year-old Roebourne man who was knocked unconscious after being punched in the head in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Police said he had been involved in an altercation in the street with an 18-year-old man, and was punched as officers approached. He was flown to Perth by the Royal Flying Doctor Service but died on Tuesday.

Roebourne, AU

Court told of caregiver's alleged sexual abuse

Hawkes Bay Today

A jury heard lengthy silences yesterday as a young complainant was called to testify in the trial of a caregiver alleged to have sexually abused disabled children in his care.

The male defendant, who cannot be named, is standing trial in the Napier District Court this week after allegedly abusing four children and youth with significant impairments and disabilities over the course of several years.

Yesterday a youth in his care struggled as she told the court the man sexually touched her for the first time when she was 10-years-old and that this touching soon progressed to full intercourse.

The man is charged with five counts of sexually exploiting a person with a significant impairment, six of rape, two of indecent assault and three each of attempted sexual violation and sexual conduct with a child under 12-years-old.

On Monday Crown prosecutor Jo Rielly opened the Crown's case by telling the jury the four complainants were each placed in the man's care by a variety of agencies including Child, Youth and Family and Idea Services.

At times they were left in the sole care of the defendant and it was during these periods that he sexually abused them, she said.

The youth, who lived with the man during the alleged offending, told the jury she came to expect he would want to have sex with her when she was left in the sole care of him.

When asked by Ms Rielly to detail the sexual abuse the girl hung her head as the court sat in silence. "Is it hard to talk about?" Ms Rielly asked. The girl replied yes.

She went on to describe feeling confused when the man touched her privates and that he had attempted to have sex with her numerous times before full intercourse was reached.

One time when he was touching her a light flicked on outside the house, she said. "He quickly shut the blind, put his pants back on and ran into the lounge."

She told the court she had also seen the man having sexual relations with two others at the house; one with physical and intellectual disabilities so severe she can't speak.

Under cross-examination defence lawyer Scott Jefferson put to the girl that her allegations were not correct and that she had not initially told police the extent of the alleged offending.

She cried as she insisted, "No they did happen. I was too scared [to tell]."

The trial before Judge Bridget Mackintosh is continuing and expected to last the week.