Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, 31 July 2015

Female Cop Arrested for 33 Sexual Assaults on Underage Girl

Courtney Breanne Schlinke, 21, was arrested on 33 complaints, including 16 counts of rape by instrumentation, nine counts of lewd acts with a child under 16 and eight counts of oral sodomy, records show.

Courtney Breanne Schlinke
She also was arrested on a burglary complaint, but has not been charged with any crimes.

Oklahoma City police did not disclose the nature of their relationship.

A woman called police July 1 after she learned Schlinke and the girl possibly had a sexual relationship. She told officers she thought the alleged crimes occurred at her home and Schlinke's apartment, the report states.

Valley Brook Police Chief Michael Stamp said Schlinke resigned July 20 in an unrelated personnel matter. She had been a police officer about four months and was still attending the police academy, he said.

Her arrest came days after she resigned. She is being held in the Oklahoma County jail - 15 minutes from Valley Brook - on a $1.1 million bond.

According to Valley Brook police chief Michael Stamp, Schlinke (pictured) joined the force in March. After quitting her job on July 20, she remained in the police academy until her arrest, he added

Valley Brook, OK, Police Station
Schlinke has been formally charged with 16 counts of rape by instrumentation, nine counts of lewd acts with a child under 16 and eight counts of oral sodomy.

Stamp told News OK: 'She had been out on the streets prior working some. She was actually performing duties as a police officer.

'We've been trying to make changes out here for a long time. These guys have to realize police officers are held to a higher standard.

'We're going to continue to move forward. This doesn't define who we are.' Omgosh, I hope not!

Law & Order, Blacklist Director Charged with Child Sex Abuse

A Law & Order director has been charged with child sex abuse for owning videos in which children as young as six strip and masturbate.

Jason 'Jace' Alexander, 51, allegedly published a short film on the file-sharing site Torrent showing a 12-year-old girl performing sex acts in June, according to a police report seen by the New York Post.

The married father-of-two was investigated after detectives found child pornography online and traced the IP address to his home in Westchester County, New York, the report claims.

Charged: Jace Alexander (pictured left in his police mugshot, and right at Trump National Golf Club in 2013) has been charged with child sex abuse for allegedly posting a video online of a young girl masturbating

During his 21-year career, Alexander has directed numerous episodes of Law & Order (pictured on set, above).

During a search on the property, police allegedly found another video on Alexander's computer that shows a six-year-old girl masturbating.

He was arrested on Wednesday afternoon and posted $10,000 bail. He will appear at Dobbs Ferry Court in Westchester County, New York, on November 19.

If convicted, Alexander faces up to seven years in state prison.

Alexander, who has also directed TV shows such as Rescue Me and The Blacklist, is the only child of Emmy-award-winning actress Jane Alexander.

His stepfather is director-producer Edwin Sherin, who has also directed episodes of Law & Order.

Lengthy career: Married father-of-two Alexander, 51, has been working as a director in the TV business for 21 years.

Family: His wife is actress Maddie Corman (left) and his mother is two-time Emmy winner Jane Alexander (right).

Maddie Corman, has starred in Law & Order and Maid In Manhattan. The couple have two 11-year-old twin sons.

Alexander's 21-year career includes a TV movie about Jodi Arias, the aspiring photographer who was found guilty of murdering her lover in a murder trial that gripped the nation.

He has also worked as an actor. He starred in Eight Men Out with John Cusack and Charlie Sheen. In 1988 he appeared in Crocodile Dundee II as a hobo, and in 1994 he played the part of a robber in the hit show Clueless.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Turkish Poet on Turkey's Genocides of Christians

From Pamela Geller
Under  the ever-increasing Islamic government of Erdogan, the brutal and oppressive sharia is enforced. One of my readers sent me this just today, “I’m 23 years old from Iraq and I left Islam for years now. I was afraid to speak up but only a year ago I knew both my brother and sister were like me and we decided to tell our dad who after long conversations began to convert himself. Dad was afraid that people would know so we left to go to Turkey. We very are afraid that anyone here knows since they are Muslims as well. We are afraid to apply to to the United Nations refugees program because it takes a long time.  We are in a small town where many extremist Muslims live and interviewers are most likely Muslims. I don’t know if you can help but we are desperate as all doors were closed.”

The brutal persecution of religious minorities and apostates is made possible by the silence and the sanction of the West.

Serkan Engin
Serkan Engin is a Turkish poet and author.  His poems and articles on poetry theory appear in more than fifty literary journals in Turkey, and around the world.

His political articles on Islam and also Armenian, Assyrian, Greek genocides have been published in many countries in many languages like Sweden, USA, Greece, India, France, Argentina, Armenia, Indonesia, etc.

Islam and Christian Genocides in Turkey
by Serkan Engin

As some have said in the West, in fact, the Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Nestorian and Pontian Greek genocides were “Christian genocides”. On the other side were Muslim Turks and Kurds. The basis in society and justification in conscience of these genocides were Islamic rules. Islam gives permission to all Muslims to kill and rape every non-Muslim, and also to grab all their money and properties. The de facto killers in these genocides were the predatory bands of the “Secret Organization” (In Turkish: Teşkilatı Mahsusa). The Turks and Kurds who killed their own non-Muslim neighbours, enslaved their women and little girls as sex slaves, and grabbed all their properties, had not had any awareness of “nationalism,” as did their commanders, the leaders of the Union and Progress Organization. So the Turks and Kurds who took part in the Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Nestorian and Pontian Greek genocides massacred innocent humans with pleasure, had not done all this for the benefit of “Turkish nationalism”. They were simple farmers, describing themselves as “Muslim”, but not as “Turkish” or “Kurdish”.

The massacre order of the Union and Progress Organization leaders was a gift for the Turks who lived on as predators for two thousand years, and only can turned to agriculture and the breeding of livestock in Anatolia. They considered it a gift because they got the chance to pillage their “rich” non-Muslim neighbours by the order of their government, and also they could take revenge upon non-Muslims who had, in their eyes, a great deal of money.

Kurds, who were living in the same region for thousands of years and didn’t have ability, aptitude and historical experience except in the jobs of agriculture and the breeding of livestock, like their Turkish coreligionists, became happy too, because they would, along with the Turks, pillage the money and properties of the non-Muslims.

Muslim Turks and Kurds pulled their non-Muslim neighbours to pieces with the appetite and wildness of hyenas without any mercy; moreover, they gloated over all of this. They grabbed all the houses and stores of the non-Muslims, and they enslaved the women of non-Muslims as sex slaves and also domestic slaves in their “harems” as their “booty,” as it is ordered in the rules of Islam. And they sold some of these women and girls at the slave bazaars for a bit of money.

The perpetrators of this terrible period didn’t feel any self-reproach; on the contrary, they were very happy, because they became more worthy of Allah, the god of Islam. They became better Muslims with these disgusting massacres. So they came closer to the heaven of Islam, with its many houris (group sex) and open buffet bar (rivers of kevser wines).

They were in peace because they were obeying the laws of their own god, Allah, and the government.

They raped tiny girls and women, slaughtered innocent humans, burned children alive, and massacred millions of non-Muslims by the order of the “peace” religion Islam.

Because their Allah was very merciless to the ones who disbelieved.

Child Sex Trafficking: Near Epidemic in America - FBI

And of course the only 'news' is the death of a lion in Zimbabwe

By Ian Pannell
BBC News
US & Canada

In the US, poverty, deprivation and exploitation draw thousands of its own children down into a dark underworld that offers few ways out.

It is a world few Americans are aware of. But tens of thousands of American children are thought to be sexually exploited every year.

It's believed that every night hundreds are sold for sex.

I would be surprised if it is only in the hundreds.

The FBI says child sex abuse is almost at an epidemic level, despite the agency rescuing 600 children last year.

"Trafficking" often conjures images of people from other countries being smuggled over land and across the sea and then forced to work against their will in foreign lands. People are trafficked into America from Mexico, Central and South America. But the vast majority of children bought and sold for sex every night in the United States are American kids.

We have heard from a number of women from the East coast to the Mid-west who have frighteningly similar and horrific stories. Neglected, abused, exploited and often ignored starting from a young age - sometimes even prosecuted by the very people who should have protected them.

A handful of good souls, the kindness of a few strangers and the good work of some law enforcement agencies and the FBI offer some relief to America's most vulnerable. But the stories we have heard suggest they are only scratching the surface of one of America's best-kept and darkest secrets.

When a choice is not a choice

In Minnesota, I met with former sex workers who had sought support through an advocacy group called Breaking Free. Half of the women in the group were under the age of 18 when they first were sold for sex. Many of the others were not much older than 18.

One woman says she was bought by her aunt at the age of 14.

"She gave my mom $900. Told me I was going shopping at the mall."

The aunt would bring her to drug dealers' houses, where she was raped and given drugs.

"She would leave me...and then [was] like 'You were messed up, you wanted to stay'," she recalls. She soon believed the abuse was her fault and her choice.

Genesis: "All of this was normal," she says. "I'd seen it since I was 10, 11, 12 years old."

Another woman says she was 17 when she was kicked out of the house.

"I wanted to get high," she says, and turned to working as a prostitute. She later started using the classified adverts website Backpage.com to make more money to keep up with her addiction.

A third was 14 when she was kidnapped by "a guy I thought I liked". She didn't return home for two years.

Jenny Gaines, who leads the group discussion at Breaking Free, says many "manipulate and take advantage of underage girls".

One woman said of her abuser, "He knew I was 14, he had to know that I was underage," despite her attempts to pretend to be 18.

"When he actually found out how old I was it didn't stop him... he wanted me even more."

Jenny Gaines: Tricked into prostitution at 14
Fighting to stay out of 'the life'

A woman who was first trafficked at 14 says she is living in a shelter right now and is struggling to not return to prostitution.

"There's tricks' names still on my phone, I haven't even deleted them yet and I need to delete them," she says. "Because when I get down, when I'm feeling really yucky it's almost like I want to have that number there."

But she says she doesn't want to return to that life.

"It's just a big circle, you get high, you get tricked, you get the money and you just keep going around and going around, and you have to break off all of them to even be doing okay."

Breaking Free

The women at Breaking Free support each other
while they discuss the difficulty of leaving sex work
It is an uphill battle.

"I just need the support and to believe in myself that I can make it. It's a funny spot I'm in."

Another woman says she hasn't been on Backpage for eight months.

"I'm not perfect. I'm just trying," she says. She finds it difficult to provide for her daughter without the money she made working as a prostitute.

"I stopped when I was 22 and had my first son," the woman says, detailing her "off and on" experience. She's been away for seven months, partially because she is pregnant with her fourth child.

She hopes attending Breaking Free will prevent her from returning.

"I'm going to have a daughter," she says. "I don't want her to do like what I did."

Another woman likens it to an addiction.

"It's like I have this hole like whatever it is it's not enough, that fills it for me, my kids get what they want," she tells the group. "I don't ever have to ask nobody for nothing,"

Many of the women in the Breaking Free yearn for sense of normalcy.

"I just want my freedom back," one woman says. "I just want to look out for my kids, and live my life, live a normal life."

But for women who were sold for sex as children, abuse, drugs and sex work is normal.

One woman we spoke to in Minnesota was not at Breaking Free. She was on the streets, still working at five months pregnant.

She says was groomed from age 12 by a neighbour, who enticed her with a garage full of toys and games. He offered her money for topless photos.

"I see more and more younger girls out here now and it's really sad," she says.

"It's not a choice. At 12, it was not a choice."

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Father Among 8 Charged with Sexually Abusing Australian Girl, 13

One man alone was in possession of 200,000 videos and four million images of child porn
Perth, Western Australia
Gulf News

Perth, Australia: Eight men have been charged with hundreds of child sex offences against a 13-year-old girl in Australia, including her father whom police alleged Wednesday organised the horrific abuse over two years.

The paedophile ring was smashed last week when detectives in Western Australia arrested the men, aged between 35 and 47, after a tip-off from the public.

They face a total of 503 charges, including sexual penetration of a child under 13, stupefying the girl potentially with drugs or alcohol, sexual servitude, indecently recording abuse and distributing child exploitation material.

As an example of the nature of the alleged offences, police said one man alone was in possession of 200,000 videos and four million images, although they were not only of the Perth teenager. Around 150 pictures and videos were of the girl.

“It’s disgusting material. There’s no words to describe it,” Detective Superintendent Glenn Feeney told reporters in Perth, adding that the 13-year-old was rescued before the men were rounded up.

“The victim is now a 13-year-old child. At the time of the offences alleged she was between the ages of 11 and 13,” he said.

“She was rescued from this horrible situation she was in. She is safe, she is receiving the care that she requires and that will be an ongoing situation.”

The teenager was physically OK when taken away by police, “but psychologically, I can’t answer”, said Feeney.

“She will receive and will need a lot of help from that side of things for a long time, I’d say.”

He added that the girl’s father was among those charged but with the case now before the courts, he would not reveal whether money changed hands, only that he was accused of sharing her with the other men.

“It will be alleged in the courts that each of the other offenders knew the father and it (the abuse) was facilitated by the father,” he said, adding that the men met the girl at various locations.

He refused to comment on the whereabouts of the mother.

The father, who cannot be named to protect his daughter’s identity, was charged with 228 offences. Another of the men charged is reportedly an evangelical preacher.

Police are continuing to sift through the material seized, with Feeney not ruling out further arrests. The men are due to appear in court over the coming days.

Nova Scotia Drunk Gets 6 Years in Prison for Sex Assaults on Daughter

WARNING: This story will be disturbing to some readers

CBC News 
A Nova Scotia man has been sentenced to six years in prison for a series of sexual assaults on his own daughter, beginning when she was only six years old.

To protect the girl's identity, the man is identified in the court decision, released Tuesday, by the initials R.M.

The abuse began in 2004 and lasted eight years.

In the first incident, R.M invited his daughter to squeeze his penis. The assaults then progressed and escalated, Justice Robert Wright noted in his decision,

"The norms of societal behaviour make the perpetration of these offences almost incomprehensible. Yet they happen all too often," he said.

"Fathers are meant to be a protector of their children, not a predator for self-gratification."

So why the pathetic little sentence. The girl endured sexual abuse for more years than his sentence, and will suffer for many more years, if not decades, or even the rest of her life. He got a slap on the wrist compared to the damage he inflicted on an innocent little girl. Your sentence, Justice Wright, is completely out of proportion with your statements.

A psychiatric assessment done prior to his sentencing found that R.M. has a life-long alcohol problem.

'Much too little, too late'

In her assessment of the man, Dr. Angela Connors said his alcoholism "has interfered with his employment, his marriage, his availability to his children, his judgment, and his freedoms as it pertains to the sanctions of the court."

The judge noted R.M. also has prior convictions for domestic assault, breaches of court orders and impaired driving.

Justice Wright also found R.M. did not accept responsibility for his crimes until his daughter read her victim impact statement.

In her trial testimony, the girl said "He raised me to be molested."

Once his daughter, who is now a teenager, read her statement, Justice Wright said R.M. "became overcome with emotion in trying to verbalize an apology to his daughter which was much too little, too late."

In addition to the six-year prison sentence, R.M. must give a DNA sample and his name will be on the national sex offender registry for the rest of his life. He is also forbidden to have weapons or be around children for 10 years following his sentence. - after which he is free to molest anyone he wants!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Australian Liberals Considering Legalizing Infanticide

Liberals Debate To Introduce ‘After-Birth Abortions’ 
as Newborns ‘Are Not Persons’ 
By AM 199

Alberto Giubilini with Monash University in Melbourne and Francesca Minerva at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne write that in “circumstances occur[ing] after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible.”

 The two are quick to note that they prefer the term “after-birth abortion” as opposed to “infanticide.” No kidding!

The circumstances, the authors state, where after-birth abortion should be considered acceptable include instances where the newborn would be putting the well-being of the family at risk.

This means a newborn whose family (or society) that could be socially, economically or psychologically burdened or damaged by the newborn should have the ability to seek out an after-birth abortion.

That covers just about everything. It means that Hindus and Sikhs can murder their girl babies legally. It means you can kill your baby so it doesn't interfere with your career, or if your income is below average. This is just insane that they are even talking about it.

On this point, the authors write:

Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’. We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her.

Babies breath don't they? Stopping her breathing would be a 'loss' in my books.

Merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not considered subjects of a right to life: spare embryos where research on embryo stem cells is permitted, fetuses where abortion is permitted, criminals where capital punishment is legal.

I can't believe you want to make that list of horrors even darker. I think you should all be thrown in jail for conspiracy to commit murder. 

British Peer Resigns House of Lords for Using Hookers and Cocaine

Embattled John Sewel says he can best serve 
the upper chamber by leaving it
The Associated Press Posted:

House of Lords member John Sewel has resigned
while police investigate his alleged use of cocaine and prostitutes.
(Suzanne Hubbard/Associated Press)
British lord John Sewel takes leave of absence over alleged cocaine use with prostitutes
A member of the upper chamber of Britain's Parliament resigned on Tuesday, apologizing for causing "pain and embarrassment" after he was filmed allegedly snorting cocaine during sessions with sex workers.

John Sewel — whose title is Lord Sewel — caved in to pressure, telling parliamentary officials he was "terminating my membership of the House of Lords."

"I hope my decision will limit and help repair the damage I have done to an institution I hold dear," said Sewel, who had been chairman of the Lords Privileges and Conduct Committee, responsible for enforcing standards.

Sewel avoids irony of ironies
Less than two weeks previously, Sewel had written an article boasting of how the House of Lords had taken steps to protect its image. He had said only a small number of lords broke the rules and that most understood that personal honour came first.

Sewel, as parliamentary disciplinarian had instituted a system whereby a Lord could be removed from the House for unseemly behaviour. Had he not resigned, he might have become the first casualty of his own rules.

The 69-year-old former academic is at the centre of a political sleaze scandal after The Sun tabloid ran images appearing to show him snorting white powder through a rolled-up banknote and lounging in an orange bra. The paper said the footage was filmed at Sewel's apartment near Parliament.

Police have searched the apartment as part of an investigation sparked by the Sun's claims.

The House of Lords reviews legislation passed by the elected House of Commons, and for most of its 900-year history was composed of hereditary nobles. In recent years members have been appointed for life by the government. There are currently 783 peers — a collection of former lawmakers, lawyers, corporate leaders and other notables with an average age of 70 — and the chamber is often criticized as over-stuffed and out of touch.

Sewel is not the first peer to behave badly. Novelist Jeffrey Archer — Lord Archer of Weston-Super-Mare — was imprisoned for perjury in 2001, while former media baron Conrad Black, or Lord Black of Crossharbour, served prison time in the U.S. after being convicted of fraud in 2007.

This story comes on the heels of the revelation that Lord Bercow, Speaker of the Lower House, made some extraordinary expense claims like charging parliament 172 pounds (over $300) for the trip from home to Westminster - a trip of less than a mile. Lord Bercow has lectured students on the need for probity among lawmakers and helped oversee the introduction of more transparent standards after a devastating parliamentary expenses scandal in 2009. 

With the cover-up of decades of child sex abuse around Westminster -

Irony and hypocrisy loom very large over Westminster 
these days

Monday, 27 July 2015

Religious Cleansing in China Leads to Torture and Rape

Congressional Hearing: Religious Persecution and Control in Communist China Worsens

Chinese security forces have recently escalated attacks 
on religious belief

By Gary Feuerberg, Epoch Times

WASHINGTON—Freedom of religion has always been restricted in communist China, but in recent months, state control and interference have never been worse since the Cultural Revolution, according to testimony given at a congressional hearing.

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China on July 23 heard from representatives of Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims and Christians in China, who discussed new forms of persecution in their respective faith communities.

Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin (R) shakes hands with U.S.
Representative Chris Smith (L) in Washington D.C. on July 23
(Li Sha/Epoch Times)
Chairman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) introduced the hearing with the statement, “Chinese authorities are frightened by the simple proposition that individuals have a right to live out their beliefs openly and peacefully, without fear and intimidation.” To demonstrate his point, he listed several examples, including, “Over 1,200 crosses, along with 35 church buildings, were demolished since 2014. This was done reportedly because they were too prominent,” he said.

Chairman Smith and Cochairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) opening statements highlighted the July 10 roundup of human rights defenders. Smith said, “The lawyers were accused of being a ‘criminal gang’ charged with ‘creating chaos,’ because they defended the rights of Falun Gong, Uyghurs, Christians, and others persecuted.”

“It is amazing, shocking to a lot of people, that perhaps American citizens are being extorted and/or blackmailed due to safety and security of their own relatives in China.”
— Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)

Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio’s statement said that 200 lawyers were detained, interrogated, or missing, which he characterized as the most severe crackdown on the legal profession since 1980 when the legal system was established after the Cultural Revolution.

Both Smith and Rubio connected the crackdown on lawyers to China’s religious suppression, pointing out that many of those detained were practicing Christians, and had taken on the defense of high-profile individuals, who dared “to live out their religious and spiritual convictions,” said Rubio.

Communist Party Threatens Canadian Actress’ Family

Anastasia Lin, actress, Canadian citizen, and recently crowned Miss World Canada, spoke about the pressure on her father in China, after she won the 2015 title. Initially, he said he was very proud of her, but after a few days, he told her to stop her advocacy for human rights in China, or else he would have to sever contact. She said she was concerned that her testimony at this hearing would make her father worried for his business and family in China.

Anastasia Lin, Toronto-based actress and 2015 Miss World Canada,
testifies on the persecution of Falun Gong in China on July 23 before the
Congressional-Executive Commission on  China. (Li Shha/Epoch TImes)
Lin was indignant that as a Canadian citizen, “upholding Canadian values on the other side of the world,” her father is threatened by Chinese security agents. She mentioned that she plays a woman imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong in the film, “Bleeding Edge,” to be released this winter. Though the character portrayed is tortured, the hardest scene for Lin was when her family members are brought before her and made to kneel and beg her to give up her belief. Lin said that although she personally had never experienced torture or what prison guards would do to her, “I now understand what it means to feel deep fear that my convictions could be paid for by people I love the most in the world.”

China’s communist regime also puts pressure on countries to accept their policy of destroying Falun Gong. Lin mentioned the 56 Chinese Falun Gong practitioners seeking refuge in South Korea who are threatened with deportation. Despite letters from members of Congress and the European Parliament, since 2002, very few Falun Gong practitioners have received asylum in South Korea. Chairman Smith said, “You can count on each of those [56 Chinese Falun Gong practitioners], I think, of going back to persecution. Incarceration is near certain, certainly harassment,” he said.

“I now understand what it means to feel deep fear that my convictions could be paid for by people I love the most in the world.”
— Anastasia Lin, actress, human rights activist, 2015 Miss World Canada

Lin said that because of her profession as an actress, she is intimately familiar with the torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners. “Prison guards put bamboo sticks under their fingernails. Women are tortured with electric batons on their private parts and raped.” She also referred to common torture methods of beatings and” violent force-feedings that often puncture the esophagus or lungs.”

Beginning her acting career at age seven, Ms. Lin has appeared in over 20 films and television productions about human rights in China. Having won the Miss World Canada title, Lin will be representing Canada in the global Miss World competition, to be held this December in Sanya, China. “At least that is my hope,” she said. “Recent events leave me uncertain.”

Uyghurs Face Humiliating Regulations

Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress, confers with
her translator. Kadeer advocates on July 23 for human rights of the
Uyghur people in communist China before the Congressional-Executive
 Commission on China. (Gary Feuerberg/Epoch Times)
Despite China’s constitution and the Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law, supposed to guarantee religious freedom, the Uyghur people in East Turkestan are subjected to near total control of their religious beliefs and practices by the Chinese Communist Party. Evidently, the CCP views with suspicion Uyghurs who continue with their religious practices. Rabiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress, cited several accounts, widely reported in the media, of restrictions placed on Uyghurs’ ability to observe the Ramadan fast. She spoke through her English translator, Alim Seytoff, president of the Uyghur American Association. Ms. Kadeer, mother of 11 children, was a well-known, highly successful businesswoman in China until she was declared an enemy of the Party and spent six years in a Chinese prison.

Unconfirmed reports on social media said that Uyghurs were forced “to eat watermelon in public to demonstrate non-observance of the fast,” she said. She believes these reports to be credible because they are consistent with numerous accounts from Uyghurs, particularly students, “who are required to drink water at school of teachers to ‘prove’ they are following school and government regulations.”

She also cited an escalation of provocations against the Islamic faith. On the eve of Ramadan in the predominately Uyghur settlement of Niya, a beer drinking contest was organized. She said it “a humiliation of the Islamic faith and “an attack on Uyghur people’s belief.”

Absolute Control of Tibetan Buddhism

Losang Gyatso, (right) service chief of Voice of America's Tibetan Service, testifies, July 23, before the Congressional Executive Commission on China, on the communist control and interference in Tibetan Buddhism religious practices. (Gary Feuerberg/Epoch Times)

Losang Gyatso, service chief of Voice of America’s Tibetan Service, said the oppressive environment created by the Party has triggered the self-immolation protests of over 140 Tibetans since 2009. The most recent instance occurred on July 9, when a 27-year-old monk, named Sonam Topgyal, set himself on fire at a public square in Kyegudo, Qinghai Province, making him the sixth Tibetan self-immolation to take place since the beginning of the year. Chinese authorities took him away and he is believed to have died.

A note he wrote one week before his act reveals his desperation. “At a time when the government is carrying out policies to stamp out our religion, tradition, and culture, and destroy our environment, there is absolutely no freedom of expression for the people, and there is no channel to appeal our situation.”

Another recent occurrence was concerning the prison death on July 12 of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a widely respected Lama and political prisoner. His family and the monastic community were barred from seeing him since 2013, and on the day that Chinese authorities said he died. They needed the body returned in order to conduct a funeral appropriate for a high Lama. Tibetans pleading for the return of his body were beaten severely on July 13, said Gyatso. Several days later, his family and some monks were allowed to see the body in the detention center, where he was then cremated at the prison facility.

“By the end of June this year, more than 1,500 churches had their crosses forcibly demolished or removed in Zhejiang province.”
— Pastor Bob Fu, founder and president, ChinaAid Association

Gyatso said that Tibetans will see the prison cremation “as a humiliating and degrading act, and therefore understand it to be an added punishment for those who had been pleading his innocence for 13 years, and then pleading for his remains after his death,” said Gyatso.

Bob Fu (r), house church pastor and founder and president of ChinaAid
Association, and Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) converse, on July 23, before
 a hearing on religious persecution in China begins. Fu will give testimony at the
Congressional-Executive Commission on China on the persecution of Christians
in China. (Gary Feuerberg/Epoch Times)
Gyatso was worried about the long-term effect of the CCP’s interference in the selection of reincarnate Tibetan spiritual masters. He said this interference undermines the foundation of Tibetan Buddhism by breaking “the trust and faith that Tibetans have invested in their Lamas for hundreds of years,” and could lead to “the eventual demise of Tibetan Buddhism as it has been practiced since the 13th century.”

Christians: Demolitions of Churches and Crosses

Bob Fu, president, ChinaAid Association, said that the suppression of house churches of Christians has “escalated significantly” in the past 18 months.

“According to information collected by ChinaAid, by the end of June this year, more than 1,500 churches had their crosses forcibly demolished or removed in Zhejiang province … with more than 1,300 Christians having been interrogated, arrested, or held in custody for protesting or attempting to prevent the destruction of their churches or crosses,” said Pastor Fu.

Even the government-sanctioned “Three-Self” churches are subject to extreme state persecution campaigns. In the past month in the cities of Hangzhou and Jinhua, the crosses of Protestant and Catholic government sanctioned churches were destroyed or removed.

Fu added: “The government sponsored campaign to destroy the crosses of predominately government sanctioned churches reflects a new development in religious persecution in China.”

Body in Suitcase 'Not Likely' Madeleine McCann, but Can't Rule It Out

Madeleine McCann: British cops refuse to rule out possibility child found in suitcase could be missing girl

The Mirror

Met Police have contacted their Australian counterparts after skeletal remains were found by a motorist in a suitcase by the side of a remote highway

British police have refused to rule out the possibility that the decomposed body of a young girl found in Australia could be that of missing Madeleine McCann.

Met Police have contacted their Australian counterparts after skeletal remains were found by a motorist in a suitcase by the side of a remote highway near Wynarka in south Australia earlier this month.

Austalian police say the remains are those of a girl aged between two and four who died in 2007 and had fair hair.

Maddie was three years old when she vanished from the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz in 2007, prompting speculation the remains could be hers.

Although Australian police have dismissed rumours the body could be Maddie’s, a Scotland Yard spokesman said: “We cannot rule it out.”

The spokesman confirmed that Met officers had been in touch with their Australian counterparts, adding: “We are aware of reports of the remains of a child having been found in South Australia and we have made contact with the Australian authorities.”

Police Commissioner Grant Stevens, leading the enquiry in Australia, said it was ‘pure speculation’ to suggest the bones could be Maddie’s.

The McCann’s spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: “We continue to refuse to comment on speculative reports.”

He would not say if former GP Kate and heart doctor Gerry, both 47, of Rothley, Leics, had been told about the body.

Mr Mitchell added: “This is entirely a matter for the Australian Police to resolve. Commissioner Stevens comments speak for themselves.

“Kate and Gerry will certainly not comment on any speculation. The Yard always keep them informed when and if necessary.”

A source close to the couple said: “Kate and Gerry hope that if anything of substance is found linking the body in Australia and Madeleine they will be told straight away.

Kate and Gerry McCann: They have made no official comment
“But right now I’m questioning how her body could have got there from Portugal and the clothing doesn’t match.”

The child’s remains and a distinct quilted blanket were found in the suitcase. It is thought the body had been transported from place to place in the large bag.

A motorist found the case beside the Karoonda Highway in Wynarka, east of Adelaide.

Police hope the unusual blanket, depicting pumpkins, sunflowers, camels, dragonflies, stars and colourful musical notes could lead to a major breakthrough.

Several items of soiled clothing including a Dora the Explorer T-shirt were also found in the case.

Maddie was wearing pyjamas, a pink t-shirt with the character Eeyore and white floral-patterned trousers, when she disappeared.

At the time her parents were dining nearby with pals at a tapas restaurant.

Police investigating Maddie’s disappearance have investigated at least two Australian connections in the past.

In August 2009 private eyes hired by the McCanns released an e-fit of a “Victoria Beckham lookalike” they believed may have had information about Maddie.

An agitated woman, speaking with an Australian accent, asked a British tourist outside a bar in Barcelona’s Port Olimpic if he was about to deliver her “new daughter”.

The incident in neighbouring Spain happened just three after Maddie disappeared. Despite a worldwide appeal for information the witness was never found.

At the same time a millionaire Australian widow and her daughter were also linked to the case after their superyacht was spotted in the marina.

Horrified Rhonda Wyllie and Melissa Karlson had no involvement but offered to help cops if needed.

In December last year Met detectives quizzed a convicted British paedophile in a cell in Malta.

Roderick MacDonald, 77 – formerly known as Roderick Robinson – had been in the Algarve when Maddie vanished.

He had previously been jailed in Australia for indecently assaulting an eight-year-old child.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Jehovah's Witnesses Failed to Report 1,000 Alleged CSA Perpetrators

Australia's child sex abuse royal commission hears from JWs

By Brad Ryan and Angela Lavoipierre

Angus Stewart SC said the church's policies on sexual abuse were primarily
based on Bible passages. (Child abuse royal commission)
More than 1,000 members of the Jehovah's Witnesses have been identified by the church as perpetrators of child sexual abuse since 1950, but not one was reported to police, an inquiry has heard.

The Jehovah's Witnesses church, which preaches that the end of the world is near, is at the centre of a child abuse royal commission hearing in Sydney today.

Counsel assisting the commission, Angus Stewart SC, said the church relied on Bible passages to set its policies on child sexual abuse, and avoided resorting to secular authorities and courts.

Keep in mind that the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible is not considered valid by other Christian denominations. 

"Evidence will be put before the royal commission that of the 1,006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse identified by the Jehovah's Witness church since 1950, not one was reported by the church to secular authorities," Mr Stewart said.

"This suggests that it is the practice of the Jehovah's Witness church to retain information regarding child sexual abuse offences, but not report allegations of child sexual abuse to the police or other relevant authorities."

Mr Stewart said the practice potentially exposed Jehovah's Witness members to criminal liability for concealing serious offences.

He said at least one abuse survivor, who said she had been discouraged by elders from reporting her abuse to authorities, would give evidence.

Bible passages determine abuse policies, hearing told

The case study, which is expected to run for two weeks, is the first to focus on an entire Christian denomination rather than just one part of it.

The term Christian used here is considered as invalid as the JW bible. Their beliefs about the deity of Jesus Christ means they are unlikely to be considered Christians by Christ Himself.

The Jehovah's Witness Church
more than eight million active members in 239 countries
overseen by eight-man Governing Body based in New York
817 congregations in Australia with more than 68,000 members
congregations overseen by bodies of Elders

active in Australia since 1896

Two abuse survivors and at least seven current and former Jehovah's Witness elders are expected to give evidence.

Senior staff for the Jehovah's Witnesses' company, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia, are also expected to appear.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is also called the False Prophet Society in some circles for it's many predictions of the end of the world over the last 130 years or so. None, apparently, have come true yet.

"The Jehovah's Witness church relies primarily on Bible passages to set its policies and practices," Mr Stewart said.

"Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the only way to finally end child abuse is to as they put it embrace God's kingdom under Christ and to love God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself so as to be saved when the end comes."

Salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; you can't earn it and you don't ever deserve it. JW's don't get that.

Mr Steward said the church recognised child abuse to be a crime and a "gross sin".

"Their official position is that they abhor child sexual abuse and will not protect any perpetrator of such repugnant acts," Mr Stewart said.

He said two church elders were directed to investigate each child abuse allegation, but they were not authorised to take congregational action unless the accused perpetrator confessed, or the allegation was backed up by a second witness.

That's basically Islamic standards. A woman's word is only half as good as a man's.

"The royal commission will hear that over the past 65 years, the requirement that there be two or more witnesses has prevented at least 125 allegations of child sexual abuse from proceeding to [an internal] judicial committee," Mr Stewart said.

"That is not unexpected given that by its nature there are very seldom witnesses to child sexual abuse beyond the survivor and the perpetrator."

Victims felt blamed by church, lawyer says

Lawyer Angela Sdrinis, who is representing a number of people alleging abuse, said complainants had been slow to come forward because of the organisation's size and culture.

"I've been doing this work for about 20 years and it really is in the past few months that I've been approached by members of the Jehovah's Witnesses who allege sexual abuse within that church," Ms Sdrinis told the ABC's AM program.

"I think people generally need a lot of courage to come forward regarding child sex abuse, and particularly in a faith-based organisation, I think the stricter or more conservative the organisation is, the more difficult it is for the victim to come forward.

"Those who have spoken to me recently, some of them found when they tried to complain about the abuse initially - and we are talking about historical sex abuse - were faced with a response that was basically rejecting of their allegations.

"They felt that the church was trying to blame the victim."

One wonders, if they have changed their policy on reporting perverts, is that policy still based on scripture? If so, what has changed?

Aylesbury Child Sex Abuse: Barnardo's Raised Fears in 2008

Found guilty on Friday, 
now we hear it was reported to authorities in 2008
Clockwise from top left: Vikram Singh, Akbari Khan, Asif Hussain,
Mohammed Imran, Taimoor Khan and Arshad Jani were all found guilty
Concerns about a girl repeatedly abused by a gang of men in Buckinghamshire were raised by a charity several years before the perpetrators were arrested, it has emerged.

Barnardo's told the BBC it had worked with the ring's two victims in 2008 and referred the case of one to the local authority and other relevant agencies.

The charity's Michelle Lee-Izu said "insufficient action" was taken. No kidding! Was any action taken?

Six men were found guilty on Friday of abuse on a "massive scale".

The Old Bailey heard the abuse in Aylesbury went on for years and involved rape and child prostitution.

Alcohol and DVDs
The court heard evidence from both victims, who came from troubled backgrounds and were befriended by the men who gave them alcohol, DVDs, food and occasionally drugs.

While aged just 12 or 13, one of the vulnerable girls, known in the trial as A, was passed between 60 mainly Asian men for sex after being conditioned into thinking it was normal behaviour, jurors were told.
One of the victims spent a lot of time around Aylesbury Market
where she was spotted by her first abuser, Vikram Singh
Ms Lee-Izu, a lead director for child sexual exploitation, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "In 2008, we worked with both these young people and our work with these young women was very specific to them as individuals.

"We had concerns about the safety of one young woman and we made a referral to the local authority and the relevant agencies.

"At that time the agencies didn't respond in a way that we wanted, that we expected them to, although some actions were taken by the local authority so we escalated those actions further.

"But insufficient action was taken as far as we were concerned."

Girls 'let down'
Eleven defendants faced trial, accused of 47 sexual offences between 2006 and 2012 following an investigation launched in 2013. Good job! Only took them 5 years to start up an investigation!

Four were cleared of any wrongdoing, while the jury could not reach a verdict on one of the men.
The six who have been convicted will be sentenced in September.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Saturday, David Johnston, director for children's services at Buckinghamshire County Council since 2014, said a review of the concerns raised by Barnardo's would be carried out to discover what happened and what action was taken.

He said: "Workers at the time missed a number of opportunities to perhaps protect them [the girls] or to provide other services for them. Having said that, we know a great deal more about child sexual exploitation and grooming now than we did back then.

"Over the time I have been in the post, we have reviewed a lot of practices."

He added: "Today, evidence of unhappiness shown by behaviour - such as school homework standards falling and running away - instead of being monitored as in the past, it is now investigated for motivation.

"More specialists are now working with local authorities and the police to build up knowledge of child exploitation to protect young people and those working with them."

On Friday, Mr Johnston apologised on behalf of Buckinghamshire County Council for "letting [the girls} down during this period in their lives".

He said: "We know a great deal more about child sexual exploitation than we did back then and I hope that young people who are worried about themselves or someone they know will have the same courage to come forward. We will do everything in our power to help them."

Obama Calls for End to Corruption, Child Brides and FGM in Kenya

Will it make a difference?

NAIROBI, Kenya – U.S. President Barack Obama told Kenyans on Sunday that their country is at a crossroads and urged them to “choose the path to progress” by continuing to root out corruption, confront terrorism and be more inclusive of women and girls.

Obama urged Kenyans – particularly its future leaders – to deal with corruption and tribal conflict, create opportunity for all, improve education and health care, treat women better and confront the threat of terrorism.

He said corruption was not unique to Kenya but described the pervasiveness of it in Kenya as a “cancer” that is holding back every aspect of economic and civic life like an “anchor.”

Obama noted Kenya’s booming economy – it has one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa – and asked that the country’s economic gains be shared more broadly with all Kenyans.

This doesn't have to mean socialism - it could simply mean improving health, justice, education and other societal infrastructures. It could mean setting a livable minimum wage thereby giving incentive to work.

He urged an end to old tribal and ethnic divisions that he said are “doomed to tear our country apart” and urged Kenya’s leaders, as he did President Uhuru Kenyatta during their meetings on Saturday, to confront the terrorist threat posed by al-Shabab militants based across the border in Somalia. The group has killed scores in Kenya in brazen attacks carried out in the past two years.

Obama also pressed for more tolerance and respect of women and girls, calling for an end to violence against women, forced marriages for girls who should otherwise be attending school, sexual assault and the tradition known as “genital mutilation.”

There is, unfortunately, a conflict here in that these traditions of child brides and FGM and respect for women and girls will be hard to change, particularly when you are attempting to end 'tribal conflicts'. But they are necessary changes if Kenya is ever to be anything but a 3rd world country. And certainly they are necessary changes if Kenya is ever to be blessed by God.

“These traditions may date back centuries. They have no place in the 21st century,” he said.
Kenyatta has taken steps to tackle corruption by suspending four Cabinet secretaries and 16 other senior officials amid an investigation into allegations of dishonesty. But the suspensions have been met with skepticism by the public because in the past, suspensions of senior officials haven’t resulted in anyone being convicted of a crime. Some officials even returned to their jobs before investigations were complete.

Kenyatta has been under public pressure to act following reviews of his 2-year-old regime, published in local media by opposition and economic experts, that claimed his administration is more corrupt than previous governments.

If there is any country in Africa where corruption isn't rampant, I would like to know where it is. Poverty breeds corruption which breeds poverty, which breeds corruption, which... Some country needs to step up and lead Africa out of the darkness of corrupt officials. With Kenya's growing economy, they have a great opportunity to be that country, to lead Africa; but it will take a courageous leader. Is Kenyatta that leader?

Friday, 24 July 2015

India Court Refuses Abortion for Teen Rape Victims

Agence France-Presse, Ahmedabad, India
Jakarta Post

An Indian court has denied a 14-year-old girl a late-term abortion after she was allegedly raped by a doctor in the western state of Gujarat, the victim's lawyer said Friday.

The Gujarat High Court on Thursday rejected the petition filed by the father of the girl, saying India's abortion law does not allow termination of pregnancy after 20 weeks, or five months.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is more than five months pregnant.

"The father of the victim is a laborer and does not have enough resources to take care of the child to be born... The parents are yet to decide if they want to approach higher forum," the teenager's lawyer, Pradip Bhate, told AFP.

Judge Abhilasha Kumari said it was a "difficult" decision, but added that "whatever be the circumstances in which the child was conceived, whatever the trauma of the young mother, the fact remains that the child is also not to blame for being conceived".

"It did not ask to be born... The child is innocent, just like the victim, its mother," Kumari said.

The father's petition said his daughter became pregnant after she visited a doctor who injected her with sedatives and then raped her in February.

The police subsequently arrested the doctor and he is currently in custody.

In April, the same court denied an abortion to a 24-year-old gang rape victim, who was more than six months pregnant.

The woman later refused to keep the baby, giving custody to the state government of her newborn.

No reason was given as to why the family didn't seek an abortion earlier. Perhaps she didn't know she was pregnant which would be easy enough if she were still a virgin. That, however, would be rare in India.

Six Men Guilty in Latest UK Child Sex Abuse Case

Agence France-Presse, London
Jakarta Post
The Old Bailey, London
Six men were found guilty Friday in Britain over the repeated rape of two teenage girls, one of whom was forced to have sex with more than 60 men.

The case is the latest in a series of high-profile child sex abuse cases in Britain to feature defendants of south Asian origin, fueling an intense and controversial debate about the root causes of the crimes.

One of the victims, who cannot be identified for legal reasons but was aged 12 or 13, told police she was "passed around" between the men but complied because they were "making your life a bit more exciting".

The schoolgirls both came from troubled backgrounds and were groomed by the men, who gave them alcohol, food and drugs in the town of Aylesbury, northwest of London, the trial heard.

"The scale of it is, you may agree, horrifying. 'A' [the letter used to identify one of the victims] estimated that she had sex with about 60 men -- six zero -- almost all Asian," prosecutor Oliver Saxby told England's Central Criminal Court in London, also known as the Old Bailey.

"Notwithstanding that they were children, they spoke in terms of these men being their boyfriends. And they were passed from man to man, sometimes on a daily basis."

A graphic string of cases of child sex abuse in British towns and cities including Rotherham, Rochdale and Oxford have emerged in recent years.

The country has also been shaken by revelations of historic sex abuse by celebrities such as television star Jimmy Savile.

Vikram Singh, 45, of Aylesbury, was found guilty of four counts of rape and administering a substance with intent; Asif Hussain, 33, of Milton Keynes, was convicted of three counts of rape and Arshad Jani, 33, of Aylesbury, was found guilty of rape and conspiracy to rape.

In addition, Mohammed Imran, 38, of Bradford, was convicted of three counts of rape, one count of conspiracy to rape and one count of child prostitution; Akbari Khan, 36, of Aylesbury, was found guilty of two counts of rape, administering a substance with intent and conspiracy to rape and Taimoor Khan, 29, of Aylesbury, was convicted of one count of sexual activity with a child.

The men will be sentenced on September 7.

If there is any justice in London, those men should get 30 years each and then be deported.

The Astonishing Hypocrisy of Gay and Women's Rights Leaders

The bizarre, inexcusable silence of LGBTQ and women's rights activists on Islamic atrocities

What is going on in much of Islam today is horrific if you are a girl, woman, or gay. Thousands of girls are be circumcised, otherwise known as female genital mutilation, every day. Not all are Muslim but most are. And it's happening in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Europe, anywhere there are Muslims.

The point of FGM is supposedly to keep the girl from desiring sex and thereby losing her virginity before being married. They say the family's honor is at stake. I see two other reasons for this inhuman butchery (often done without anesthetic):

1) Virgins are worth more than non-virgins. In many societies where FGM is practiced, men will pay the parents more money for a virgin. That's not honor, that's commerce.

2) Removing part of a girl's sex organs means she can never experience a real orgasm. This is good for Muslim men because they don't have to worry about satisfying their wife (wives). Many, I suspect, are incapable of satisfying a woman because that requires a certain level of communication and humility to learn; neither of which are strong points for Muslim men. Consequently, they can just help themselves and not be the least concerned about their wife's needs.

Child brides
Thousands of girls under 17 years of age are being married off to older men every day, some as young as 8 years old. Often sold by their parents to some pedophile who takes delight in raping little girls

Some of these girls begin having children before they are even 12 years old. This causes serious damage to their bodies and often leaves them in constant pain, incontinent, and vulnerable to infections. Some die from their injuries; some commit suicide like the 14 year old aunt of the extraordinary Nada al-Ahdal, (seen left) who self-immolated to escape the pain.

Sexual Slavery
Women and children are being bought and sold in marketplaces in ISIS controlled areas of Iraq and Syria. They are non-Muslim women, usually Yazidis or Christians, and they become slaves in every sense to the men who buy them, many of whom are brutal. They are frequently traded like baseball cards among the lunatics fighting for IS. They are treated exactly as the Quran and Mohammed allow. It is fundamental Islam, but it is Islam.

Invisible women
In many Islamic societies, women must be covered from head to toe if the venture out of their home. Some are allowed to show their faces, some only their eyes, and some cannot be seen at all. They are invisible and that's how the men want them. It's supposed to be so that men will not be tempted. It appears Muslim men cannot handle temptation, not even the sight of a face or a woman's eyes. How pathetic is that? But then, self-control is not a Muslim virtue either, or they wouldn't need a thousand rules to follow.

In some Muslim societies women are not allowed to drive a car, or attend sporting venues, or talk to a man not related to them. In some Muslim societies a teenage girl can be beaten or murdered or have acid thrown in her face (see photo left) for merely looking at a boy. In many Muslim societies, a woman's testimony is worth only half that of a man's, apparently because women are bigger liars than men. So if a woman is raped by a man and there aren't any witnesses (how many rapes have you heard of with witnesses?), then the man goes scot-free. In fact, the woman is likely to be thrown in jail for being raped. Happens all the time.

Where's the outcry?
How many times have you seen a woman's rights activist stand up for those girls? I have seen a few; of course, I blog about things like this. But it strikes me that the only women I have seen willing to stand up and speak out are Muslim women, or black women from societies where FGM is practiced.

Where were the wonderful, white, western women with woeful stories of abuse? They are as invisible as Muslim women in burkas. They will get all riled up about something relatively minor in western society, but say not a word about the horrible conditions girls and women endure in Muslim countries.


ISIS gay solution
ISIS has a solution for gays - throw them off a building, then stone them to death. Happens about once a month in ISIS territories. And it's not just ISIS, gays suffer terribly under Sharia law in many countries.

Do you hear gay-rights activists in the west screaming blue murder about them? No, they have important stuff to do; they're busy destroying Christian bakeries.

The Irony
The great irony here is that it is Christians who are standing up for women's rights in Muslim countries, and it is Christians who are screaming about gays being executed in the worst possible way by ISIS. The question is still - why?

Pamela Geller exposed the plight of gays in IS and was criticized by transgender and gay leaders and advocates such as Theresa Sparks and Chris Stedman - for daring to call attention to it.

Is it because gays and many feminists prefer Islam to Christianity, so they don't want to defame Islam, or, God forbid, agree with a Christian? Are they so anti-Christian as to support an evil religion just because Christians don't like it? Or maybe they just don't care what happens to people in other countries. 

What a crazy world when Christians stand up for women's rights and for gays, while women's and gay rights activists are silent except to criticize Christians. Crazy world!