Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, 30 March 2018

2 Cabbies, Child Brides, Aussie Paed-Ring in Today's Global PnP List

British High Court blocks release of 'black cab rapist'
By Susan McFarland 

UPI -- After a surprise decision to release the "black cab rapist" from prison, three British High Court judges said Wednesday the man must remain locked up until the parole board takes a better look at his case.

The ruling follows the release earlier this year for John Worboys -- who is believed to have committed more rapes than anyone in British history. He was imprisoned in 2009 with a minimum term of eight years for drugging and assaulting 12 women.

A jury convicted him on 19 charges related to the dozen attacks, which authorities suspect are only a fraction of his total crimes.

At least 100 women have said they were assaulted by a Worboys, 60, who police also believe attacked 30 more while out on bail.

Worboys was granted release by the parole board in January. Two victims challenged the decision during a March 14 hearing.

Wednesday, the British justices ordered him behind bars until the parole board can take a closer look at his case and make a "fresh" determination.

Parole board chairman Nick Hardwick was forced this week to resign by justice secretary David Gauke.

Judge Brian Leveson said the parole board should have "undertaken further inquiry into the circumstances of [Worboys's] offending and in particular the extent to which the limited way in which he has described his offending may undermine his overall credibility."

The judge said the parole board also should have been aware that it did not have material from the police or prosecution to challenge the version of events.

The judges' decision also challenges a rule that says the parole board does not have to give reasons for decisions to release inmates.

Newfoundland Cabbie preyed on vulnerable women
Tara Bradbury (tara.bradbury@thetelegram.com) 

“This is my first time in jail and it will be my last, I promise you,” Lulzim (Leon) Jakupaj told a Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court judge Wednesday afternoon.

Jakupaj, 34, stood when asked by Justice Rosalie McGrath if he had anything to say at the end of his sentencing hearing. The former cabbie, who was convicted in January of sexually assaulting two female passengers in the spring of 2016, also took the opportunity to repeatedly point out he has been in jail for 17 months and has been surrounded by female prison officials, guards, nurses and teachers, “with no cameras” and no issues.

“I truly feel sorry for those girls and whatever they have gone through,” Jakupaj told the court. “I’ve been working as hard as possible and I did learn my lessons and I’ve been trying to take any programs they can give me.”

Prosecutor Dana Sullivan argued for a prison term of between 2 ½ and three years and a lifetime sex offender registration for Jakupaj, whom she said abused a position of trust when he committed the assaults while on duty as a driver with City Wide Taxi. Both young women had relied on Jakupaj to get them home safely, she said.

“When Mr. Jakupaj was driving the cab, he was the person in control at all times,” Sullivan said. “He was in control of who to pick up and where they drove. He could choose who he wanted to be his victim, and he chose young women who were under the influence of alcohol.”

Sullivan told the judge, “We have to deter like-minded individuals, not only general members of the public but members of the public who are in similar positions of trust.”

Defence lawyer Amanda Summers argued for a total jail sentence of between six and 20 months, noting Jakupaj is seeing a psychiatrist and working as a garbage collector in prison.

Summers acknowledged the serious nature of Jakupaj’s crimes — and the need to send a message to the public to this effect — but said his assaults on the women would be considered on the lower end of the seriousness scale.

“Sexual assault could be anything from a kiss to full-on intercourse,” Summers said. “When someone hears sexual assault, they might automatically think intercourse. I just want to point out there’s a range.”

Jakupaj assaulted the first woman after picking her up downtown and driving her to her home in Paradise. After pulling into her driveway, he grabbed her by the back of the neck and forcibly kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. The woman, 24, pushed him away and got out of the car, and Jakupaj drove away.

He assaulted the other woman, 19, after driving her and a group of her friends home to Mount Pearl after a night out, then inviting himself in. The woman was coming out of a basement bathroom when Jakupaj pinned her against the wall, forcibly kissed her, pressed his forearm across her throat, touched her outside her clothes and pulled her pants partly down.

Jakupaj, who is a Canadian citizen but grew up in war-torn Kosovo, served as a child soldier for three years and came to Canada in 2007, Summers said. He had no criminal record until last spring, when he was convicted of breaking into a home after driving another female passenger in May 2016. He was sentenced to four years in jail as a result.

In that incident, Jakupaj had given a 22-year-old woman a ride to Kilbride from downtown. Minutes after she went inside the home, he followed her and was caught by her ex-boyfriend, who noticed him peeking in through the bedroom’s French door.

McGrath will sentence Jakupaj on the sexual assaults April 25.

Child marriage brochure prompts outrage in Sweden

It's good to see that Sweden's far-left government is being taken to task for its extreme political correctness, at least in this case.

© Global Look Press

A Swedish leaflet about child marriage has been withdrawn after it sparked outrage. The document outlines the illegality of underage marriage in Sweden, but many assumed it was condoning it instead.

The brochure was produced by Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) and aimed at people arriving in the country. Entitled, ‘Information for those married to a child,’ the document explains that child marriage is illegal in Sweden and the reasons why. It goes on to say that any child who arrives with a spouse will be treated as a lone child and placed in social care.

The brochure also points out that sex with anyone under the age of 15 is also illegal in Sweden. However, Swedish politicians and residents took issue with the language used in the brochure, saying it wasn’t strong enough for the subject matter.

Jan Björklund, the leader of the Liberal Party, tweeted that the brochure should be “withdrawn without delay.”

"The biggest failing is that the word ‘prison’ isn’t present, but rather it gives a bit of advice and tips on how to respond if you have a relationship our marriage laws forbid," Tobias Billstrom, the leader of the Moderate Party, said, as cited by the Local.

“The material has provoked strong reactions and many comments. We have withdrawn the material and will revise it," Petra Rinman of Socialstyrelsen said in a statement, which explained the brochure was compiled as part of a government framework to disseminate information to children who are declared married, as well as spouses and family members.

Many expressed their anger over the leaflet on social media, where many appeared to think the brochure was encouraging child marriage or that it was a sign that Sweden was legalizing child marriage.

"Sweden does not allow anyone under the age of 18 to enter into marriage in the country,” Socialstyrelsen’s legal head Pär Ödman said. “However, according to current legislation, the general rule is that marriage which is legal according to the law of the country in which it was carried out should be recognized in Sweden. New legislation is currently being prepared by the government."

The new legislation will state that foreign childhood marriage will not be recognized if one of the parties was underage when they arrived in Sweden. It will come into effect at the start of 2019.

Police investigating child sex abuse at
'swinging' parties in Australia

PERTH, Australia (KGO) -- Police are investigating 5 cases of suspected child sexual abuse during "swinging" parties in Australia.

Police say some of the children were drugged and abused during sex-parties organized by several adults. The Western Australia Police Force posted the update on its Facebook page. "The Taskforce was launched last month following the discovery of a recording device by a member of the public which contained videos showing adults, both male and a female, engaging in sexual acts with the eight year old girl," said police in a statement.

Police allege those adults include the girl's mother, her step-father and a male friend of both. "So far, three people have been arrested on a total of 23 charges in relation to the alleged sexual abuse," said police. Authorities have searched six properties in Perth and Western Australia and expect to make more arrests.

CNN: At least five children, most under the age of 10, are suspected to have been allegedly sexually abused by a group of adults in Western Australia, police said Friday.

One eight-year-old girl was assaulted multiple times by a number of adults, including her mother, step-father and a family friend, according to police.

They have been arrested and charged with 23 counts related to the alleged sexual abuse, including sexual penetration and indecent dealing.

Spike in child sex abuse charges turns spotlight on remote Aboriginal communities

Women and young children sit beside the road near the BP service station in Tennant Creek.

The Australian, LUKE GRIFFITHS

A Northern Territory youth, understood to be a boy in his mid to late teens, has been charged with five counts of sexual intercourse without consent following an incident this week involving a five-year-old boy at an unnamed remote community.

Police provided no more information other than that the youth had been remanded in custody.

A 14-year-old boy from South Australia’s remote Aboriginal lands has also been charged with the sexual assault of a child, ­believed to be a nine-year-old girl who was transferred to Alice Springs Hospital.

A spokeswoman for NT Health was unable to give an update on the girl’s condition as she had been checked out of the hospital by late yesterday afternoon.

The alleged incident occurred on Tuesday at Mimili, 1200km northwest of Adelaide in the vast Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, with the 14-year-old refused bail amid an ongoing police investigation.

Earlier this week, a 16-year-old boy was charged with sexual intercourse without consent with a four-year-old boy in the remote town of Ali Curung, 175km south of Tennant Creek.

Last month, a 24-year-old man was charged with sexually assaulting a two-year-old girl in Tennant Creek. And NT police said this week a girl, believed to be four, was allegedly indecently assaulted in Tennant Creek in January.

Senior Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet staff visited Tennant Creek and Ali Curung this week, where NT Families ­investigators had been working since Sunday’s rape of the four-year-old boy.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion, a Darwin-based senator, has written to NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner seeking a full account of what happened to the children and asking whether they were previously known to child-protection agencies.

A spokesman for Senator Scullion said the minister was “shocked and appalled at the abhorrent incidents that have been reported in recent days”.

Barb Shaw, general manager of the Anyinginyi health network that serves Tennant Creek and its surrounds, was concerned that overcrowding in homes had led to a jump in dysfunctional behaviour. “There is an absolute sense of hopelessness in Tennant Creek and the region,” she said.

An inquiry into abuse in South Australia’s APY lands, conducted in 2008 and submitted to the NT’s recent royal commission into the protection and detention of children, noted 269 allegations of child sexual abuse in the region.

But that could be just the tip of the iceberg after the inquiry found the extent of child sexual abuse was hard to pinpoint because incidents regularly went unreported.

“In particular, in the lands, children lived in dysfunctional communities where there was considerable violence and fear, as well as drug and alcohol abuse and a sense of hopelessness,” the ­report said.

The inquiry heard evidence that girls in the APY lands were ­resigned to the fact that they were likely to be sexually abused.

Tennant Creek, AU

Sickening, Disgusting Stories, Huge Sentences on Today's USA PnP List

Ex-Disneyland employee sentenced to 125 years
for child sex crimes
By ABC7.com staff

SAN BERNARDINO, California -- A former Disneyland employee who had a manual on "How to Practice Child Love" has been sentenced to more than 125 years in state prison for multiple counts of child sexual assault, authorities said.

David Goodman, 25, of Banning, was convicted in February of multiple counts of lewd acts on a child, possession of child pornography and related charges.

Prosecutors say Goodman, who also volunteered at a children's theater group, intentionally befriended single mothers, calling them "easy targets" in his efforts to gain access to children.

They say when he was 21 he befriended two women in their early 30s who both have children. His victims ranged in age from 5 to 11.

"In a detailed confession letter, the defendant mentioned the best way to gain access to kids was by befriending single mothers who he described as 'easy targets,'" said deputy district attorney Melinda Spencer.

The prosecutor also said investigators found a manual called "How to Practice Child Love" on Goodman's computer.

At the time of his arrest in December 2014, authorities said Goodman had worked at Disneyland since August of that year.

The case first came to investigators' attention with a report of a then-21-year-old man masturbating in front of two children, ages 6 and 9, at a Yucaipa residence. Further investigation uncovered previous sexual abuse of victims described as boys ages 6 and 9 and a girl, age 5.

Fresno sex offender who recorded abuse could face longest punishment in California history

A jury in a Fresno County child sex case returned
guilty verdicts on all 36 charges
By Corin Hoggard

FRESNO, Calif. -- Cornelio Jimenez lied to police about where he lived for more than a year. The registered sex offender only showed up on their radar when they traced child porn to the home where he lived. During that time, prosecutors say he discussed molesting kids in emails.

"There's this very cute little 4-year-old girl that I babysit about once a week," prosecutors Deborah Miller said, quoting one of Jimenez's emails. "I have hella pictures of her. I have to molest her every chance I get."

Investigators found videos showing Jimenez engaging in sexual activity with two girls -- ages four and seven -- who lived in the home he wouldn't tell police about. Prosecutors showed jurors pieces of the videos as evidence of 36 counts of sex crimes and child porn.

"And how do we know?" Miller asked the jury about Jimenez's guilt. "Because on 30 of them we saw pictures and video of it."

At least one couple people related to the victims walked out of court as still photos from the videos came up again in closing arguments Tuesday. After his arrest, police say Jimenez admitted to the crimes, but his public defender argued two of the 36 counts really involve the same criminal act.

"The easy thing to do in this case is to clump all the counts together," said Angelica Rivera. "That's the easy thing to do. The right thing is to take them separately."

Jimenez turned down an offer of 75 years to life before trial.  Jimenez is to be sentenced on May 8, 2018 and is in Fresno County Jail with no bail.

He faces more than 1,882 years to life in prison. He was convicted on all the charges. 

We've asked several court experts and none of them can find a longer sentence in California court history.

It appears, however, even with an 1882 year sentence he can be eligible for parole once he turns 60 and has served 25 years or more. Makes you wonder - what's the point?

Twin brothers arrested for child porn a week apart
in San Jose

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- In a strange twist, the twin brother of a child pornography suspect in San Jose has also been arrested for similar offenses.

Clifford (L) & Clinton Papadakis
Detectives have arrested Oak Grove High School track coach, Clinton Pappadakis. Suspicious activity involving the coach was reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Police served a search warrant at his home and investigators say they found child pornography on multiple devices belonging to the suspect.

Just last week, police arrested his twin brother -- Clifford.

Clifford Pappadakis worked as a PE teacher and track and field coach at Willow Glen Middle School.

He appeared in court last week and is on supervised release.

Investigators are asking anyone with information to call them immediately.

Mountain View tutor arrested for engaging in lewd acts with children
By Vic Lee

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (KGO) -- A Chinese language tutor in Mountain View has been arrested for engaging in lewd acts with children, authorities say. And now police are looking for more possible victims.

Yizhuang John Liu worked at the San Yu Learning Center in Mountain View as a volunteer tutor for some two years and was a member of the school's board of directors.

The Learning Center rents classroom space from the Central 7th Day Adventist Church. Mountain View police said whatever happened between Liu and some of the children here occurred under the radar of parents and teachers of this after-school Chinese language program.

Last Friday, police received a call from a parent who said his child had been molested by Liu. Their investigation turned up another victim.

"It appeared, based on our investigation, it began at the beginning of the school year, in August or September of 2017, and ended approximately at the end of December," said Detective Marco Garcia of the Mountain View Police Department.

The two students are 10 and 11 years old. Garcia said there could be more victims.

"He's been involved with the school for couple of years now, so any child he's been in contact is a potential victim," Garcia said.

Police found that Liu has also volunteered at another church and other organizations. Investigators are still trying to figure out all the names of the programs he participated in.

They say Liu also contacted children through a gaming chat app called "Discord."

The school declined a request for an interview on the advice of an attorney, a top administrator said.

Minnesota couple pleads guilty to solicitation
of a child for sexual acts

A couple Friday pleaded guilty to propositioning a child to engage in sexual conduct, according to court documents.

Shawn Merle Mechtel, 51, and Misty Dawn Mechtel, 36, admitted to one felony count each of solicitation of a child to engage in sexual conduct.

On June 9, Stearns County Human Services, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, began investigating allegations of potential sexual abuse involving a then-15-year-old female child, according to the criminal complaints.

The child had disclosed to a witness she had been solicited to engage in sexual conduct with the Mechtels on multiple occasions. The witness informed Stearns County Human Services. 

In an interview with Human Services, the child disclosed Shawn Mechtel had created "checklists," which included comments about sexual conduct and whether it would be OK for him to engage in certain forms of sexual contact or intercourse with the child. 

The child indicated this had occurred multiple times at multiple locations, including a location in Stearns County, according to the complaints. Investigators determined the solicitation occurred during the first half of 2017 and would have begun while the Mechtels were living in Stearns County. 

Law enforcement spoke to Misty Mechtel, who acknowledged having a discussion with Shawn Mechtel about a sexual fantasy involving the teen. 

Shawn Mechtel admitted to law enforcement he did create "checklists" and he did proposition the child for sexual conduct. 

According to Stearns County Jail records, both Shawn and Misty Mechtel were arrested and booked June 14 on a possible felony charges of solicitation of a minor. 

Shawn and Misty Mechtel are expected to appear in court for sentencing May 21.

Stearns Co., Minn

Alabama pastor faces sex abuse charges
By Ken Curtis 

HOUSTON COUNTY, Ala. (WTVY) — A former children’s pastor at Mount Gilead Baptist Church faces three charges of sexually abusing children under the age of 12. 

Houston County deputies arrested William “Wes” Williamson, on Thursday.

Mount Gilead Senior Pastor Bradley Rushing said he was made aware of allegations involving Williamson several weeks ago. “He had zero contact with children from that point forward,” Rushing said 

He terminated Williamson following his arrest Thursday. 

Rushing added the accusations did not involve sexual relations though he can’t speak to the investigation and what it revealed. 

Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza declined comment saying the investigation is not complete. 
As of Friday afternoon, court documents that would reveal additional information had not been filed. 

Rushing said while the allegations are disturbing they won’t deter from Easter. “This will not be a distraction---that’s what the Devil wants. God is sovereign and will seek his Glory.” 

Williamson posted bond totaling $90,000 and is out of the Houston jail. 

South Dakota Man Receives 30-Year Sentence
For Child Sex Offenses on 4 & 5 y/os
KDLT Newsroom

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – A Sioux Falls man is sentenced to decades in prison for his repeated abuse of two children.

39-year-old Mark Diede was sentenced to 50 years in prison, with 20 suspended. After pleading guilty in December to having sexual contact with a child under 16, as a habitual offender.

Diede will receive credit for the year he’s already spent behind bars. Diede was arrested last April on child rape charges, after the two children, ages four and five, talked with an adult about being inappropriately touched by Diede.

Police say interviews with the girls indicate the abuse had been going on for the past year. Diede is already a registered sex offender.

He was convicted in 2005 for attempted sexual contact with a 10-year-old girl.

Convicted Virginia child rapist sentenced to life in prison
Carol Vaughn, cvvaughn@delmarvanow.com 

Convicted child rapist Khalil Muslimani was sentenced to life in prison, plus five years, in a Virginia Beach courtroom on Friday.

The prison sentence followed the jury's recommendation, made at Muslimani's December trial, but the judge did not impose a $100,000 fine the jury had also recommended.

Muslimani, 70, of Accomack County, was convicted after a two-day jury trial of raping his young stepdaughter in the 1980s in Accomack County, and of taking indecent liberties with her as well.

The trial was moved from Accomack County after a judge granted a defense motion for a change of venue.

"There are really no adequate words" to describe the crimes for which Muslimani was convicted, Judge Frederick Lowe said before imposing the maximum sentence allowed — life in prison on a charge of rape and five years on a charge of taking indecent liberties with a child.

The charges relate to incidents dating back to the 1980s, involving sexual crimes against Muslimani's stepdaughter, who now goes by the name Stacey Ann Spione. The Daily Times and Delmarva Now do not typically identify victims of sexual crimes, but Spione wanted her name used.

"I am very pleased with the judge's decision," said Spencer Morgan, Accomack County Commonwealth's Attorney. "I will be forever impressed by Stacey's bravery," Morgan said.

Morgan entered as evidence a victim impact statement written by Spione, dated March 28.

"No one can ever begin to understand what I have lived through and what I continue to live with. My stepfather killed so much of me, stole my life with no remorse or regret," she wrote, adding, "It is a daily struggle trying not to let 13 years of sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, and mental abuse consume me. Images haunt me both when I sleep and when I am awake."

Spione, who is now in her 40s, testified at the trial that Muslimani sexually abused her from the time she was 4, and that she was impregnated by him multiple times.

Her first child, fathered by Muslimani, was born when she was 12, after she had miscarried previously. She ultimately had four children fathered by Muslimani, Spione said in the victim impact statement.

She testified at the trial that she first met Muslimani at age 3, when her mother, now known as Ruth Ann Carpenter, her sister and she were staying at a hotel he owned in Maryland. After Carpenter married Muslimani, they lived in Princess Anne in Somerset County, Maryland, and then moved to a house near Onancock, in Accomack County, Virginia, in 1986.

Spione said Muslimani's sexual abuse continued even after it was discovered she was pregnant.

Spione said at the December trial she decided in August 2014 to take action to bring Muslimani to justice. "For four days, I had been feeling as though I was being guided to take action. I was strong enough to do it," she said.

Morgan, the commonwealth's attorney, in his closing statement at the trial, argued DNA evidence pointed to that child's biological parents being Muslimani and Spione.

Muslimani before he was sentenced read a lengthy, rambling statement — which he said was six pages long — from yellow legal pad pages — in which he referred to multiple dates and incidents in the 1980s and 1990s and to his characterization of his relationship with Spione.

Muslimani was previously sentenced to two life terms plus 20 years for sexual crimes against another family member.

Defense attorney Trevor Robinson said Muslimani's appeal in that case was denied; it is now being appealed to the Virginia Supreme Court.

Accused child rapist faces new charges in New York
DON LEHMAN dlehman@poststar.com

FORT EDWARD — A Fort Edward man who was arrested in January for allegedly raping a teenage girl faces a host of new charges for allegedly raping and sexually abusing another child, police said.

Richard M. Alger, 53, of Mechanic Street, was charged with the state's weightiest sex count, predatory sexual assault against a child, as well as lesser counts of first-degree rape, first-degree criminal sexual act, course of sexual conduct against a child and sexual abuse, according to the Washington County Sheriff's Office and Fort Edward Police.

In all, he faces eight additional felony charges. The predatory sexual assault charge is punishable by up to life in state prison, while the rape and criminal sexual act counts could each bring up to 25 years.

The new charges stem from allegations he repeatedly had sexual contact with a girl under the age of 13 in the town of Fort Edward and village of Fort Edward last year. He also was charged with third-degree rape in January for allegedly having sex with a girl under the age of 17.

He was acquainted with both children.

Alger had been free on bail on the charges filed earlier this year and turned himself in to police on Thursday as police sought him in connection with the new accusations.

Washington County sheriff's Investigator Michael McWhorter said the investigation was ongoing, but police as of Friday had no indications of any additional victims.

"This all stems from a time period before his initial arrest in January," McWhorter said. Fort Edward Police Chief Justin Derway said the alleged sexual assault in the village of Fort Edward occurred last November.

Alger was arraigned in Fort Edward Town Court on Thursday and sent to Washington County Jail for lack of bail. Anyone with information in the case was asked to call McWhorter at 518-746-2496.

New York man charged with child sex abuse
Jeff Murray, jmurray@stargazette.com

A Steuben County man is behind bars after he allegedly had sexual contact with a teenage boy.

Scott A. Vanhoven, 41, of Shamrock Road in the Town of West Union, subjected a 14-year-old male to sexual contact by forcible compulsion, according to the Steuben County Sheriff's Office.

Vanhoven is also a registered Level 2 sex offender.

He was charged in 2000 with having sexual contact with a 13-year-old girl. He was convicted in August of that year in Steuben County and served six months in the county jail and five years probation.

Well, obviously that did him a lot of good!

During the recent investigation, it was also discovered that Vanhoven allegedly created a Facebook account, which he did not report to the state sex offender registry, according to the sheriff's office.

Vanhoven was charged with first-degree sexual abuse, failure to register or verify, and failure to notify the state Division of Criminal Justice Services of change of internet access or internet identifiers, all felonies.

Vanhoven was arraigned and committed to the Steuben County Jail in lieu of $50,000 cash bail or $100,000 property bond on the sexual abuse charge, and $10,000 cash bail or $20,000 property bond on the correction law charges.

Vanhoven will appear in Town of West Union Court and Town of Bath Court on April 4 to answer the charges. The Livingston County Sheriff's Office and the Steuben County District Attorney's Office assisted in the investigation.

Washington State man sentenced for child molestation
By Rob Ollikainen

PORT ANGELES — Convicted child molester Donald William Kingsley was sentenced Thursday to nearly six years in prison for a crime a bench trial found he committed against an 8-year-old girl.

Kingsley, 30, of Port Angeles, was sentenced to 70 months confinement, a two-month deviation from the 51- to 68-month standard range.

Clallam County Superior Court Judge Brian Coughenour based the exceptional sentence on the aggravating factor that Kingsley violated his position of trust as a babysitter and family friend to commit first-degree child molestation last August.

You had a special relationship with the family, and you clearly had a position of trust,” Coughenour told Kingsley.

And you gave him an extra 2 months for that. Good grief! What a joke! 2 years is not enough!

Kingsley was convicted of first-degree child molestation after a two-day bench trial in January. He was acquitted of first-degree child rape, the primary charge stemming from the same incident at the girl’s home last Aug. 24.

At trial, Kingsley testified that he was given free room and board at the victim’s Port Angeles home in exchange for babysitting the girl and her siblings. He repeatedly denied that he touched the girl inappropriately.

Clallam County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sarah Woolman requested an 84-month sentence for Kingsley based on the position of trust aggravator. Defense attorney John Hayden of Clallam Public Defender said a standard-range sentence was appropriate. 

“This is different than a typical abuse of trust situation,” Hayden said. “This is not someone who has ingratiated himself in a particular place for a particular purpose. “This is much more akin to simply a family member going off the rails and doing something bad.”

After prison, Kingsley will be in community custody subject to Indeterminate Sentence Review Board review. “You will be exposed on sex offender registration for basically your lifetime as well,” Coughenour told Kingsley.

Kingsley will be required to undergo sex offender treatment as part of his community custody. Coughenour signed a lifetime sexual assault protection order prohibiting Kingsley from having any contact with the victim.

Kingsley offered no apology to the victim or her family.

In a brief statement to the court, Kingsley took issue with a transcript of a statement that the victim’s father made after his arrest and with a new video conferencing system used in Superior Court.

Port Angeles police arrested Kingsley after the girl’s father confronted him about the allegations while wearing a police wire. In his testimony, Kingsley said he felt threatened and intimidated by the father and made up a story about touching the girl inappropriately.

“It sounded like the father was putting words in my mouth, or it was transcribed that way,” Kingsley said at Thursday’s sentencing hearing. “There was a gun safe in the room where the children had slept. …. and at no time was I able to actually leave the facility.”

Kingsley said the video conferencing system allows inmates to hear about each other’s cases. “I believe that the video court could lead to injury and/or serious harm,” Kingsley said.

Woolman read a victim impact statement provided by the girl’s father. “What Donnie did was not a one-time thing that only affected one person at one point in time,” the father said. “What he did has affected our family, especially our daughter, and will continue to affect us even after Donny has finished his prison sentence.”

Sex abuse arrest: Girl, 10, was forced to wear
dog collar, Florida
WPLG - Miami, FL

A South Florida man is accused of kidnapping a 10-year-old girl he met online and taking her to a motel in Central Florida where he sexually abused her and made her wear a dog collar.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd says 23-year-old Jonathan Diaz-Fundora took three days off from the Miami fast-food restaurant where he works and met the girl near her Lakeland home Tuesday.

According to Judd, Diaz-Fundora had been grooming the girl online “directing her to perform sex acts and send him photos and videos.”

When the girl left home to meet Diaz-Fundora, she left a note saying she was staying with a friend who needed her help, investigators said. The girl’s parents called police who were able to find Diaz-Fundora at a motel within 35 minutes.

“We found this child hiding in the bathroom wearing this dog collar,” Judd told reporters. He said she was also found wearing a lanyard and a pacifier around her neck. “This is one of the most sick things you can ever imagine,” Judd said.

Diaz-Fundora faces multiple charges including kidnapping, sexual battery and possession of child porn.

Judd said investigators were stunned by the reaction of Diaz-Fundora when they told him about the charges he was facing.

“He says ‘yea, after we get this cleared up at the jail can you give me a ride back to my car?’”

If convicted of the charges he’s facing, Diaz-Fundora could be sentenced to life in prison.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

4 Churches - 3 in Texas, Teachers and Coaches Lead the USA PnP List Today

Man found guilty of sexual abuse of a 9 y/o girl in Iowa
MUSCATINE, Iowa (KWQC) An Iowa City man has been found guilty on a charge of sexual abuse in a case involving a 9 -year-old girl.

According to the Muscatine County Attorney, 40-year-old Carlos Augusto Ramirez Lopez was found guilty of 2nd degree sexual abuse on Wed., March 28, 2018.

The incident occurred in September, 2011 and was investigated by the West Liberty Police Department. During the trial, evidence was presented that Ramirez Lopez performed a sex act against the girl.

He now faces a mandatory sentence not to exceed 25 years. He will be required to serve 17.5 years of the sentence before being eligible for parole. Once released, he will be on lifetime supervised release and be required to register as a sex offender.

Sentencing is set for May 4, 2018, at 9:00 a.m.

Texas girl raped repeatedly before first grade

A Fort Worth man was sentenced on Thursday to 65 years in prison for having sex with a 6-year-old Parker County girl at least 20 times when she was in kindergarten and first grade.

Separately, Micheal Moose duct-taped a 9-year-old Tarrant County girl's mouth and threatened to kill her if she told anyone they had had oral sex and intercourse, a Parker County prosecutor said.

A Parker County jury convicted Moose, 49, on a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a young child and indecency with a child. Judge Graham Quisenberry sentenced Moose to 20 years on the indecency charge, and that will be served concurrently with the 65 year sentence.

"There is no parole for continuous sexual abuse of a young child under Texas law," Parker County Assistant District Attorney Jeff Swain said in a news release. "Therefore Mr. Moose will not be released from prison until he is 113 years old."

The 6-year-old who is now 14 made an outcry in 2016. The girl told a friend after she and her classmates went through a Worth the Wait sexual education class in 6th grade. The friend told the school resource officer and an investigation began.

Moose repeatedly denied to Weatherford police that he molested the girl, but he told investigators he used methamphetamine, had suffered a brain injury, suffered from memory loss and was scared he did molest the victim.

"The interview with the defendant was critical to the case because while Mr. Moose denied committing the offense, he also left the door open to the possibility that he did," said Parker County Assistant District Attorney Susan Pruett, who tried the case with prosecutor Abby Placke.

The Tarrant County girl, who is now 24, told jurors that Moose had sex with her when she was 9 years old. She reported it in Tarrant County, but Moose was not arrested.

"The fact that there were multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against Mr. Moose was a big factor in proving he was sexually interested in children, in particular, the victim in our case," Placke said.

Father and son in Dallas-area church face
child sex assault charges

DALLAS - The bus director for a Mesquite church was custody Sunday after being arrested on a charge of sexually assaulting a child, according to jail and church records.

Online records indicates Larry Allen Winn, 65, is the father of, Steven Aaron Winn, who was arrested last month on three counts of sexual assault of a child in Dallas County.

Both are members of Open Door Baptist Church in Mesquite.

Larry Allen Winn was booked in the Dallas County Jail Saturday, facing a charge of sexual assault of a child, according to Dallas County jail records. He remained in jail in lieu of $25,000 bail.

Mesquite police declined to comment Sunday on the case against the father, saying the investigation continued.

The bus ministry sends out buses every Sunday morning for people needing rides to attend worship at he church.

Steven Aaron Winn, 33, who was a volunteer and worked with the youths, is accused in the sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl while he worked at the Mesquite church, police have said.

Mesquite began their investigation of Steven Aaron Winn on Feb. 18 after receiving a tip about a possible sexual assault involving a teenage girl who was a student at the church's school.

Steven Aaron Winn of Crandall was arrested Feb. 22. He was also being held on Kaufman County warrants accusing him of sexual assault of a child, according to jail records. Steven Aaron Win remained in the Dallas County Jail Sunday in lieu of $375,000 bail.

The Mesquite church had to deal with rape accusations in 2011. Then-pastor Matt Jarrell was arrested in May 2011 and accused of raping a woman near Charleston, W. Va.

He was found hanging in his cell and died before emergency responders could take him to the hospital.

Dallas-area church instructor admits to sexually assaulting 4 children ages 2-6
By Fernando Ramirez 

McKinney police say a 22-year-old man sexually assaulted four children between the ages of 2 and 6 while working as a church instructor.

Noel Anderson was arrested last Friday by the McKinney Police Department on charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Police said Anderson admitted to the crimes, which spanned the last seven years during his time as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Pre-K teacher at south Abilene church arrested
on child sex crime charges
by Jamie Burch & Maria Aguilera

ABILENE, Texas -- An Abilene man with a history of working with kids has been arrested on child sex crime and child porn charges.

Benjamin Russell Roberts, 24, is charged with indecency with a child and possession of child pornography. His bond was set at $150,000 on each charge.

Roberts was arrested Wednesday after police served a warrant in a north Abilene home. Roberts “admitted to and was found to be in possession of child pornography,” according to the arrest report.

Abilene police said they had info that an unknown person downloaded child pornography from July 19 through Sept. 26, 2017. The investigation began on Feb 27. On Wednesday, the cyber crimes division was able to identify Roberts as the person who was downloading child porn at his residence. Police said he lived at a community outreach home.

Police seized several devices -- a Dell laptop, two iPhone 4s, a Samsung Galaxy, Sony USB -- which contained child pornography. They also found "one pair of children's underwear," said Sgt. Lynn Beard. No children lived at the home. 

Beard said Roberts admitted "to inappropriately touching a child under 12 years old last year."

According to police, Roberts has worked at least three places where he was in contact with children, including the Wylie Baptist Church's Child Development Center, Southern Hills Church of Christ daycare and the Beltway Park Church youth program.

Sex offender charged in 2006 Florida rape
after processing of rape-kit backlog

By Tarik Minor - Anchor, I-TEAM reporter, Frank Powers - Assignment manager

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A 12-year-old Jacksonville rape case has finally produced an arrest. 

Mikel McClusky, a 48-year-old registered sex offender, was just released from prison March 23, and brought to the Duval County jail on two counts of sexual assault stemming from a 2006 cold case.

It's another arrest resulting from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement processing the backlog of rape kits.

According to the arrest warrant, McClusky was driving in Arlington, picked up a woman and the two went to a vacant home, where they drank and smoked marijuana. The warrant states he forced himself on her and then dropped her off at a convenience store.

The DNA evidence from the 2006 rape came back last year, and that’s when the state attorney’s office put a hold on McClusky, so he wouldn’t be set free.

The News4Jax I-TEAM learned he has a 1997 conviction in Nebraska for child molesting. He was also arrested in 1999 on a charge of lewd and lascivious battery on a victim between the aged 12 to 15.

McClusky also served six years in prison for a 2012 conviction for lewd and lascivious battery. 

The state attorney's office has filed a petition under the Jimmy Ryce Act to have him declared a sexually violent predator.

In the petition, the state attorney’s office says, McClusky “suffers from a mental abnormality and/or personality disorder which makes him likely to engage in acts of sexual violence if not confined in a secure facility for long-term care, control and treatment.” 

If granted by a judge, it would mean McClusky would be placed in civil confinement under the constant supervision of the Florida Department of Children and Families. McClusky is being held on $500,000 bond on the 2006 rape charges. 

People who have endured sexual abuse themselves said seeing cold cases being solved is liberating. "You are forever a victim," Sue Ellen Eldridge said. "No one wants to feel that way."

Eldridge told the I-TEAM on Thursday that she knows what it's like to be violated, and watch the person who committed that act walk away a free man. "I have a past of sexual abuse and assault, and there are people still out there (who) will never get caught for something like this. It's good," she said.

The state Department of Law Enforcement began processing the rape kits when a backlog was discovered in 2016. As of January, the FDLE has completed 6,161 rape kits, of which 1,461 of the kits produced a positive DNA match. Its goal is to process 8,600 rape kits by 2019.

Two Decatur coaches arrested for grooming
and soliciting students
TONY REID Herald & Review 

DECATUR — Friends of the 14-year-old student police said was the victim of indecent solicitation by a Decatur high school basketball coach said she called the 26-year-old man her “boyfriend,” a sworn affidavit reveals.

The police affidavit describes the girl as saying Eisenhower High School freshman girls coach Dylan W. Nunn had talked of having sex with her and asked her to go to a basketball game in Chicago with him. Nunn worked at Hope Academy and also coached the eighth-grade girls basketball team last season. 

Friends of the girl said Nunn, who is also a school district security guard, would “get upset” when he saw her talking to other boys, the affidavit said.

“The 14-year-old stated she has had conversations with Dylan about having sex with him but denied actually having sex with Dylan,” detective Chris Hale said in the affidavit. He said the girl said she had been talking to Nunn for several months and had “sent him a photo of herself in her underwear in the past,” Hale said. The girl told him she had spoken to Nunn on March 23 and Nunn had told her to “get his name out of this,” Hale said.

These are the second set of child sex-related charges involving a coach at Eisenhower High School in as many weeks. Nunn, arrested Wednesday afternoon after he agreed to come to police headquarters for an interview, denied having an inappropriate relationship with the girl, according to Hale.

“Dylan was shown the Snapchat messages recovered from the 14-year-old. I asked Dylan to explain the good night messages with heart eye and heart emoji,” said Hale. “Dylan stated it was a joke. I asked Dylan if he had conversations about having sex with the 14-year-old. Dylan denied that happened. Dylan stated the 14-year-old just has a crush on him. I asked Dylan for his phone to verify what he was telling me. Dyland stated it was not necessary.”

Nunn was booked on preliminary charges of indecent solicitation and “grooming,” which is using electronic communications to “seduce, solicit, lure or entice” a child to commit a sex offense. Preliminary charges are subject to review by the Macon County State’s Attorney's Office.

Nunn’s arrest followed a similar case involving a 14-year-old girl and Eisenhower softball coach Matthew E. Krause, 26. Krause, who is also a teaching assistant at French Academy elementary school, was arrested there on Friday on preliminary charges of indecent solicitation of a child and the sexual exploitation of a child. Krause was also the eighth-grade girls basketball coach at Thomas Jefferson Middle School.

Hale, described as a school resource officer, was the arresting officer in that case as well. Detective Sgt. Chris Copeland said Thursday he could not comment on any similarities between the two cases or whether they were linked. He did confirm investigations were continuing.

Nunn remained in the Macon County Jail on Thursday in lieu of $100,000 bond. If he makes bail, he is ordered to stay away from “any school” and to have no contact with the girl or with “any minor under 18 years of age,” according to court documents.

Krause is free on $150,000 bond.

Man gets 31 years to life in prison for sexually abusing 2 California girls, impregnating one

PALMDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- A man has been sentenced to 31 years to life in state prison for sexually abusing two Palmdale sisters, ages 9 and 11, one of whom became pregnant.

Jerardo Garcia Sierra, 28, pleaded no contest last month to one count each of lewd act upon a child and sexual intercourse or sodomy with a child 10 years or younger. As a result of that plea, Garcia will also have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said.

Following the sexual abuse, one of the victims became pregnant, but the baby died shortly after birth, according to evidence presented at the preliminary hearing.

Sierra, who had access to the two girls through a family member, began the abuse in May 2013. The district attorney's office said Sierra continued to abuse the younger victim through August 2016.

Alabama man charged with child sex abuse

Posted By: Patrick Ary

An Athens man is in jail awaiting a bond hearing on a child sex abuse charge.

Jonathan Dakota Norwood, 23, was arrested Monday for sexual abuse of a child under 12.

Limestone County Sheriff's Office deputies said they received a report Monday of a possible sexual assault at Athens-Limestone Hospital.

Investigators said Norwood is a relative of the owner of the trailer park in Elkmont where the child lives with his family.

He is being held in the Limestone County Jail awaiting a bond hearing.

Alabama murder suspect charged with
child sexual abuse
Melissa Brown, Montgomery Advertiser 

A suspect out on bond in a 2017 murder case was arrested again this week on charges of child sexual abuse. 

Wendell Givens is charged with first-degree sodomy and sexual abuse of a child. Court records indicate the victim is a 10-year-old girl. 

Givens is currently in custody on a total of $90,000 in bond.

Givens was charged last year with capital murder in the shooting death of 27-year-old Leeandre Lockley at a gas station on Carter Hill Road.

The district attorney's office on Monday filed a motion to revoke Givens' bond for the murder charge, according to court records, which was granted Thursday.

"The defendant has shown that he is a continued menace to society and has committed numerous offenses while on bond," the motion states.

Givens is accused of fatally shooting Lockley while Lockley sat inside his car at the gas station on April 5. The shooting was captured by the store's surveillance system at the time. Lockley later died from his injuries at Baptist Medical Center South. Montgomery Police Department arrested Givens days later. 

Though Givens was initially held in custody with no bond, a district judge in June 2017 set a bond at $350,000 with stipulations that he comply with a curfew and random drug tests. Givens bonded out in August.

Alabama youth pastor arrested for
child sex abuse and sodomy

Westwood Baptist Church, Birmingham, was rocked earlier this month when Cody Stutts, the church’s part-time youth minister, was arrested on child sex abuse and sodomy charges.

The allegations were not made by anyone at Westwood Baptist. Stutts is no longer employed at the church.

The felony charges against Stutts are sexual abuse of a child less than 12 years of age and second-degree sodomy, according to news reports. Stutts was booked into the Tuscaloosa County Jail on a $40,000 bond.

Church leaders have asked for prayers for all involved. 

Woman jailed for inappropriately touching
young boy in Alabama
By Carol Robinson crobinson@al.com

A 40-year-old Birmingham woman was arrested in Shelby County Wednesday after police say she made inappropriate sexual advances toward a young boy.

Helena police announced the arrest of Charlotte Moore. A release from the department said officers responded to the 2900 block of Dublin Drive on a report of sexual abuse.

Once on the scene, they were told a white female had approached a boy under the age of 12 and touched him inappropriately while talking with him. Police began looking for the white female described and found Moore, who matched the description given by the victim.

Moore was arrested for sexual abuse of a child under the age of 12 and placed in Helena City Jail to await transport to Shelby County Jail. No additional details were released.

Fargo man charged with sex act with child, abuse
By Forum staff 

FARGO - A Fargo man faces charges for engaging in a sexual act with a girl under the age of 15 and child abuse, according to documents filed Thursday, March 29, in Cass County District Court.

Lansana Solo Sah, 33, is charged with Class AA felony gross sexual imposition with a child under the age of 15 and Class C felony child abuse, court documents show.

The offenses are alleged to have occurred between Jan. 1, 2015 and Dec. 5, 2017, the documents said.

Married Teachers Accused of Sexual Abuse of Student in Pennsylvania

SCRANTON, Pa. -- Husband and wife, both teachers, are both facing charges for the sexual abuse of a student.

The two teachers from Lackawanna County were arraigned Thursday afternoon on charges of institutional sexual assault for the alleged abuse of a teenage girl. The two teachers are husband and wife.

Ruth and Nick Baggetta are both teachers -- Ruth, a music teacher at Lakeland High School and the school's band director, Nick teaches at Fell Charter School near Carbondale.

Both are facing charges for the abuse of the same girl, starting when she was 16 years old.

Earlier this month a student, now 18 years old, came forward with allegations against Ruth and Nick Baggetta of Greenfield Township.

According to arrest papers, her story starts back when she was 16 and the Baggettas were engaged to be married. The girl confided in Mr. Baggetta about problems at home and they began a friendship that later turned sexual.

That relationship, she says, was supported by Ruth Baggetta who allegedly told her husband to "get it out of his system" before the couple married.

Both were arraigned on charges of institutional sexual assault, because of their jobs as teachers. They're also charged with corruption of minors and endangering the welfare of children. Ruth is also charged with failure to report child abuse because she allegedly knew about her husband's relationship with the girl but said nothing.

The girl told investigators that Ruth Baggetta was more than aware she often spent Friday nights with the couple, sometimes sleeping in their bed with them.

On one occasion, the girl said, Ruth Baggetta said she bribed her husband by telling him he could have sex with both of them.

Ruth Baggetta is suspended from her job at Lakeland. The district solicitor saying in a statement:

"Ruth Baggetta was suspended from her employment with the school district immediately after the allegations were brought to the district's attention. The district is taking appropriate action to convert the suspension to indefinite and unpaid."

Both Baggettas were arraigned and released on $100,000 bail. They're due back in court next week.