Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Child Sexual Abuse > Sexual Fetishes, Grooming, and the Olympics - Dr Jill Malone


Sexual Fetishes, Grooming, and the Olympics

Exposing children to deviant behavior has serious consequences

By Jill G. Malone, PhD

Worldwide, in the name of tolerance and pageantry, we are perpetuating a generation of children who are acclimatized to sexual perversions and, frankly, sexual abuse. Many of these children will develop paraphilic disorders from an early age.

Here is where this narrative gets tricky and a little graphic.

For those graphic images and videos please go to Dr Malone's website. I won't show them here.

Children model what is normalized in their lives.

The recent Olympic opening ceremony was watched by hundreds of millions of children around the world. Men parading in women’s clothes, gluttony, sexual perversion, genitalia being openly exhibited, a “three-way”, the sexualization of children, and violence were all depicted. This was a show specifically designed for children to watch. Those opening scenes had primary colors, music, dance, celebration, and regalia meant to appeal to children. What was not to love for a young child watching? This, my friends, is grooming 101.

If that last statement seems like an over-the-top harsh assessment, consider this:

Paraphilic disorders are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are distressing or disabling and that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of the person or a partner, with the potential to cause harm.

The most common paraphilic disorders are

That display at the Olympics was not done to promote tolerance, and to call it spectacular is just sick.

That Olympic event was designed to diffuse unhealthy sexual practices and a deviant sexual culture to a vulnerable group of people, many of whom are our youth. Those images on the screen were foisted on an unsuspecting group of people who were victimized by having such images invaded into their brains.

They are spreading these mind viruses throughout vast populations of children globally.

When transgender people call outrage - as their genders are '“misidentified”, when they dress as prostitutes or worse, and then expect to be taken seriously as professionals, when drag-queens and transgender people insist on interacting with children in libraries and schools, they are not behaving normally or benignly. They are causing suffering, humiliation, and distress in their non-consenting victims, and it is being done purposefully. These types of actions and behaviors are evidence of some sort of Paraphilic disorder.

The Olympic opening event caused great outrage because it made fun of a Christian rite and religion. That criticism is well justified, but frankly, the issue of gay promiscuity, cross-dressing, and over-the-top transgendered individuals being idolized in mainstream media is important in and of itself.

MSM can’t get enough of gay and transgender sex. So many shows on Netflix, Amazon, streaming channels, and cable networks are chock full of such scenes. Then there is the porn that almost every child in the United States has access to. Which, frankly, normalizes unhealthy sexual practices. Bar scenes, gay rages, and multiple partners - all combined with drug use, alcoholism, and violence are mixed into our TV shows and movies without any thought to how it might be impacting those watching.

It has become almost normal to watch what seemingly seems like a “traditional” Netflix series, only to have an extremely graphic gay sex scene, often preceded by or after a horrifically violent sequence inserted into the drama. This is usually done after the first episode when the producers know the audience is hooked on the plot line.

According to a quick internet search, many or most parents no longer use a babysitter for children - aged 10 and older.

How can these programs possibly be healthy for children?

Not to pick on Netflix, but…

  • The children are watching.

  • They have a TV remote.

  • They are home alone.

Children are watching gay/trans porn on Netflix and other mainstream media channels, and parents have no idea.

It is why when I watch Netflix shows that have normalized gay sex, drag queens flaunting their wares, etc. - I am appalled. When I read about “drag queen story hour,” I am not amused; I am sickened for all of the children, particularly young boys, who are modeling their own sexual development on what they are observing on the screen or being exposed to in the library.

What is a Sexual Fetish?

Sexual fetishes can be a paraphilic disorder.

So what?

When do Fetishes develop?

Some theorists believe that fetishism develops from early childhood experiences, in which an object was associated with a particularly powerful form of sexual arousal or gratification. Other learning theorists focus on later childhood and adolescence and the conditioning associated with masturbation and puberty.

Behavioral learning models suggest that a child who is the victim or observer of inappropriate sexual behaviors may learn to imitate or later be reinforced for the behavior. Compensation models suggest that these individuals may be deprived of normal social sexual contacts, and thus seek gratification through less socially acceptable means.

According to a PEW research poll, about 5% of young adults now identify as “non-binary,” some identify as an animal (yes, this would be classified as a fetish disorder). Many adolescents and young adults are developing unhealthy sexual behaviors, which will impact on their ability to form and maintain healthy relationships and families.

Like in those monkeys I observed, children incorporate what they are exposed to into their adult lives. Yet, rather than advocate for the removal of intensely unhealthy scenes from MSM, society seems hellbent on pushing young people to mimic and adopt unhealthy lifestyles.

Many teachers, physicians, and therapists encourage this. These “professionals” advocate that this is all perfectly normal. Well, it is not. What is shown in the media and entered into our children’s and our own minds is abusive and unhealthy and should not be tolerated.

The Hollywood and artistic community is an attractive landing place for people with paraphilic disorders. Never forget that. We are the victims of these abusers and their displays.

That is why children need parents and guardians to protect them from imagery like that found in the recent Olympic Opening ceremony.


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