Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday 5 October 2024

Canadian Justice > Unbelievable Madness in B.C.s Prison System


This is so far beyond stupidity, it's out of sight

In B.C., a man named Adam Laboucan raped a three month old and drowned a toddler. He later identified as a woman, was given breast implants for free by the province, and was transferred into the Fraser Valley Penitentiary for WOMEN.

This is British Columbia Justice. What madness!

0:46 / 1:29

Violent pedophile who raped three-month-old baby as a teenager is quietly moved to female prison with mother-and-baby unit after having transgender surgery in Canada

  • Adam Laboucan was sentenced in 1997 for raping a baby at 15-years-old
  • Laboucan was moved to a women's prison by 2017 after transitioning to a woman
  • While there Laboucan has reportedly stared at infants housed in a mother-child ward, and attended volunteer events where babies were present

A violent Canadian pedophile who brutally raped a three-month-old infant while a teenager was moved to a mother-and-baby ward after transitioning to a woman in prison.

Adam Laboucan, who in 1999 became Canada's the youngest convicted criminally violent sex offender at just 17-years-old, began identifying as a woman named Tara Desousa and boasted of receiving gender-transitioning surgery around 2018.

Sometime after the transition, Laboucan was granted permission to move to a women's ward at the Fraser Valley Institution, where he was housed in a cell bordering a unit where incarcerated mothers are allowed to live with their children up to seven-years-old.

Inmates have reported Laboucan frequently menaces the mothers by making suggestive comments and staring at their children, and has even showed up to prison events where children were present, according to Reduxx.

Laboucan's crime was considered so violent, and his ensuing behavior while incarcerated so unpredictable, he was handed a rare prison sentence with no determinate length. During his trial, he also confessed to drowning a three-year-old boy when he was just 11.

Laboucan was convicted of raping the three-month-old boy he was babysitting when he was just 15. The victim was so severely injured in the attack he required reconstructive surgery.

It is unclear when Laboucan began his gender transition, but during his trial it was testified he showed 'everything from transsexual to pedophilic tendencies,' according to CBC.  

By 2010 he was calling himself Tara Desousa, and by 2017 he had been transferred to the women's prison where he became violent with fellow inmates, including an altercation where he 'flung another inmate by her hair, then kicked her in the face,' according to Reduxx.

A year later, a 2018 prison dating profile showed pictures of Laboucan dressed as a woman and sporting a large pair of breasts, and was listed under the name Desousa.

'I am a transgender woman and I was born a man but now after surgery I became a full woman,' he wrote on this profile, 'I have a vagina, not a penis, and also have 720ccs DD gel implants.'

Despite his violent past, Laboucan was housed alongside the prison's mother's ward, where other inmates can apply to babysit children as young as infants.

Advocate for incarcerated women, Heather Mason, told Canada's Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security that Laboucan had made numerous mothers in the ward uncomfortable.

'One of these women reported that while in the mother-child program, two transgender individuals with convictions for pedophilia,' Mason said. 'Tara Desousa would loiter near her and her child, making sexist and inappropriate antagonizing comments.'

Mason told Reduxx inmates confided that Laboucan could often be seen 'staring' at children in the ward.

The inmate also described a volunteer event at the prison where she brought her infant-son along, and a prison guard warned her Laboucan was present. 

'I was told that there was an extremely violent child sex offender present who hadn't been in the presence of a young child in a very long time,' the mother said, noting her son was close to the same age as Laboucan's rape victim.

'Once I was informed of the sick and brutal nature of the crime against the child, I regretted even going or letting that person set eyes on my child,' she said.

During his incarceration, Laboucan has requested and been denied parole numerous times.

One parole board rejected him in 2010 citing 'bizarre sexual behavior' they felt posed a threat to the public, including 'gender identity, impulsive behaviour, violence and sexual deviance,' according to CTV News.

The board cited Laboucan admitting to sexually abusing relatives and friends while he was free. 'Mutilation of your penis has also occurred, with you claiming [you] want to be female,' the board said.

It also noted the drowning murder of the three-year-old, which Laboucan committed in a fit of rage. Because he was under 12 when the killing occurred, Canadian law did not charge him with the crime. 

Laboucan also exhibited violence in and sexual deviance in jail. The parole board noted he had been found serving as a prostitute to other inmates, taking drugs was caught with a homemade knife, stabbed a fellow inmate, and threatened to murder a female prison guard.

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