Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday 17 October 2024

Wolves Among the Sheep > 2x2's in Vancouver Island's Comox Valley; Upstate NY Priest Defrocked for Child Sex Abuse


Comox Valley connections to 2x2's beginnings,

beliefs and connections to abuse

Raynee Novak

*Warning this story mentions accounts of child sexual abuse

Despite a former 2x2 church worker being convicted and jailed on child pornography charges, the connections of the church continue to run deep in the Comox Valley.

The “Church with No Name,” “The Truth,” “The Way,” or “Two by Twos” (2x2), is an evangelical Christian group that was founded by William Irvine in 1897. At the time, Irvine was involved with the Faith Mission, an evangelistic movement in Scotland, when he began preaching a new doctrine inspired by Matthew 10 in the Bible. He moved his work to spread the word to Ireland.

According to the history of the sect, Irvine began preaching a new order in which the hierarchy that had developed within the church would have no place. This teaching became controversial within the church and led to his expulsion by church overseers around 1914.

Overseers are in charge of a geographical area within countries where 2x2s operate. They are in charge of the brother and sister workers who move from home to home as if they were ministers. The overseers are also in charge of the funds collected from host families. The current overseer of British Columbia and the Comox Valley is Merlin Affleck. He has been the overseer of the region since 2018. 

Lyndell Montgomery of the Comox Valley, was adopted at six weeks old and put into the church immediately. Her family were devout second and third generation devotees to the 2x2s. Her parents held weekly meetings in their home and had workers stay with them on occasion. She left the church when she was 14, after alleged sexual abuse at the hands of a sister worker. After the alleged incident, Montgomery wanted nothing to do with the 2x2s.

“I can tell you that it runs under the same format that it's run under for a century,” says Montgomery. “It's harder to keep that super tight control, as technology develops and people have access to it. I grew up without  radio,  newspaper, TV - nothing from the secular world.” 

On April 6, 2023, a meeting was held in Kelowna B.C. by Affleck regarding CSA and sexual assault (SA) within the 2x2s. The notes from the meeting mention allegations against a former overseer, Walter Birkenshaw. The notes also mention sister worker Lee-Ann McChesney, who is currently going through the B.C. court system for charges of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Birkenshaw is presently in Alberta and continues to attend meetings. 

The 2x2s take many beliefs from the Faith Mission; their ministry is conducted in pairs, rejecting material possessions, and forming communities that avoid church buildings, formal names and paid clergy. Ministers are called brother workers or sister workers and are to engage in celibacy. Workers are regarded as modern-day apostles with authority equal to the Bible.

“I can tell you that the way it's set up is entirely about hierarchical control, where you and I, as members of this church, have that much of a voice and we can't get to heaven,” adds Montgomery. “It doesn't exist for us unless we go through the workers. So the way that has been set up really puts them [workers] in a position of ultimate authority over you.”.

The qualifications for all workers are the same. Before entering work, they give away all their possessions except what fits into a suitcase, including their money, homes and vehicles. They become unhoused and rely on host homes for their housing. They travel in same-sex pairs, stay in 2x2 households, and hold gospel missions to attract converts. Workers also visit the sick, care for the members in their fields, and help prepare for their annual conventions. They enter the work for life but can leave if they choose, often to get married and move up to Elder roles.

Due to allegations of CSA towards members of the 2x2, overseers and workers are closing the ranks on things such as the large conventions. Friends used to be able to phone in to hear the gospel if they were unable to make the journey to a convention. Now however, only approved phone numbers can get through as the 2x2’s do not want outsiders gaining information about them. 

Members deny having a church name. Doctrine of the church teaches that salvation is reached by attending the group's home meetings, accepting the preaching of its itinerant, unsalaried ministry workers, and "professing.”

Once a person professes their belief in God as they relate to the 2x2s, they are baptized into the religion. 

The 2x2s teach that salvation is not achieved through faith alone, but only through a combination of faith and "works." Works are considered acts of self-denial such as women only wearing modest skirts and long hair in a bun or attending all meetings regardless of how far away they are. The church does not do any outreach programs or encourage its members to participate in charities.

The 2x2s do not acknowledge an official headquarters or official publications. They do not publish any doctrinal statements, insisting that such tenets may only be shared orally by its workers. Printed invitations and advertisements for its open gospel meetings are the only written materials that those outside the church are likely to encounter.

As of 2021, B.C. workers are presented with a written document to sign before they begin their work inside host families' homes. The document states “Children (under the age of 19) are a vital part of our fellowship. All Workers are responsible for promoting their safety, protection and well-being of children while conducting themselves appropriately in every situation.”

“There is a worker's code of conduct that was created.  I have no idea if it is being enforced or if any workers have signed it,” notes Montgomery.

In a letter obtained by a member of a 2x2 survivor support group on Facebook, a deep denial is the rhetoric of those still in the 2x2’s regarding the allegations of CSA being brought against the church despite the over 995 accusations across the globe, stemming from at least 39 countries. 

“We currently are being assailed by a barrage of confusion and evil. The confused and/or evil ones would magnify the existing Child Sexual Abuse problem to immense proportions to satisfy the agenda of the enemy. The data they have solicited and purport to possess is greatly exaggerated. It is also collected and interpreted in a manner that is very questionable at best and fraudulent at worst.”

The unknown writer of the letter, who simply refers to himself as a brother member of the church, dismisses mental health workers and states that no one is above God's law and instruction. He continues to disregard those who have reported historic SA and deny them as part of the 2x2 church. If one speaks out about abuse they have suffered at the hands of a worker, they are no longer part of the 2x2s or “God’s family.”  

“The statistics provided by “mental health professionals” have absolutely no application to members of God’s family. These stats/data have been based entirely on individuals who are not a part of God’s family.”

Members of the 2x2 church meet weekly in homes, schools and other public places all over the world, including the Comox Valley. 

In Feb. 2024, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced (FBI) it was investigating the 2x2s in the United States, and issued an appeal for victims to come forward. Currently, there are more than r 995 allegations against workers and overseers within the 2x2 sect, many of which are historical cases, reaching as far back as 40 years but there are cases as recent as 2023 that are related to possession of child pornography.

The Comox Valley Record will take a deeper look into Montgomery’s account of CSA against a former sister worker who worked in the Comox Valley. This is the second part of a three-part series on the 2x2 church. For the first part of the series and an extended version of this story, visit Comox Valley Record

The abuse is a global problem and cases are continuously reported in various media outlets around Canadathe United StatesAustralia and New Zealand

Search this blog for '2x2' for three more related stories.

If you have experienced sexual abuse or are currently in crisis, please visit these resources:


If you are a former 2x2 member who is looking for support visit:


If you have an instance of abuse to report regarding the 2x2 church visit:


Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Former Scranton St Patrick Catholic Priest

Permanently Defrocked for Child Sexual Abuse

Scranton, PA – The Diocese of Scranton has permanently removed Martin M. Boylan from the clerical state following a lengthy canonical process that found him guilty of sexually assaulting minors. The decision, announced Tuesday, October 8, 2024, by diocesan officials, marks the end of an eight-year investigation into allegations against the former priest.

Canonical Conviction Following Allegations of Child Sex Abuse

Boylan, 76, was found guilty under canon law of sexually assaulting two children. However, the diocese received credible accusations from five individuals. The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith reviewed the case and authorized Boylan’s removal from the clerical state, which is the most severe penalty the Catholic Church can impose on a cleric.

Implications of Defrocking Amid Child Sexual Abuse Investigation

As a result of this decision, Boylan’s official relationship with the Diocese of Scranton has been permanently terminated. He is now prohibited from celebrating Mass, hearing confessions, or administering any of the Church’s sacraments.

Appeals Process Exhausted Permanently Stripping Priest of Ministry Duties

Boylan appealed the decision twice, but the Vatican upheld the diocese’s ruling on both occasions. He has no further avenue for appeal.

While the diocese has referred the allegations to law enforcement, records indicate that Boylan has not been criminally charged at this time.

Bishop’s Statement Regarding Priest Sexual Abuse Case

Bishop Joseph C. Bambera of Scranton issued a statement condemning the actions of Boylan and emphasizing the Church’s commitment to safety:

“There is no place in our Church for such heinous acts. We must ensure that our Church is a safe haven for all, and it is our collective duty to protect, to listen and to stand against any form of abuse.”
The Bishop also called for prayers for the victims and their families.

Accused Father Boylan’s Career in the Diocese

Ordained in 1980, Boylan served in various parishes across Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lycoming, Wayne, and Monroe Counties over a span of more than 30 years. His last assignment was at Saint Patrick Parish in West Scranton before being placed on sabbatical in 2013.

Empowering Survivors: Legal Pathways to Justice in Clergy Abuse Cases

The recent defrocking of former priest Martin M. Boylan by the Diocese of Scranton has brought renewed attention to the issue of clergy sexual abuse. As survivors grapple with the aftermath of such traumatic experiences, many are left wondering about their legal options. To address these concerns, we spoke with Guy D’Andrea, a seasoned Pennsylvania attorney specializing in clergy abuse cases. In this interview, D’Andrea offers valuable information on the legal rights available to survivors, discusses strategies for holding negligent dioceses accountable, and provides guidance for those considering legal action. His insights offer a roadmap for survivors seeking to navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding clergy abuse cases in Pennsylvania.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Mr. D’Andrea, what legal options are available for survivors of childhood sexual abuse by priests?

Guy D’Andrea, Esq.: Survivors have several potential avenues for justice. They can file civil lawsuits against both the abusive priest and the diocese that employed them. These suits can seek compensation for damages like emotional trauma, therapy costs, and lost wages. Additionally, survivors can report the abuse to law enforcement for potential criminal prosecution.

Banville: How can negligent dioceses be held accountable?

D’Andrea: Dioceses can be held liable if they knew about the abuse and failed to take appropriate action to protect children. This could include transferring problematic priests to new parishes without disclosing their history, or failing to properly investigate credible allegations. We often seek internal church documents during litigation to uncover evidence of such negligence.

Banville: What advice would you give to survivors considering legal action?

D’Andrea: I’d encourage survivors to speak with an experienced clergy abuse attorney to understand their options. There are often complex statute of limitations issues involved, but recent legal changes have expanded opportunities for many survivors to seek justice. It’s also important to know that civil cases can proceed even if criminal charges aren’t filed.

Take the First Step Towards Healing

If you or a loved one has experienced abuse, remember that you are not alone. There are legal avenues available to seek accountability and support. We encourage you to reach out for a free consultation to discuss your situation with our dedicated team. Together, we can help you navigate the path toward justice and healing. Don’t hesitate to contact us today—your voice matters, and we are here to listen.



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