Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Islam's Hatred for Women and Girls > Pakistani rapes French Tourist in Greece; The Madness of Sharia in Iraq; UN Aid Workers trade food for sex in Gaza


Santorini: French tourist allegedly raped

by Pakistani instructor

by Paul Antonopoulos, Greek City Times, June 7, 2024:

A French tourist visiting Santorini reported to police that she was attacked and raped by a 36-year-old Pakistani on Wednesday night.

According to Proto Thema, the 25-year-old woman told the police that she met the 36-year-old a few days ago during an activity for which he was the instructor.

They met again on Wednesday night at a restaurant in Perissa and, after eating, made their way back to her accommodation. Then, passing through a narrow and dark street, the 36-year-old allegedly stopped walking, threw the woman to the ground, and forced her into oral sex….

This is how Pakistani men seduce European women and girls. Elegant, isn't it?

 Mother-in-law converts to Islam, therefore

Christian mother, children ordered by court

to convert to Islam

A woman and her children attend an Easter ceremony in Saint John's Church (Mar Yohanna) in the nearly deserted predominantly Christian Iraqi town of Qaraqosh on April 16, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq. Carl Court/Getty Images

In a controversial ruling, an Iraqi court has decreed that a Christian mother, Elvin Joseph, along with her three children, convert to Islam. The decision was based on the interpretation of Iraq’s Personal Status Law which mandates that children must adopt Islam if one of their parents converts.

Joseph, a resident of Duhok in the Kurdistan Region, found herself entangled in this legal predicament following the revelation of her mother’s conversion to Islam after her divorce and subsequent remarriage to a Muslim man.

“I am Christian,” Joseph asserted in an interview with Rudaw Media Network. “I am married to a Christian man. I have three Christian kids. My education was in our language. All my official documents are Christian. Our marriage is registered by the church.”

Despite these declarations, the law, which was enacted in 1959, insists that her familial ties to Islam require her and her children’s conversion, the U.S.-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern said in a statement.

The implications of this law stretch beyond mere religious identity, affecting marital, inheritance and custodial rights under the provisions of Sharia law. Joseph, as a result, faces legal challenges in maintaining her marital union with a Christian husband.

Sami Patros, Joseph’s husband, elaborated on the situation during an encounter at the National Identity Card Office. At that office, “they said your mother-in-law had converted to Islam and, therefore, they said your wife should become Muslim too. This also applies to my children; their religion should be changed from Christianity to Islam.”

The insanity of Sharia, coming to a continent near you soon!

United Nations Aid Workers In Gaza

Make Women Trade Sex For Food

The latest disturbing news from Gaza, not reported anywhere in the mainstream media, is about women in Gaza who have been forced to turn to prostitution, trading sex with aid workers for access to food. And some women, who have refused that hideous bargain, won’t stand in line for food anymore because they are tired of the constant harassment by men who want sex. More on this woefully under-reported scandal can be found here: 

The UN admits aid workers are forcing Gaza women into prostitution.

Where’s the outrage?

Elder of Ziyon, June 6, 2024:

It has now been two weeks since the UN Protection Cluster reported that aid workers and others in Gaza are forcing women into prostitution, presumably in exchange for food.

[I]nsufficient and unreliable aid, distributed under conditions of insecurity that do not allow adequate targeting, expose vulnerable groups to violence, exploitation and abuse, trafficking and forced prostitution, including by aid workers. Specific risks observed in Gaza associated with aid include the presence of unofficial humanitarian workers without identification [in] mixed distribution lines for men and women. There are reports of individuals adopting harmful coping mechanisms, such as reducing food and liquid intake, to minimise such risks.

This has been reported on by exactly no one besides Elder of Ziyon.

The report also mentioned that Gaza women prefer to go without food rather than stand in line together with men for food, because they know they will be sexually harassed,. [sic] 

And that young girls are being raped and married off to older men in the camps….

This isn’t “Zionist propaganda.” This is the UN.  They buried the information in the report but it is there, and if anything, they are downplaying the extent of the problem….

This forcing of women into prostitution in Gaza has been going on for some time. But finally the problem has become too big for the UN to completely ignore, especially since there are now many more Western journalists in Gaza covering the war, and while in the Strip, some of them have learned about the sex-for-aid scandal that Hamas had managed to keep hidden for so long.

In the UN Protection Cluster Report, which was issued in mid-May, the story of this prostitution, forced on women who want only to obtain enough food to feed their families, received only three sentences. No one wants to point the finger at Hamas, whose operatives seize far more of the humanitarian aid — food and medicine — than they had any right to, deserve, then sell some of what they and their extended families do not consume to other Gazans, those without Hamas connections or, as we know now, they trade some of the aid that remains in their possession to Gazan women for sex.

You won’t see a single mention of this prostitution in Gaza at meetings of the UN General Assembly, or at the UN Human Rights Commission. No one will mention it at the European Union, or at the Commission on the Status of Women. And the reason, as Elder of Ziyon notes, is because there is no way to lay the blame for this phenomenon on Israel and the Jews. It might even help Israel, if the important role of Hamas operatives in this hideous practice were to become better known.

*Therefore, it must remain hidden by antisemites and other godless people.

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