Brooklyn perv who sexually exploited underage boys, including one with brain cancer, sentenced to 15 years

Roy Naim, featured in a 2013 Daily News story after creating a text-based mobile game about undocumented immigration, will now spend 15 years in prison. (PEARL GABEL/PEARL GABEL/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
A Brooklyn man featured in a Time magazine cover story on immigration reform was sentenced Wednesday to 15 years in prison for sexually exploiting a boy with brain cancer and possessing kiddie porn videos.
Roy Naim, 32, faced life in prison without the possibility of parole under federal guidelines.
But Brooklyn Federal Court Judge Nicholas Garaufis gave him the mandatory minimum, calling the guidelines “incredibly excessive and irrational,” particularly in this case.
“Congress wants to make a show of their outrage, but they’re not doing justice,” Garaufis said. “And if the Sentencing Commission doesn’t want to do justice, they should all just resign.”
Naim, an Israeli national who came to the U.S. as a child and overstayed his visa, was convicted by a jury in Brooklyn Federal Court last year.
He was charged with scheming with a sicko sidekick in Louisiana — who operated a website called — to make sexually explicit videos of boys.
The victims were duped into believing they were communicating with teenage girls.
One victim was a teen suffering from a brain tumor who attended a camp for children with cancer where Naim was a counselor.
Naim’s creepy cohort, Jonathan Johnson, was sentenced to 21 years in prison, but he cooperated with law enforcement in his case.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Saritha Komatireddy agreed that a life sentence was unwarranted, but urged the judge to slam Naim with at least 20 years for his horrific conduct.
Naim’s lawyers pointed out that former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, a serial molester of boys, was recently sentenced to only 15 months in prison.
“No one on the planet Earth has ever said Roy ever laid a hand on them” defense lawyer Arthur Aidala said.
Naim revealed in court papers that he was molested at age 11 by an older cousin, and struggled with his deviant urges as a member of the Orthodox Jewish community.
While other members of his family became U.S. citizens, Naim was never naturalized and his uncertain status in this country was described in the 2012 Time story headlined: “We are Americans.”
Man featured in Time arrested child porn charges
He tearfully told Garaufis that his dream of becoming an “outstanding citizen” had been shattered.
“I failed as a human being,” Naim said. “The pain of this young victim and his family … I cannot imagine what they’re going through and I’m the cause of all this.”
In a courtroom packed with family and supporters, Garaufis called the defendant “a soul adrift” who apparently did not get the help he needed.
“He lives in a community where his urges, his needs, sexually, are more than frowned upon,” the judge said. “Maybe some of the people in this room could have helped him and should look in the mirror. You know who you are.”
The 15 year sentence was the mandatory minimum the judge could have imposed.
Naim was arrested as part of this federal sting operation:
Massive child porn sting nets 14 deviants who preyed on 251 victims, feds say
Two sickos from Brooklyn and New Jersey were caught in what federal officials called the largest online child pornography sting in history, authorities said Wednesday.
Stanley Zdon III, 27, of Tuckerton, N.J., and Roy Naim, 30, of Brooklyn, were two of 14 creeps charged as part of Operation Roundtable, which involved 251 victims in 39 states and five countries., the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced.
Eight of the victims were female and 243 were male, officials said. The majority of victims — 159 — were 13 to 15 years old.
The twisted freaks allegedly used a darknet, or private network, website to swap child pornography and plan ways to dupe kids into sending more graphic photos.
“Never before in the history of this agency have we identified and located this many minor victims in the course of a single child exploitation investigation,” said Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deputy Director Daniel Ragsdale. “Our agency is seeing a growing trend where children are being enticed, tricked and coerced online by adults to produce sexually explicit material of themselves.”
Roy Naim, an Israeli-born undocumented immigrant in Mill Basin, Brooklyn, was charged with conspiracy to produce child pornography, attempted sexual exploitation of a child, receipt of child porn and possession of child porn.
Feds said the ringleader was Jonathan Johnson, 27, of Abita Springs, La.
Authorities said he confessed to creating multiple fake female personas on social networks where he duped kids into sending photos. He also allegedly copped to coaching other child predators in his inner circle to do the same.
Sounds like a nice enough guy, no wonder the judge didn't want to give him more than 15 years - Sheesh!
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