Child sex abuse live streams rising at 'alarming rate' amid surge in 'cybersex trafficking'
'Dark' form of exploitation sees children perform sex acts
online for paedophiles in UK, US, etc.
May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent
The Independent Online
Filipino children, usually under the age of 12, are forced to perform sex acts on themselves or each other, molested by an adult, or abused in other degrading ways - [STOCK] International Justice Mission
A new form of human trafficking that sees children forced to carry out sex acts while being live-streamed for paedophiles to watch online is growing at an “alarming rate”, a charity has warned.
Known as “cybersex trafficking”, the dark crime has become rampant in the Philippines, where police are receiving thousands of referrals every month and nearly 100 children have been rescued in the past year alone. Demand largely comes from Western paedophiles in places including the UK, Canada and the US.
It sees youngsters, usually under the age of 12, forced to perform sex acts on themselves or each other, molested by an adult, or abused in other degrading ways. The youngest victim reported was a two-month-old baby.
In a rescue mission last week, nine child victims aged between two and nine years old were rescued by Filipino authorities. It followed a referral from police in Canada after they discovered a Canadian man was paying a woman in the Philippines to view live-streamed sexual abuse of young children.
The arrested suspect allegedly produced and sent sexually explicit images of very young children via social media to paedophiles overseas in exchange for money.
She allegedly described sex acts that she would force the victims to do on themselves and on other children for the foreign customer watching online from abroad.
The suspect is also alleged to have told her online customers that she could sexually abuse children of any age and that the children could do whatever sex act the customer wanted until the children cried in pain.
She even allegedly offered to sexually abuse a three month old baby in exchange for money but the baby was not found during the operation.
During the rescue mission, the suspect was caught by police in the act of offering to perform sex acts on her own eight-year-old daughter and “live-stream” those sex acts from her home.
The suspect was not poor, and had allegedly demanded thousands of pesos for every child sexual abuse show and had been doing this for several years. She lived in a four-room house with a large LED flat screen TV, two laptops, a tablet and an entertainment centre.
The International Justice Mission (IJM), a global organisation that protects poor communities from violence by partnering with local authorities, and which helped facilitate the latest rescue of Filipino cybersex victims, has warned that the “disturbing” crime is fast-growing.
David Westlake, chief executive of the organisation’s UK branch, said: “Cybersex trafficking of children is a deeply disturbing global problem. Demand largely comes from Western paedophiles in places including the UK, Canada and the US."
“Increased global access to technology and the internet means that this dark crime is growing at an alarming rate. Filipino police alone are receiving thousands of referrals every month."
"International Justice Mission and Filipino police are urgently working with global police and intelligence sources from countries like the UK, US and Canada to help identify victims being abused and then rescue them."
There is a need for western countries to change their laws concerning this atrocity and treat pedophiles who direct the rape or abuse of children over the internet as if they performed the heinous acts in person.
Longest-ever sentence for Saskatoon child
pornographer with 'vile' collection
WARNING: This story contains details readers may find disturbing
CBC News
Calling his crimes "horrendous," a Saskatoon man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to 40 counts of possessing, producing and sharing child pornography.
Philip Michael Chicoine, 28, remained expressionless during his sentencing Tuesday in a Saskatoon courtroom. He did not appear to make eye contact with his parents, who sat in the front row.
"His collection was vile," said RCMP Cpl. Jared Clarke, the lead investigator from Saskatchewan's Internet Child Exploitation Unit.
"It was some of the worst stuff I've ever seen. It caused nightmares, it caused me trouble dealing with my own kids at home," Clarke said, noting he sought counselling to deal with the images haunting him.
Paying parents to abuse their children
Last spring, Chicoine admitted he paid and directed parents overseas to sexually abuse their children in real time using video streaming sites such as Skype.
In June, the Crown presented videos in court seized from Chicoine's computer. Many involved torture and bondage, with the victims' screams heard throughout the courtroom.
His victims ranged from infants to children 14 years old.
In the exchanges, Chicoine indicated he preferred children who cried during the abuse, complaining about the difficulties of finding "pedomoms."
These internet-directed child sex abuse perverts should be prosecuted as though they performed every hostile act upon those children themselves. Rape by proxy is still rape and is perpetrated by the customer's sick and evil needs.
'Unusual and significant violence against children'
He was found to have more than 580 unique videos and more than 4,000 unique photos. In total, 10,126 videos and 4,714 photos were in his possession, according to the Crown.
Chicoine admitted that he spent more than $20,000 over five years to pay for the online exchanges.
In her 30-page sentencing decision, Judge Vanessa Monar Enweani cited Chicoine's "unusual and significant violence against children," and the need to denounce and deter sex offenders.
Chicoine's sentence is the longest ever handed to a convicted child pornographer in Saskatchewan.
In March, Chicoine was arrested, put on suicide watch and segregated from the general population at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre. Enweani recommended federal prison officials incarcerate him at the Regional Psychiatric Centre in Saskatoon.
She said Chicoine has no prior criminal record and has been assessed as a moderate-to-high risk for being charged or convicted of another sexual offence.
The defence argued Chicoine felt remorse and empathy for his victims, noting he was previously ostracized and intimidated, both at school and at his workplace.
"I think there is hope for your rehabilitation," said Enweani.
Enweani ordered Chicoine to stay away from children for 10 years following his release, and to refrain from participating in any social network, online forum, or chat rooms.
Prosecutor Lana Morelli said the investigation into Chicoine's case began on Valentine's Day this year, when police came across a single pornographic image uploaded to a computer address in Saskatoon.
Chicoine was found to have texted children as young as 10 directly in Florida, Australia and Saskatoon. At one point, a 14-year-old texted him and said she might kill herself. Chicoine replied that he'd want her to film the suicide so that he could watch.
Morelli said police raided Chicoine's home while he was preparing to travel to the Philippines to engage in direct physical abuse with pre-teens and toddlers.
The Internet Child Exploitation Unit said children in the Phillipines were rescued last week as a result of the work done on this case.
"Knowing that we had live victims still at risk was tough," said Cpl. Clarke. "It obviously pushed the envelope on us really having to work diligently and expediently to get the case put together as quick as we could," he said.
Ontario prostitute accused of trying to minimize role in child sex abuse case
by Nicole O'Reilly Waterloo Region RecordA Kitchener woman who has admitted to taking part in the sexual assault of a seven-year-old Hamilton girl told court she didn't take pleasure in her participation and was only following orders as a paid sex worker.
However, assistant Crown attorney Janet Booy called the testimony "completely unbelievable" and an attempt at "minimizing her behaviour."
She admitted to travelling to the girl's Hamilton home in the middle of the night April 27, 2016, with a man she knew as Mike McPhee. Lucas said she met this man on Craigslist and he typically paid her $140 a visit to act out "daddy/daughter role playing." She was offered $100 for the night of the abuse.
In June, 49-year-old Sonya Lucas pleaded guilty to sexual interference, making child pornography and possession of child pornography.
McPhee's real name is Rui DaSilva and he was responding to a Craigslist advertisement allegedly posted by the girl's mother's then boyfriend, who is accused of repeatedly abusing the girl. He cannot be named because of a publication ban protecting the girl's identity, but he faces 40 criminal charges.
DaSilva previously pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eight years.

"You knew she was living in that horrid situation," Booy said, later adding "you took absolutely zero steps to help that little girl."
However, Booy was adamant Lucas would have known the victim was a child from the moment the mom's boyfriend carried the girl over his shoulder into the room and laid her on the floor.
Tuesday's court appearance was for a Gardiner hearing, which is held to iron out disputed details in the agreed statement of facts.
Lucas said she didn't realize the victim was a child until she was called over to record the abuse on a cellphone camera and then participate. "I feel terrible about that night ... it was the worst mistake of my life," she said.
Booy also suggested Lucas was a willing participant.
The case resumes in court Dec. 11 for a sentencing hearing.
Lucas was already a convicted sex offender for a case involving minors, and police found dolls with anatomically correct genitals and child pornography in her apartment.
However, Lucas said the child porn belonged to men.
So the point here is not whether Lucas was a willing participant or a reluctant one. She was a participant and certainly not for the first time. She claims to not be a pedophile, however, she acts and accumulates materials as though she was a pedophile. For all intents and purposes, she is a pedophile and should be sentenced accordingly.
The young victim's aunt was again in court, as she is for every hearing in this case, to advocate for her niece. So too were a number of supporters from the Toronto Chapter of Guardians of the Children – a biker group dedicated to fighting child abuse.
Melbourne woman jailed for sex with a teen
and mothering his child
AAP, Herald Sun
A MELBOURNE woman has been jailed for having sex with a 14-year-old boy multiple times, resulting in her giving birth to the victim’s son.
The 36-year-old took advantage of the boy, who was her daughter’s close friend, by giving him alcohol when he came over and having sex with him without contraception.
Police investigated after a complaint was made in early 2015 but she denied her offending until she gave birth to the victim’s son.
That was some investigation, obviously!
A DNA sample taken from the baby matched with the teenage boy, confirming that he was the father and a victim of sexual abuse.
The woman was jailed for four years today in the Victorian County Court after pleading guilty to the persistent sexual exploitation of a child under 16.
“Your offending was in part motivated by selfish sexual gratification,” said the sentencing judge, who can’t be named for legal reasons.
“The fact you used no contraception and have given birth to a child only aggravates your offending. “You have destroyed the victim’s childhood and the well-being of his family.”
The victim, now 16, has suffered great distress and is struggling to come to terms with the abuse suffered and the responsibility of becoming a father.
The teenager’s child will not be allowed to stay with the woman as she serves at least two years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.
The Department of Health will be involved in coming up with a care plan for the son, and the victim’s family wish to play a part.
The woman, who can’t be named for legal reasons, has a supportive partner and two other children but has substance abuse issues, the judge said.
“You will experience extensive hardship in prison because of the separation from your children,” the judge said.
That won't be the only reason.
Three British Asian Men Jailed for Vile
Child Sex Abuse
Three British Asian men have been jailed for child sex abuse crimes in Rotherham. Their trial was the first to come out of National Crime Agency’s inquiry
Three British Asian men have received jail sentences for their crimes in child sex abuse. They had been found guilty of indecently assaulting a girl under the age of 14.
Identified as 39-year-old Riaz Makhmood, 38-year-old Sajid Ali and 39-year-old Zaheer Iqbal,
they received their sentences on 16th November 2017.
Judge David Dixon convicted them of 15 charges of indecent assault against their victim. Makhmood must serve six years and nine months, while Ali and Iqbal will go to jail for seven and a half years each.
Taking place at Sheffield Crown Court, it marks as the first trial under Operation Stovewood. A National Crime Agency (NCA) inquiry into Rotherham’s historical child sex abuse.
The court heard how the crimes took place in 1994 and 1995, with the woman aged between 12-13 at the time.
That's not a woman - it's a girl!
Their victim explained how Makhmood, Ali and Iqbal would give her and friends alcohol. Through this, they would encourage her to perform sex acts upon them. In a police interview played to the court, she said:
“I think a lot of it were down to having a drink. I was passed around from man to man.”
The woman, now in her 30s, revealed the crimes would take place car parks or behind shops in Masbrough. While they did not threaten her with violence, they would ‘control’ her through other means. Prosecutor Sophie Drake explained:
“They said they would tell her mother what she was doing and she was scared of this. The Crown say this is one of the ways they put pressure on her, and would control her.”
At the age of 13, her mother stopped her from going to the Masbrough area. Only then did the abuse end. However, as she grew up, she realised what had happened to her and reported the crimes to South Yorkshire Police.
NCA received the report from police for their inquiry, Operation Stovewood. In June 2016, they arrested Makhmood, Ali and Iqbal.
As the judge sentenced the three, he said: “She was groomed, coerced and intimated, she was called abusive names and she was treated like a thing, a thing that you passed around among yourselves.”
With the verdict delivered, all three men will begin their sentences. The NCA will continue its inquiry into Rotherham’s historical child sex abuse.
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