Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday 24 May 2024

Approaching Sodom > UK trans pervert gets 16 years for raping little boys; California trans inmate charged with sex abuse in women's prison; NY trans toddler rapist popular speaker at universities


UK: Trans-Identified Male Sentenced To 16 Years

In Prison After Raping Three Young Boys

A man who identifies as a woman has been sentenced to 16 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting multiple young boys. In their statement on the sentence, Lancashire Police declined to use pronouns for Joanne Evans, while local media referred to him as “they/them.”

Evans, 40, was first arrested in 2020 after police became aware that he had been sexually preying on young boys in Swansea. The youngest victim was just 8 years old at the time he was sexually assaulted, and two additional victims who came forward were both under the age of 13.

Evans was charged with assault by penetration of a child and sexual assault by touching of a child, but was not remanded to custody. Earlier this month, he was expected in Burnley Crown Court but refused to appear, resulting in a jury finding him guilty in his absence.

On May 17, Evans was sentenced to a total of 17 years, with 16 years in prison and 1 year on community license.

In a statement on his sentencing, Detective Constable Hannah Brown of the East Child Protection Team said: “Evans is a manipulative individual who sexually assaulted the three young victims for sexual gratification … I want to praise the victims in this case who showed immense bravery, having to re-live their ordeal while giving evidence.”

She added: “I hope the outcome of this case will encourage other victims to come forward, knowing they will be believed, listened to, and that we will do everything in our power to put the perpetrator before the courts.”

In the statement, Lancashire Police did not use pronouns for Evans, but noted that he “uses different male and female names and identities.” The statement did not include what other names or identities Evans utilized.

In media coverage of the sentence, most outlets referred to Evans by gender neutral “they/them” pronouns.

In February of 2023, a new prison policy came into force in Britain stipulating that transgender inmates would no longer be housed in women’s prisons if they had male genitalia or had committed a sexual crime. The policy was later extended to include men who had committed any crimes classified as violent.

The policy had come into force after a heated debate broke out over the transfer of a repeat rapist who identified as transgender to a women’s prison.

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Transgender Inmate Who Said He Was “No Threat” To Women Charged With Sexual Assault After Transfer To Women’s Prison

A trans-identified male inmate appears to have been transferred back to a men’s prison after being charged with rape while in custody at a women’s prison. Tremaine “Tremayne” Deon Carroll, a male who identifies as a woman, was housed at the Central California Women’s Facility when the sexual assault took place but has since been moved to Kern Valley State Prison.

Carroll’s criminal history dates back to 1988, when he began participating in organized crime at just 15 years old. In 1990, Carroll would be convicted for his participation in an armed robbery where he and several other men broke into an apartment occupied by two women. The women were kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and held under demand of ransom.

Despite being only 17 years old, the brutality of the crime resulted in Carroll being charged as an adult with three counts of kidnapping for ransom, two counts of robbery, and three counts of oral copulation by force. However, a hung jury along with a number of other technical issues during the trial process resulted in the need for a retrial. Carroll ultimately pleaded guilty to two counts of kidnapping in an effort to avoid a retrial on all of the charges.

In 1998, Carroll committed his third violent felony, but while in prison awaiting trial he was found in possession of a metal wire shank he had crafted with the intention of stabbing someone.

Because of his extensive criminal history, Carroll was ultimately sentenced to 25-to-life under California’s Three Strikes Law. The law dramatically increases punishment for persons convicted of a felony who have previously been convicted of one or more “serious” or “violent” felonies.

While in the custody of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), Carroll filed dozens of legal complaints alleging mistreatment, discrimination, and even sexual abuse at the hands of CDCR officials and prison staff, along with demanding his conviction under the Three Strikes Law be overturned. But Carroll was a problem inmate, and between 2001 and 2015, he received over a dozen Rules Violation Reports, one of which was related to filing false reports against a Peace Officer.

In a 2019 legal complaint, Carroll revealed he had been moved around within CDCR facilities over 200 times since 2009, something he claimed was “retaliation” for his allegations of employee misconduct. But many of those moves appear to have been to or from medical centers, where Carroll had been receiving treatment for mental health episodes.

In an earlier legal complaint, Carroll referred to himself as “mentally disturbed” and stated he was on high doses of anti-psychotic medication.

In another filing, an unnamed witness called upon by Carroll to provide a statement in support of his claim alleges that Carroll suffers from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, PTSD, and Rubinstein–Taybi Syndrome, a genetic condition characterized by physical and developmental issues.

In the vast majority of his complaints, Carroll refers to himself by “he/him” pronouns, and does not mention his gender identity or sexuality.

But in a case filed in March of 2021, Carroll suddenly invoked SB-132, also known as the Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act. The law had been implemented just three months prior, and formally established the ability of inmates to be housed on the basis of their gender identity in California.

By August of that year, Carroll had been moved to the Central California Women’s Facility, and began fully utilizing his transgender identity to bolster the long-held claims of victimhood he had always forwarded.

In March of 2022, Carroll penned an article for the San Francisco Bay View, a newspaper serving the African-American community in the Bay Area. In the article, Carroll referred to himself as a “trans woman” and portrayed himself as the victim of systemic discrimination by the criminal justice system. He also claimed he was in prison for “non-violent” offenses, in contradiction of his criminal history.

The next year, Carroll was profiled by the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, who featured him as being “an incarcerated transgender woman instrumental in several prison lawsuits.”

Madera County court records obtained by Reduxx show that the District Attorney filed multiple charges against Carroll, including two counts of rape, and one count of dissuading a witness from testifying.

The incident is said to have occurred in January of 2024, and would have occurred while Carroll was incarcerated at the women’s prison. While the complaint by the District Attorney refers to the victim as “Jane Doe,” it is unconfirmed if she was a female inmate or a female member of the prison’s staff.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s inmate locator now shows that Carroll is housed at Kern Valley State Prison, a male-only facility almost two hours away from CCWF.

While CDCR did not respond to Reduxx‘s inquiry on the exact date of Carroll’s move, the transfer appears to have occurred after the rape charges were filed, as court records confirm that Carroll was still addressed at CCWF in late 2023.

Ironically, Carroll is one of the trans-identified males intervening in a lawsuit that seeks to prevent males from being housed in women’s prisons in California. The lawsuit, launched against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, includes four female inmates who all stated they had been victimized by trans-identified male transfers.

In 2022, the ACLU intervened in the case, suggesting that the state of California could not adequately fight the lawsuit and represent the interests of trans-identified males.

In his sworn testimony collected by the ACLU for the case, Carroll declared: “I know what it feels like to live in fear and to carry the weight of the past abuse by men. But I am not a threat [to women]. I strongly believe that everyone here at CCWF would benefit from more structured interaction — opportunities to sit and talk with each other and realize that we’re all in the same boat.”

Speaking to Reduxx on Carroll’s charges, Amie Ichikawa – a former inmate and advocate for incarcerated women in California – said she had personal interactions with Carroll that left her fearful for the safety of the women at CCWF.

“Tremaine Carroll fit the description of everything I feared for women in prison when I learned about Senator Scott Wiener’s SB-132,” Ichikawa said. “I was face to face with Tremaine when I went inside CCWF last year. We shared enough correspondence for me to know that even having almost 10 years of freedom from prison and 5 years free from narcissistic abuse was not enough to qualify me as a woman beyond his reach.”

Ichikawa is the co-founder of WomanIIWoman Inc., a Christian charity that focuses on supporting both incarcerated women and former female inmates. The organization has campaigned extensively against SB-132 and the transfer of male inmates to the state’s female correctional institutions.

Ichikawa adds that assaults on female inmates extend far beyond the immediate victims, and impact the general female population due to the close bonds incarcerated women often form.

“The domestic violence that ensued did not only impact the women walking around bloodied and bruised. It impacts the entire population, because when you hurt one woman in prison it hurts all of us. We move collectively and work like a unit,” she says.

“One woman breaking down and moving backwards affects the ability of the power they had to move forward. Now they’re stuck and there’s not going to be forward motion in their growth or rehabilitation until this stops.”


Trans-Identified Toddler Rapist Featured By Women and Justice Project Infographic On “Discrimination” Faced By Transgender People

New York - A toddler rapist is being featured on a website dedicated to female inmates, with his quotes prominently displayed despite his well-documented criminal history of child abuse. Xena Grandichelli, born Jeffrey Willsea, is a high-risk sex offender in the state of New York.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Grandichelli pleaded guilty to 11 counts of sexual abuse involving a 3 year-old girl in 1994, and was initially sentenced to 19 to 59 years in prison, dropped to 5 to 15 years at a later hearing. Upon release in 2014, he was assigned to the sex offender registry and categorized at the highest level, designating him a major recidivism risk and an ongoing threat to public safety.

Yet despite his horrific criminal record, Grandichelli became a highly-regarded trans activist and has spoken at top-tier universities since his release from prison.

That just goes to show you how spectacularly stupid university students have become.

In 2016, Grandichelli spoke at NYU on the topic of incarceration and trauma, and led a workshop on trans issues for the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People of Color Health Conference. The next year, he was a panelist representing “women’s experiences of incarceration” at Columbia University, which houses a gender identity program staffed by at least one member and former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, Walter Bockting.

Grandichelli has also been presented with an Anti-Violence Project award referring to him as a “Community Hero.”

Notably, he has also partnered with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) and was designated as a Movement Building Team member. In a letter posted to the SRLP website, Grandichelli describes how team members from the organization actively worked to recruit him while he was still incarcerated for sexually abusing a child.

As of May 2024, Grandichelli is still featured by the Women and Justice Project in a dedicated infographic highlighting “The Incarceration of Trans, Nonbinary & Gender Expansive People,” this is despite a recent wave of media attention surrounding his history of child rape.

The page features quotes and data from a number of trans activists and formerly incarcerated trans-identified males. It argues that “trans, non-binary and gender expansive people, particularly Black, Indigenous and People of Color, and especially Black trans women, are targeted, criminalized, and incarcerated at extremely disproportionate rates.”

On the page, Grandichelli is presented as a “trans activist and community organizer,” and is quoted as saying: “[I] break down crying when trying to explain to somebody what it’s like to be in a state prison or Rikers Island and to be physically beat half to death and raped, and misgendered and abused so much that you’re ready to take your own life.”

Another prominent activist credited with helping on the infographic is the ACLU’s Chase Strangio. Despite frequently portraying trans-identified male inmates as vulnerable, the ACLU is currently representing multiple violent male offenders in their demand to either be transferred to a women’s prison or receive “gender affirming” accessories while incarcerated.

Reduxx reached out to the Women and Justice Project for comment on Grandichelli’s continued inclusion in the infographic, but did not receive a response in time for publication.


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