Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday 26 May 2024

Islamic Insanity > French socialists protect migrant rapists against women; Ilhan Omar angry that UCLA exposed to truth; French courts as insane as Muslims; "The Fly" ran his drug ring from prison

While I have written many times that devout/radical Muslims are undoubtably insane, Islamic insanity also includes those socialists (read godless) who protect the migrant rapists and criminals in Europe and America.

France: Socialists assault women protesting

sexual abuse by ‘asylum seekers’

Once again, the left shows that it has superior arguments and can win every debate.

It shows French socialists are more protective of migrant rapists than French girls and women. How crazy is that?


Ilhan Omar berates UCLA top dog for not stopping video of Oct. 7 massacre from being shown at pro-Hamas encampment

Why does she think the video footage is “vile and disturbing”? Because it shows Hamas jihadis murdering Israelis, or because it will turn people against the “Palestinian” jihad?

There is no indication that it led to any violence, so why is she so against the showing? Obviously, there is no place for the truth in Palestinian, of even Muslim propaganda. It was vile and disturbing because the actions of Hamas were extremely vile and disturbing. Omar doesn't want that truth to infect the university idiot crowds.


France: Muslim migrant, convicted ten times before,

threatens to kill cops, gets psychiatric assessment

What benefit does this man bring to France? Why is France obligated to keep him around?

Note also that he is quite obviously a jihadi, but he is getting a psychiatric assessment, because the French authorities, like authorities all over the West, continue to assume that there is no such thing as Islamic jihad. So they have to classify Islamic jihadis as something. Calling them mentally ill will do for now, but the authorities won’t be able to keep up the deception forever.

Death threats at the police station: the perpetrator will be tried

for advocating terrorism

translated from “Menaces de mort au commissariat : l’auteur sera jugé pour apologie du terrorisme,” Le Progrès, May 7, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

On the night of Sunday May 5 to Monday May 6, at 4 a.m., a man presented himself at the Saint-Chamond police station where he made death threats against police officers. Known to the justice services since he was listed as being radicalized, this 28-year-old Ripagerian was arrested without difficulty by the police officers of the Anti-Crime Brigade.

He will have to undergo a psychiatric assessment.

This Tuesday, May 7 in the evening, in a press release, the public prosecutor of Saint-Étienne, David Charmatz indicates that the individual was referred today to the public prosecutor’s office and is being prosecuted before the criminal court as part of a deferred appearance, set for July 3.

In the meantime, he will have to undergo a psychiatric assessment. The prosecution requested his placement in pre-trial detention. But the individual was placed under judicial supervision, with an obligation of care.

He will be tried for having illegally possessed cannabis resin discovered on him, uttering death threats against officials at the Saint-Chamond police station and transporting a category D weapon, a cutlass, out of his home without legitimate reason.

An online video with Kalashnikovs

To these warnings was added the glorification of acts of terrorism because, beyond the threats of detonating explosives when he arrived at the police station, the investigation revealed that he had also posted online at the beginning of January, a video presenting him as a terrorist and surrounded by weapons such as Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers. Investigators also discovered that he could have carried out the act, potentially targeting people of the Jewish faith.

Furthermore, last weekend, he displayed black flags bearing inscriptions similar to the imagery of the Daesh organization and affixed the words “RAKKA” to his vehicle.

The person concerned is known to the courts to have already been convicted ten times, mainly for traffic offenses and once for non-compliance with an Individual Administrative Control and Surveillance Measure (Micas).

In 2021, he also benefited from a decision to be acquitted for criminal irresponsibility due to his psychiatric disorders for acts of the same nature as those which are now attributed to him.

Loire: the author of the death threats in a police station

was placed under judicial supervision

translated from “Loire : l’auteur des menaces de mort dans un commissariat a été placé sous contrôle judiciaire,” Le Parisien, May 8, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

A 28-year-old man, held in police custody after death threats against police officers at the Saint-Chamond police station (Loire) during the night from Sunday to Monday and for advocating terrorism, was placed under judicial supervision on Tuesday pending of his judgment this summer, according to the Saint-Étienne public prosecutor’s office.

While awaiting his appearance, on July 3, before the Saint-Étienne criminal court, the accused was “placed under judicial supervision, including an obligation of care”, continued the public prosecutor, David Charmatz.

Death threats
“In the meantime, he will be subject to a psychiatric assessment,” said the magistrate. The latter added that the suspect had “benefited in 2021 from a decision of acquittal for criminal irresponsibility due to his psychiatric disorders for facts of the same nature as those which are today attributed to him.”

The young man will be judged for having notably “uttered threats of death or damage to property dangerous to people against officials of the Saint-Chamond police station, and transported a category D weapon, in “kind of a cutlass, outside his home without legitimate reason,” according to the magistrate.

Flags of Daesh
“To these warnings was added the glorification of acts of terrorism because beyond the threats of detonating explosives made when he arrived at the police station, the investigation revealed that he had also posted online at the beginning of January a video presenting him as a terrorist and surrounded by weapons such as Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers and appearing to designate people of the Jewish faith as targets,” the same source said.

The man notably exhibited “this weekend black flags bearing inscriptions similar to the imagery of the so-called Daesh organization.” A behavior which had “worried” the PCF mayor of Rive-de-Gier, Vincent Bony, where the suspect lives.

According to a source close to the case, the suspect, born in Algeria, registered in the File of reports for the prevention of radicalization of a terrorist nature (FSPRT) for similar actions carried out in the past, had been the subject in October 2022 a measure to freeze the assets of people who “commit, attempt to commit, facilitate or finance acts of terrorism.”


France: Muslim organized criminal acts from prison cell,

said ‘On the Qur’an of Mecca, wallah, you will respect me’

Not that this has anything to do with…

Escape of Mohamed Amra: hookah, telephone, everything was allowed for the inmate in prison

translated from “Évasion de Mohamed Amra : chicha, téléphone, tout était permis au détenu en prison,” Valeurs Actuelles, May 23, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

On Tuesday, May 14, a prison administration van which was transporting Mohamed Amra was attacked by several men at the Incarville tollbooth (Eure). During this ambush, two prison officers were shot and killed and three others were injured. The detainee managed to escape. Nearly 10 days later, the search for the fugitive continues to intensify. However, the detainee, presented as a “medium intensity” delinquent, ultimately revealed himself to be a “major drug trafficker.”

According to information from BFMTV, published Wednesday May 22, the man nicknamed “The Fly” sought, in November 2022, to obtain machine guns, purchased for 6,000 euros each. A purchase that could be made from his cell, thanks to the numerous phones that the inmate managed to obtain. Thanks to this, Mohamed Amra was able to continue to manage his drug trafficking and establish his authority. According to a police officer, the detainee had conditions of detention that were a little too “favorable”, being entitled in particular to a hookah to “brighten up his summer evenings.”

These mobile phones notably allowed him to call his contacts outside the prison, using encrypted messaging. According to unpublished wiretaps, shared by Le Parisien, Mohamed Amra gave orders on the organization and management of his drug trafficking. “La Mouche” also organized “coring” from his cell: a technique consisting of stealing merchandise from rival traffickers.

“Tell them to put their hands in the air, search the whole barracks, search first, search, search, search,” we can hear in one of these taps. Mohamed Amra is also suspected of having ordered, again from his prison, the kidnapping of a man, in June 2022. He had demanded a ransom of 300,000 euros from his partner.

If “The Fly” managed to strengthen his authority, even in prison, it was thanks to the insults and threats that he did not hesitate to fulminate to bring his “associates” into line. “You had the stuff [the drugs] in your hands and you left! Son of a bitch! […] I’m going to f*** your mother!,” we can hear on one of the recordings. Same technique for his creditors: “On the Qur’an of Mecca, wallah, you will respect me. […] Do you think I’m Coluche? You’re going to pay me!,” we can also hear.


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