by cathy fox blog
Peter Martin Ebel was a serial child abuser whose most frequently used aliases were Ed Scott and Alan Scott but he has also used a number of aliases for his books - Reynolds Locke, Edward Alan Scott, Ed Scott and James Congdon. He also poses as a Doctor or educator. He was born in the US about 1959, the son of the Vice President of Marketing of US Corporation General Foods during the 1950' and 1960's.

He has chosen many boys aged 11-14, and obtained valium and codeine on bogus prescriptions. He is American but apparently can do an excellent upper crust British accent. He comes across as very likeable and children gravitate to him easily.
Inspired by Leonid Kamaneff and his "schools on boats" project "L'Ecole en Bateau" Ebel set up two flight schools for children, SkyBlazers and CloudChasers. He arranged flight training programs for kids 12 and over.
Kameneff also was an abuser of children for many years but was finally sentenced to 12 years prison in 2013. There were three boats, the “Karrek Ven” a fishing vessel, the “Paladin” and “Bilbo”.
Timeline for Peter Martin Ebel
1948 approx. Peter Ebel Born
Peter grew up in Chappaqua, NY and the family was regularly host to people like Roy Rodgers, Lucille Ball and Danny Thomas
1964-6 approx. Ebel patient at psychiatric Hospital in New York
1966 approx. When discharged, Ebel came to U.K., apparently under the auspices of the BAEF (British American Educational Foundation) as the London Director.
1968 May Ebel, aged 20, arrested by Scotland Yard police in England for making a move on a 15 year old boy, charged with "indecent assault'' on a minor under 16. He received three years’ probation and served no time. Probably Ealing area.
1968- ? All over Europe: 22 or 23 countries. Much time in Marseille and Malta and a couple of years in Ireland and Libya.
1976: St. Croix Catholic School in Stillwater hires Ebel posing as Edward Alan Scott a math teacher. The school also shares physical education and other courses with a nearby public school, Stillwater Junior High School.
1976/7 "Scott" befriended Klein and his family and taught him how to fly an airplane. Meanwhile, posing as Dr. Peter Martin Ebel, he was duping a pharmacy in Maplewood into filling bogus prescriptions for Valium and codeine, according to charges brought later. Suspicions were raised at both schools when the nurse at Stillwater Junior High received a note through "Scott" from a Dr. Ebel asking that Klein be excused from taking a shower because he had been diagnosed with scoliosis.
Don Hovland and Steven Studer, then principal and assistant principal at Stillwater Junior High School, and Sister Kathleen Foley, then principal at St. Croix, denied the request and confronted Scott about his credentials near the end of the 1976-77 school year.
1977 Summer School officials find his credentials fraudulent and terminate him.
1978 approx. Ebel took a boy to England on a supposed trip to treat him with growth hormone drugs not available in the US, He was in fact one of three boys taken to England with their parents' permission, all of whom "returned with drug dependency problems,'' according to a US police incident report. The children, according to the report, refused to talk with authorities about the trips or their relationship with Ebel.
1978: Ebel reportedly returns to the United States after a trip to England, this time posing as a doctor working for the "Nuclear Regulatory Agency."
1979: School officials suspect Scott is posing as "Dr. Ebel." Scott was booted from the school after one year on the job and subsequently charged in Ramsey County District Court on June 10, 1979, with two felony counts in the drug case. 1979 Jun 10 Ebel is charged with two felony counts of filling out drug prescriptions.
1980 A Stillwater family that had rented an apartment to Ebel posted $500 bail on his behalf. He left town during a pretrial hearing in early 1980, and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest.
1980 Jan 16 Ebel fails to appear for a pretrial hearing.
1980-99: Authorities have no idea of his whereabouts.
1987 Soldier of Eden published in England, under the pen name of James Congdon. It was a supposedly non fiction account of an orphaned American boy who became an Arab freedom fighter in Libya.
1999-2001 Ebel, claiming that he heads an Albanian-based nonprofit organization and conducting a growth development research project on Albanian males, makes contact with a private boys academy in Georgia, US. He persuades school officials to build an exchange program in Albania.
2001 Sept 7 Ebel is detained in Los Angeles in the company of three Albanian boys and is released after his laptop computer and several computer discs are confiscated pending a forensic examination.
2001 Sept 10 U.S. Customs Service agent Leo Lamas uncovers several images of the genitals of several naked prepubescent boys, including one of the boys who accompanied Ebel on the trip. Ebel asserts the pictures are part of his research.
2001 Sept 20 Dr. Laura Ticson of the Vulnerable Child and Sexual Assault Center in Los Angeles says the images are undoubtedly child pornography [US legal terminology]
2001 Sept 28 Ebel is arrested and charged with possession and manufacture of child abuse material
2002 Jun 10 Ebel pleads guilty to one count of manufacture of child pornography.
2002 Aug 19 Ebel sentenced.
Articles on Peter Ebel:
2005 Jul 10 "Hiding in Plain Sight: Tales of an American Predator," trailer
2010 Jul 21 Full text of "Peter Ebel - Certification as sexually dangerous"
2013 May 9 Twin Cities Ruben Rosario: This child predator will stay where he belongs
2013 Jun 15 Twin Cities Rubén Rosario : Civil commitment laws for sex offenders cause a judicial dilemma
2013 Jul 16 Twin Cities Rubén Rosario Peter Martin Ebel, ex-Stillwater teacher and fugitive pedophile suspect, back in jail
2015 Aug Cathy Fox Blog Boats and Child Abuse
Date unknown Ebel was also an author and the BBC was doing a production of one of his books (non-fiction). Then they discovered he had fabricated the entire story and cancelled it.
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