(LiveActionNews) -- What do you think of when you hear the words “Planned Parenthood”? Cecile Richards wants you to think of a health care organization that has the best interests of American women at heart. Planned Parenthood is an organization that is concerned with abortion above all else, even if it means doing something as abhorrent as covering up sexual abuse.
In 2007, Lila Rose first exposed Planned Parenthood’s willingness to cover up sexual abuse and statutory rape. She went undercover at clinics around the country, posing as an underage girl who had become pregnant by an older man. Even when Rose claimed to be as young as 13, and impregnated by a man as old as 31, Planned Parenthood employees still didn’t report the abuse to police, as required by law. Instead, they encouraged Rose to lie about her age or counseled her on how best to obtain an abortion without her parents or police finding out.
Sadly, there are numerous instances of this happening in real life, too.
Danielle Cramer was a teenager who was kidnapped by 40-year-old Adam Gault. For over a year, he held her captive, and raped her. When she became pregnant, he took her to Planned Parenthood…where they asked no questions, performed the abortion, and gave her right back to Gault.
By Donna Tommelleo, Associated Press | August 2, 2007, Boston.com
HARTFORD -- A man accused in the yearlong disappearance of a teenage runaway was matched with DNA collected after she had an abortion, according to a warrant for his arrest yesterday on an additional sexual assault charge.
Police yesterday also added kidnapping charges against the man, Adam Gault, 41, and against two women who lived with him in the West Hartford house where the missing girl was found in June, locked in a small storage room.
The arrest warrant filed yesterday indicated the girl told investigators that she had an abortion on May 1 at Planned Parenthood in West Hartford, but would not identify the father. Police obtained a search warrant to test tissue from the fetus. The tissue had been sent to a lab in Massachusetts, a standard procedure.
"I thought that when a woman had a termination of pregnancy, that that was the end of it, so to speak," Gault's lawyer, Gerald Klein said outside court. "But, apparently they have the fetus."
A clinic in Philadelphia was caught covering up multiple cases of child rape.
The Planned Parenthood Locust St., Philadelphia, Health Center’s policy, updated December 2012, stated:
Statutory sexual assault (“statutory rape”) is sexual intercourse when one person is under the age of 16 and the other is 4 or more years older. It is a crime, however it is NOT a mandated reportable incident.
This is, of course, false. And the Pennsylvania Department of Health inspectors found that for six of the girls seen at Planned Parenthood under the age of 16, no one at Planned Parenthood had any documentation proving that they had verified the age of the person who had sexual intercourse with the girls.
Of these six girls, two were age 14, and four were age 13.
… Two of the 13-year old girls were known to have had sex before the age of 13. One reported her first sexual intercourse at age 11. Another reported her first sexual intercourse at age 12. It was in their medical records. Even Planned Parenthood’s own policy acknowledged that sex with a child under age 13 is always, by definition, rape.
Under Pennsylvania law, a child under 13 cannot give consent. These incidents of child sexual abuse should have been reported by Planned Parenthood employees, but they were not.
In California, a 13-year-old girl was repeatedly subjected to sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather. When she became pregnant, he took her to Planned Parenthood, where staffers did not report the abuse, but performed the abortion and sent her back home with her stepfather. She continued to be the victim of abuse for another seven months.
California, Sept 8, 2008: According to court documents, a Santa Clara County sexual predator impregnated his 13-year-old stepdaughter and forced her to have a late-term abortion.
The man then continued to molest her for another seven months until the child’s mother discovered the abuse and contacted police.
Despite two visits to Planned Parenthood and a surgical abortion at San Francisco General Hospital, no healthcare provider bothered to inform law enforcement.
In San Francisco, an 11-year-old girl was raped, and Planned Parenthood covered up the crime.
San Francisco, CA 15 Dec, 2005 — A testimonial posted on a California Planned Parenthood abortion business’ website regarding an 11-year-old rape victim has sparked a call for an investigation into the organization’s handling of sexual abuse cases.
In the “Shared Stories” section of Planned Parenthood Golden Gate’s website, a client’s shared her story.
“I was raped at 11, by my 17 year old boyfriend. I chose not to tell my parents because I didn’t think their involvement would help, that was the right choice for me. Planned Parethood [sic] helped me deal with the aftermath of the rape allowing me to deal and cope as best as I could in my own way.”
Two separate Planned Parenthood clinics were sued, by two different teenage girls, for refusing to report that they were being abused. One of the girls told staffers that she was being abused by her father – they did nothing, and she continued to be abused for another 18 months. The second girl sued because Planned Parenthood staffers performed an abortion on her without notifying her parents first – which is against Ohio state law. Planned Parenthood also failed to report that she was a victim of rape.
Cincinnati, OH, 10 May 2007 — A suburban Cincinnati Planned Parenthood has been sued by a teenage girl who accuses it of covering up her sexual victimization by her father. Under Ohio law, doctors, nurses, teachers and other professionals are required to report alleged sexual abuse to authorities and the teen says that didn’t happen in her abortion case.
The unnamed girl filed the lawsuit in Warren County Common Pleas Court on Wednesday saying she told Planned Parenthood staff about the incest.
Under the lawsuit, the teenager says Planned Parenthood’s failure to report the incest to police resulted in another 18 months of sexual abuse at the hands of her father.
According to AP, the girl eventually told someone else about the problems, leading to her father John Blanks Jr’s prosecution and a five year prison sentence.
The lawsuit claims Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio uses a "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy.
The teen’s Cincinnati lawyer, Brian Hurley said he’s obtained a handwritten note from Planned Parenthood that mentions the phrase, "don’t ask/don’t tell" and said the note was from a Planned Parenthood trainer, Julia Piercey.
"So, to me, their position is laughable," Hurley told the Cincinnati Enquirer. "It came from their own files, from their own trainer."
This is the second lawsuit against the Cincinnati Planned Parenthood over its treatment of teenagers.
An earlier lawsuit from neighboring Hamilton County involved a 14-year old girl who was a victim of rape and Planned Parenthood is accused of doing a secret abortion on her.
The girls’ parents filed a lawsuit against the abortion facility for violating the state’s parental notification law by not telling them of her abortion, which may have been coerced.
The girl in that case provided an incorrect phone number to Planned Parenthood officials for notification. Instead of giving the abortion center her parents’ phone, she gave the number for her 21-year-old boyfriend.
"Apparently they made no effort to confirm to whom they were speaking when they placed their call to notify the parents," Hurley told the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper. "They did the minimum they could under the existing law."
There are incidences of sexual abuse cover-up at Planned Parenthood facilities all over the country.
“In Ohio, a Planned Parenthood facility permitted a soccer coach who had impregnated a 14-year-old child to sign off on her abortion without her parents’ knowledge or consent.”
A case in California details how a perpetrator was able to continue the pattern of abuse.
“In one California case, a well-known swimming coach, Andrew King, a sexual predator, impregnated a 14-year-old girl who then received an abortion at Planned Parenthood. King went on to sexually molest and abuse scores of other girls.”
But tragically, it doesn’t end there. Planned Parenthood is also willing to aid and abet child sex trafficking.
Investigations found seven Planned Parenthood clinics in four different states were willing to aid and abet the sex-trafficking of minor girls by supplying confidential birth control, STD testing, and secret abortions to underage girls and their traffickers.
Seven clinics in four different states were found to be willing to participate in the exploitation of minor girls, supplying birth control, STD testing, and abortions to children who were being trafficked. And Planned Parenthood didn’t report any of it. Staffers even coached the traffickers on how best to avoid being detected by law enforcement, so that these young girls could remain in slavery.
Steven Wagner, former director of the Human Trafficking Program at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explains how forced abortions – a common occurrence in the trafficking world – are often a “death sentence” for the girls and women:
“If someone is being trafficked — which is to say, under the domination of a pimp/trafficker — she is by definition unable to provide informed consent to an abortion or to a regime of contraception. The victim has no voice in this decision. Indeed, providing such services to a victim of sexual trafficking benefits only the trafficker by getting the victim back out on the street and making money sooner.
The average age of entry into commercial sex exploitation is about 14. The average life expectancy of someone in commercial sexual exploitation is seven years. Start at 14, dead by 21. The mortality rate for someone in commercial sexual exploitation is 40 times higher than for a non-exploited person of the same age. Helping a victim return to exploitation more quickly by terminating a pregnancy increases the odds of death.”
Sex traffickers use Planned Parenthood, and abortion, to keep girls enslaved. In addition to subjecting them to sexual slavery, the traffickers force these girls into abortions, the majority of which are unwanted, without giving them any kind of follow-up care or respite time after the procedures. Does Planned Parenthood care? No, they take their money, perform the procedure, and hand the girls right back to their captors.
If you look inside Planned Parenthood, you’ll see it has never had women’s best interests at heart, and is frequently complicit in crimes against women and young girls.
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