Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wolves in the Henhouse > Ex-FBI get Life +20 years for child rape; Another ex-BBC employee with 60,000 CSAM images


Former F.B.I. Agent Sentenced to Life Plus

20 Years for Sexually Abusing Child

Christopher Bauer, who was convicted in June, found work as an Alabama state trooper after he was forced out of the F.B.I., officials said.

The front of the J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I. Building in Washington.
An Alabama judge sentenced a former F.B.I. agent who became an Alabama state trooper to life plus 20 years in prison for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl over several years.Credit...Michael A. McCoy for The New York Times

A former F.B.I. agent turned Alabama state trooper who was convicted of sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl over several years was sentenced on Thursday to life plus 20 years in prison.

The former agent, Christopher Bauer, 45, was hired by the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency as a trooper in 2019 after he forged a letter to make it look as if he had a clean record despite having been forced out of the F.B.I. after claims surfaced that he raped a co-worker at knife point, The Associated Press reported.

Mr. Bauer is also facing child sex abuse charges in Louisiana, and the State Police there plan to extradite him, according to The A.P.

Daryl D. Bailey, the Montgomery County, Ala., district attorney, said in an interview that Mr. Bauer would never be eligible for parole because of the nature of the charges on which he was convicted.

The prosecutor said that the Alabama case dates to April 2021, when the victim confided in a friend that Mr. Bauer had been sexually abusing her since she was 5 years old.

A few days later, the friend told an adult, who reported the abuse to school officials, prompting an investigation. Mr. Bauer was arrested that same day and remained in custody throughout the case, Mr. Bailey said.

In June, Mr. Bauer was convicted by a Montgomery County jury on charges of first-degree sodomy and sexual abuse of a child under 12. Judge Jimmy Pool of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court in Montgomery County sentenced Mr. Bauer to life in prison for the first charge and a consecutive 20 years for the second.

Mr. Bailey called Mr. Bauer a “depraved monster who abused his power to irreparably harm this vulnerable, innocent child.”

The district attorney said he had prosecuted law enforcement officers for sexual abuse before, but this case stands out as “profoundly disgusting” in his 30-year career.

He declined to explain the relationship between Mr. Bauer and the victim to protect the victim’s identity.

According to court records, Mr. Bauer’s lawyers argued for leniency in his sentencing because of the abusive childhood he endured, noting that he had been taken from his parents when he was 5 years old and “lived in various foster homes and orphanages until age 10.”

On Saturday, a lawyer for Mr. Bauer, Aylia McKee, the chief public defender for Montgomery County, said he fully cooperated with the investigation. Mr. Bauer offered to take a polygraph test, which law enforcement refused, and voluntarily provided his DNA, she said.

“The physical evidence did not support the allegation,” she said. “Consistent with his innocence, he intends to appeal.”

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency said in a statement that it had conducted a “full and thorough background investigation” of Mr. Bauer before hiring him and that “no derogatory comments were uncovered by former employers during the investigation.”

The F.B.I. declined to comment on the case.

Mr. Bailey, the district attorney, said that it was his understanding that Mr. Bauer had been fired from the F.B.I. because of sexual misconduct claims. Pointing to published news reports, Mr. Bailey said that the forged letter Mr. Bauer provided to the State Police indicated that he had a “stellar record.”

“You would think they would check things out a little bit more in detail,” he said. “But obviously somebody dropped the ball on that and hired a sexual predator.”

In a news release, Mr. Bailey praised the victim “for having the courage to speak up about what was happening to her.”

“She was so brave throughout her testimony, which was undoubtedly difficult for her,” he said. “I hope she and her family take solace in knowing Christopher Bauer will never harm her nor anyone else ever again.”

God bless and heal you child!

Former BBC employee found with almost 60,000
child sex abuse images of children

Aisha Nozari & Lynn Love
29 April 2024·2-min read
Yahoo News

An ex-BBC employee has been jailed after he being caught with over 58,000 indecent images of children.

David Mundy
, 85, (apparently, a sound engineer when he was working) was arrested by National Crime Agency officers on April, 13 2022 after attempting to download illegal content. 
The NCA investigation discovered Mundy to have not only searched for indecent images of children, but stored thousands of them on floppy discs, CDs, USBs and hard drives. His offending covered two decades.

Officers seized a total of 47 digital storage device during a search of Mundy’s home address and 31 were found to contain indecent images of children, and many had been labelled to indicate their contents, reports the Mirror.

This included Micro SDs marked “Misc = boy undone”; “Franze, Czech etc. lots” and “several vid+pix”, as well as a bag of discs, 124 of which contained illegal material. Mundy had accessed illegal content online that involved children as young as six years old, though the majority of the images involved boys between eight and fifteen.

He used a peer to peer sharing system to obtain this material, though he stated that he didn’t communicate with other members of the groups he used. At his address, NCA officers also found non-digital evidence of Mundy’s offending – including a 15-page double sided booklet called “sensitive content movies” sorted by keywords, and several how-to guides on accessing the dark web and ensuring anonymity online. He claimed he had yet to use them.

Mundy was charged the following year with three offences relating to indecent images of children. When interviewed, Mundy admitted to first looking at sexual images of children shortly before retiring from the BBC in 1998.

Stating that he was unsure what the definition of abuse was, he argued that his interest was only “in pleasure”. Almost 2,500 images found on his devices were category A, the most extreme. Mundy pleaded guilty to all three offences. Today, 29 April 2024, he was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court to 10 months imprisonment. Adam Priestley, NCA Senior Manager, said: “Despite clear evidence showing the scale of his offending, and the horrific nature of the content he repeatedly accessed, Mundy told officers that the images he had saved simply showed kids enjoying themselves.

“This could not be further from the truth. Behind each image is a vulnerable child who has been violated and abused for the benefit of offenders like Mundy. “We at the NCA are committed to protecting children and ensuring that individuals who collect this material, creating a demand for abuse content, are held to account.”

Mundy has been added to the sexual offender's register for 10 years.

So, he is probably out and downloading more child sex abuse images right now. 10 months, how ridiculous.


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