Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday 10 August 2024

Islam Hates Women, Dead or Alive > Nobel Prize winner suffers heart attack in Iran's Evin Prison; Necrophilia widely practiced in Asian, African Islam


Guards beat female inmates at Iran's Evin prison as they protest executions

Guards beat inmates at Evin prison in Tehran on Tuesday as they protested against a spate of recent executions, the Paris-based family of jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi said, with Mohammadi suffering a respiratory attack and collapsing after being punched in the chest. According to rights groups, around 30 convicts were hanged this week.

Issued on: 

Guards beat female inmates in clashes that erupted at Tehran's Evin prison following a spate of executions, the family of jailed Nobel peace prize winner Narges Mohammadi said, raising new concerns about her health.

Rights activist Mohammadi, 52, who won the 2023 prize for her campaigning including against the death penalty, has been jailed since November 2021, and has spent much of the past decade in and out of prison.

The Paris-based family of Mohammadi emphasised it had no direct contact with her since her right to make phone calls was cut in November.

But it said it had learned from several other families of detainees held in Evin that clashes erupted on Tuesday as the female prisoners launched a protest in the yard against the executions.

According to rights groups, around 30 convicts were hanged this week, including Gholamreza (Reza) Rasaei, who the Iranian judiciary said was executed on Tuesday in connection with 2022 protests.

"The protest by prisoners against the execution of Reza Rasaei led to a violent crackdown by prison guards and security agents," Mohammadi's family said in a statement late Thursday, citing the reports.

"Several women who stood in front of the security forces were severely beaten. The confrontation escalated, resulting in physical injuries for some prisoners."

The family said that after being punched in the chest, Mohammadi suffered a respiratory attack and intense chest pain, causing her to collapse and faint on the ground in the prison yard.

She was bruised and treated in the prison infirmary but not transferred to a hospital outside, it said.

"We are deeply worried about her health and well-being under these circumstances," the family said.

Iran's prison authority denied that prisoners were beaten and blamed the confrontation on inmates.

Two prisoners "had heart palpitations due to the stress," but medical examinations determined that their general condition "is favourable," it said in a statement, according to the Tasnim news agency.

Relatives and supporters had earlier this month raised new concern about Mohammadi's condition, saying they had been informed of the results of medical tests carried out in July "which showed a worrying deterioration of her health".

In the past eight months, Mohammadi has been suffering from acute back and knee pain, including a herniated spinal disc. In 2021, a stent was placed on her main heart artery due to a blockage.

Mohammadi has kept campaigning even behind bars and strongly supported the protests that erupted across Iran following the September 2022 death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd arrested for allegedly violating the Islamic republic's strict dress rules for women.

Mohammadi in June received a new one-year prison term for "propaganda against the state", on top of a litany of other verdicts that already amounted to 12 years and three months of imprisonment, 154 lashes, two years of exile and various social and political restrictions.


Islam's attitude toward necrophilia is astonishing and more than a little disgusting. But, after all, Mohammed set the precedent. This article is not for the weak stomach.

Pakistan: Muhammad Saleem caught in graveyard,

charged with raping corpse

“The prophet of Allah took off his gown and put it on Om Ali and slept with her in her grave and they kicked dirt on him, saying: ‘Oh messenger of Allah, we saw you do something no one else has ever done.’ He said: ‘I dressed her in my gown, so she can wear the gowns of paradise and I slept with her in her grave to relieve her of the torments of the grave.’” (Kanz al-‘Ommal in Sunan al Aqwal wa al-Af’al, vol. 16, p. 158)

“There is no need to rewash a dead woman if her husband has sex with her after she dies….And there is no punishment for anyone who has sex with a dead woman or limits sex to sex with a dead woman.” (Abd Al-Hameed Al-Sharawani, Howashi al-Sharwani (Al-Qubra, Egypt: Al-Maktabah Al-Tojariah, 1983, vol. 1, p. 263)

“There is no restriction against sex with a dead woman or an animal.” (Mohammad Al-Sherbini Al-Khateeb, Al-Iqna3 fi Hal al-Faz: Abu Shoja’a (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1994, vol. 2, p. 521)

“Anas said: ‘I was present when the daughter of God’s messenger was being buried. He was sitting beside the grave and I saw his eyes shedding tears. He then asked, “Is there any of you who did not have sexual intercourse last night?” Abu Talha replied that he had not, so he told him to go down into her grave, and he did so. Bukhari transmitted it.’” (Mishkat al-Masabih 1715)


Shafi’i, Hanbali, and Hanafi books reveal:

Sexual intercourse with a dead wife is ‘not adultery

translated from “كتب الشافعية والحنابلة والأحناف تكشف: نكاح الزوجة الميتة “ليس زنا” Youm 7, September 21, 2017:

The assertions of Sheikh Sabri Abdel-Raouf, the author of the fatwa on sexual intercourse with a dead wife, that it was not a fatwa but rather transmitted from the books of the previous imams, prompted “Youm 7” to search for the origin of these old books, and the surprise was, that the man did not state his own opinion, but rather quoted from the books, as he has already said.

We searched for his first book, “Explanation of the Short Description of Al-Khalil in Maliki Jurisprudence.” The matter was easy: in a search of “the chapter on adultery” and what is related to it, which defines the idea of ​​“adultery” and what are the matters related to it, and who should be subject to the hadd punishment, the text was as follows: “As for the husband, if he intercourse with his wife after her death, before or after her, then there is no punishment for him.”

So this is the first text that Sheikh Sabri Abdel Raouf told us, upon which he based his statement or fatwa, the husband who had sex with the wife after her death, in any way, it is not adultery, and the hadd is not applied!

As for the book “Jahd al-Muhtaaj fi Sharh al-Minhaj” by the Shafi’is, it also said: “There is no restriction upon sexual intercourse with a dead person, according to the more correct view.” The footnote commented: “There is no restriction upon sexual intercourse with a dead person, according to the more correct view, because this is something that is alienated from nature, and the perpetrator shall be reprimanded or punished.”

Here the Shafi’is are more clear. Rather, this is what Sheikh Sabri Abdel Raouf said, that it is an act that is not in the nature of humans, and they resent it, and likened it to drinking urine, so there is no need to put a general punishment, rather it is a punishment that is left to the ruler.

In the book Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah, he said that the matter has two sides, one of which is that it is forbidden, and one of them is that it is not subject to a prohibition, which is the stance of Abu Hanifa and Al-Shafi’i, meaning that Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi here says that Abu Hanifa and Al-Shafi’i said that it is not forbidden.

It was not difficult to find the books on which Sheikh Sabri Abdel Raouf relied. It was an easy matter. The books of the Hanafi, Shafi’i, and Maliki schools of jurisprudence said it, and it is a larger issue than the professor at Al-Azhar University, it is a “case of old books” with everything in them.


Moroccan Cleric Abd Al-Bari Al-Zamzami: Husbands May Have Sex

with Dead Wife’s Corpse; Women May Use Carrots as Vibrators

MEMRI, March 24, 2012:

Following are excerpts from an interview with Moroccan cleric Abd Al-Bari Al-Zamzami, a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and from an address delivered by Al-Zamzami. The interview was posted on the Internet on May 11, 2011 and the address on March 24, 2012.

Abd Al-Bari Al-Zamzami : A few days ago, I was asked by the Al-Sabbah newspaper about men who have sex with their dead wives. The truth is that this question took me by surprise, and I asked the journalist whether there really are people who do this deplorable and disgraceful act, which is not to be expected from a normal, balanced person. Only a mentally or psychologically unbalanced man would do such a thing.

In any case, I do not have the right to prohibit things. Fatwas are not shaped according to one’s will or whim. Rather, they reflect the law of Allah.


Therefore, I do not have the right to prohibit that act merely because I consider it deplorable.


The evidence I relied upon in this case was that a wife’s death does not sever her relations with her husband. A wife’s death does not sever her marital relations with her husband. She remains his wife post mortem, in the Hereafter, just as she was his wife in her lifetime.


It is perfectly clear that marital relations are not severed by a wife’s death. She remains her husband’s wife. This being the case, the husband has the right to do whatever he wants with her. For instance, he may kiss her. It is common for a husband to kiss his wife after her death, out of love and sorrow. This is something that is done, and there is nothing wrong with it.


The fact that such an act is permissible does not make it commendable or even acceptable. Having sex with your wife’s corpse is permitted but not commendable.



Egypt’s women urge MPs not to pass early marriage, 

sex-after-death laws: report

by Abeer Tayel, Al Arabiya, April 25, 2012:

Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) has appealed to the Islamist-dominated parliament not to approve two controversial laws on the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife within six hours of her death according to a report in an Egyptian newspaper.

The appeal came in a message sent by Dr. Mervat al-Talawi, head of the NCW, to the Egyptian People’s Assembly Speaker, Dr. Saad al-Katatni, addressing the woes of Egyptian women, especially after the popular uprising that toppled president Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.

She was referring to two laws: one that would legalize the marriage of girls starting from the age of 14 and the other that permits a husband to have sex with his dead wife within the six hours following her death….

The controversy about a husband having sex with his dead wife came about after a Moroccan cleric spoke about the issue in May 2011.

Zamzami Abdul Bari said that marriage remains valid even after death adding that a woman also too had the same right to engage in sex with her dead husband….

But it seems his view on partners having sex with their deceased partners has found its way to Egypt one year on.

Egyptian prominent journalist and TV anchor Jaber al-Qarmouty on Tuesday referred to Abdul Samea’s article in his daily show on Egyptian ON TV and criticized the whole notion of “permitting a husband to have sex with his wife after her death under a so-called ‘Farewell Intercourse’ draft law.”

“This is very serious. Could the panel that will draft the Egyptian constitution possibly discuss such issues? Did Abdul Samea see by his own eyes the text of the message sent by Talawi to Katatni? This is unbelievable. It is a catastrophe to give the husband such a right! Has the Islamic trend reached that far? Is there really a draft law in this regard? Are there people thinking in this manner?”…



Taliban has sex with dead bodies,

reveals Afghan woman who came over to India

OpIndia, August 22, 2021:

A woman who has come over to India from Afghanistan has revealed that Taliban has sex with dead bodies. The woman, called Muskan by News18, worked in the police force in Afghanistan and has come to India due to fear of the Taliban and lives in New Delhi….

She continued, “They rape dead bodies too. They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive… Can you imagine this?” Muskan said that if any woman worked for the government, they would suffer a terrible fate….



Pakistan: Unidentified men dig up the grave of a teenage woman and 

rape her corpse, 17 accused being interrogated, investigation underway

OpIndia, May 7, 2022:

On May 5, Thursday, some unknown men dug out the corpse of a teenage girl and raped it in the Chak Kamala village in Gujrat, Pakistan.

Attaullah Tarar, the deputy secretary-general of the Pakistan Muslim League (PMLN), took to Twitter on May 6 to inform that 17 suspects are being interrogated and the investigation of the case is being done as per scientific methods….



And today:

‘Necrophiliac’ caught in Karachi’s Korangi graveyard

Dawn, August 10, 2024:

KARACHI: Police on Friday arrested a 40-year-old man and booked him on suspicion of digging up the grave of a recently-buried woman and sexually abusing the corpse, in a Korangi graveyard.

Awami Colony police registered a case against the held suspect on the complaint of a son of the deceased woman, under sections 297 (trespassing on burial places, etc), 376 (punishment for rape) and 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) of the Pakistan Penal Code….

At around 10:30pm, he came to know that the suspect disturbed the grave and molested the body. However, some people from the area caught him. They beat him and in the meantime, local police arrived at the scene and took the suspect into custody, the complainant stated in the FIR.

Later, Korangi police said in a statement that the suspect had been arrested “on the rape charge” in the Bagh-i-Korangi graveyard.

During grilling, he told the police that he used to keep an eye on burials of women in the necropolis and during nights he dug up graves to commit the heinous crime against the dead.

The police statement said he disclosed that he had sexually abused corpses of four women.

The suspect had earlier been caught by people around eight years ago for committing similar crimes in a graveyard in Korangi….



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