Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Child Sexual Abuse in Belgium and Gang Rape, honor killings in the Netherlands


Belgian man arrested for sexual abuse

of multiple children


A 45-year-old man from Barendrecht is in custody for sexually assaulting multiple children. The man turned himself in after a report was filed against him, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) said.

The man was arrested on Tuesday, September 10. On Friday, the examining magistrate remanded him into custody for another 14 days. “The investigation is currently in full swing,” the OM said.

Sources told the Telegraaf that the man sexually abused children of varying ages, including “very young children,” at his home and other locations. The man allegedly knew the children from clubs and through acquaintances. The sources called it a very serious and extensive sexual offense, according to the newspaper.

Sex crimes have a massive impact on the victims and their loved ones, the OM said. “For the sake of the victims' privacy, no further statements will be made about this case.” The prosecutor added that it understands that local residents will have questions and concerns. 

Second suspect arrested in two decade old

Rotterdam gang rape

The police arrested a second suspect for gang-raping a woman in a Rotterdam park two decades ago. The 37-year-old man from Rotterdam’s Crooswijk neighborhood was arrested on Wednesday afternoon. The first suspect, a 39-year-old man from Rotterdam, was arrested on Monday.

The gang rape happened on 12 January 2004. That evening, a then-30-year-old woman and a friend got off the metro at Voorschtoerlaan station in Rotterdam. On Lusthofstraat, the friend got into an argument about money with a group of five or six men. The friend walked away, but the woman remained behind and tried to resolve the situation.

The men told her they would go get her friend’s money. She walked with the men to Paulus Potterstraat, where the men surrounded her and one raped her while the others watched. They then took her to Rozenburg Park, where several other men raped her as well.

Despite extensive investigation, the police could not solve the case at the time, but new information led them to reopen it recently. “Even though it’s been 20 years, the investigation team would like to get in touch with people who can remember something aobut (sic) the case that could be of value to the investigation,” the police said. The men who gang-raped the woman all had short dark hair and a slightly tanned complexion. At the time, they were estimated to be between 18 and 30 years old; some may have been minors.

They had a tanned complexion in January in the Netherlands??? Is that code for being from the Middle East?

“They are probably now in their late 30s or somewhere in their 40s. The men may come from the neighborhood and still live in Rotterdam or even specifically in the Kralingen neighborhood,” the police said.

More incidents of honor violence in Netherlands;

Victims almost always women

The police have noticed an increase in honor-related violent incidents in the Netherlands. Last year, the police registered 619 cases of violence because the family honor was violated and had to be “restored,” including four honor killings. Ten years ago, there were 460 cases. The victims are almost always women. A few cases involve men who “violated family honor” with their sexual orientation or affairs, NOS reports.

Almost two-thirds of last year’s cases involved threats or assault. Permanent surveillance, sexual abuse, and forced marriages also occurred. Four people were killed.

Almost a quarter of honor violence incidents last year involved Syrians. Turkish, Moroccan, and Afghan are also common backgrounds. Syrian people’s overrepresentation is due to the inflow of refugees in recent years. Over 150,000 Syrians now live in the Netherlands.

The police have asked the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment whether it should pay more attention to this topic in its integration course. “Newcomers must be made aware that choosing a partner in the Netherlands is an individual’s right,” said Wilfred Janmaat, head of the police’s National Expertise Center for Honor-related Violence. “If this is not happening enough at the moment, more attention needs to be paid to it.”

Previous studies have shown that honor-related violence occurs when women want more freedom of movement or a divorce once they are in the Netherlands. Men also experience a loss of status when they are no longer the breadwinner. War traumas come on top of that, said Janine Janssen, a cultural anthropologist and criminologist affiliated with the police’s expertise center. “Being exposed to war violence can lead to psychological problems, but it can also lower the threshold for committing violence yourself."

Today, two young men will appear in court for the first time for murdering their sister, 18-year-old Syrian girl Ryan Al Najjar from Joure, in a suspected honor killing. Her body was found in the Oostvaardersplassen near Lelystad in May. Ryan’s father is also a suspect, but he fled the country and is believed to be in Syria. He told the Telegraaf that he was “very angry” with his daughter.

I've been angry at my daughter, but it never once occurred to me to murder her. Why does that occur to Muslims? Can't they teach them that honor killing is murder in civilized countries?


Seven more Pakistani men jailed for sexually abusing 11 and 15 y/o girls in Rotherham > Operation Stovewood


Crown Prosecution Service

Operation Stovewood: Seven men jailed for a total of 106 years for sexually abusing two young girls in Rotherham

Seven men have been jailed for committing child sex abuse offences against two young girls in Rotherham during the 2000s.

The Crown Prosecution Service prosecuted Mohammed Amar, 42, Mohammed Siyab, 44, Yasser Ajaibe, 39, Mohammed Zameer Sadiq, 49, Abid Saddiq, 43, Tahir Yassin, 38, and Ramin Bari, 37, following an investigation by the National Crime Agency as part of Operation Stovewood.

Seven defendants for Op Stovewood Op Thrail

Top left to right: Abid Saddiq, Mohammed Amar, Mohammed Siyab, Mohammed Zameer Sadiq,
Bottom left to right: Ramin Bari, Tahir Yassin, Yasser Ajaibe

Operation Stovewood is a major investigation into child sexual abuse and exploitation which took place in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, between 1997 and 2013.

The two victims in this case were aged just 11 and 15 when the offending began, and both spent time in the care system during the offending period. 

The seven defendants were sentenced to a combined total of 106 years' imprisonment after being found guilty following a trial in Sheffield Crown Court of child sex abuse offences committed between April 2003 and April 2008.

Zoe Becker, for the CPS, said:

“These seven men deliberately preyed on two young girls they knew were vulnerable and, using drugs and alcohol, exploited them for their own sexual gratification.

“The cruelty and abuse the victims suffered at the hands of these defendants was horrific and has continued to have a lasting impact on their lives today.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank both the victims for coming forward and giving evidence. This has been a complex and challenging case, and it is because of their courage and fortitude that we have been able to bring these offenders to justice.

“I hope these convictions send a clear message that the CPS, working closely alongside law enforcement, will relentlessly pursue justice and prosecute those who sexually exploit children, whenever that abuse took place.

“All children have the right to feel safe and protected. I encourage anyone who has been in a similar position to come forward to report these incidents to the police. It is never too late to seek justice – you are not alone and there is help available.”

The girls were abused by the defendants, with Amar, Ajaibe, Sadiq and Sayib abusing one victim, and Yassin and Bari abusing the other. Saddiq abused both girls.

The defendants regularly picked up the victims in their cars and gave them cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis and money. The girls would then be assaulted, forced to perform sexual acts or raped.

When presented with the large amount of evidence compiled by the prosecution, the jury found the defendants guilty.

The victims involved were able to give their best evidence for this case using special measures. This allowed one of the victims to have their cross-examination video-recorded before the full trial, away from the court room and the defendants.

To deal with some of the more complex and challenging child sexual abuse cases like this, the CPS has a dedicated Organised Child Sexual Abuse Unit to build and conduct strong cases, increase the amount of successful prosecutions and share specialist understanding nationally.

NCA Senior Investigating Officer Stuart Cobb said:

“These men were cruel and manipulative, grooming their victims and then exploiting them by subjecting them to the most harrowing abuse possible. They were responsible for some of the worst offending we have investigated under Operation Stovewood.

“I can only once again pay tribute to the victims who were brave enough to come forward, tell their stories and confront their abusers. What happened to them can never be undone, but I hope the sentences handed down here will at least give them a sense that their abusers have been held to account and justice has been done.

“We and our partners will continue to do all we can to support them going forward.”

One of the defendants, Saddiq, was already serving a 20-year prison sentence having been convicted in 2019 of sexual offences under a separate sub-operation investigated under Operation Stovewood. 

Online Child Sexual Abuse spiking at frightening levels in South Asia and Oceana - 3 reports


Online sexual abuse now at severe levels

Royal Thai Police report a sharp increase in child sexual abuse cases, from 48 in 2017 to 540 last year. 
11.25 times as many as 6 years earlier.

published : 17 Sep 2024 at 07:59

writer: Gary Boyle


Bangkok Post

The growing threat of sexual harassment on social media is having a severe impact on children and the young, according to Thailand's National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC).

The NESDC said victims of such harassment are at risk of developing social, emotional and mental health problems, including anxiety and depression.

Not just Thailand

ECPAT International, a Unicef-affiliated organisation, identified Thailand as one of the 25 countries with alarming levels of online sexual harassment against children and youth. 

Data from the Royal Thai Police shows a sharp increase in child sexual abuse cases, from 48 in 2017 to 540 last year.

Online sexual harassment against children is divided into three levels, according to the NESDC. Low-level harassment is when perpetrators harass victims through non-specific comments, such as those who are sexually attracted to young girls and make sexually suggestive comments about school-aged children.

The moderate level focuses on repeated actions designed to cause emotional distress on victims

The severe/high level involves violent and aggressive actions, for example luring young people into romantic relationships and forcing them into sexual acts.

‘Our nation’s shame’: Marcos says PH must do more

to stop online child abuse

According to the International Justice Mission, traffickers abused 1 in 100 Filipino children to create new sexual exploitation material in 2022 alone

MANILA, Philippines – An emotional President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said the Philippines must do more to fight online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC), as the country has long been dubbed the “global epicenter” of the crime.

In a speech at the National Summit Against OSAEC in Makati City on Monday, September 16, Marcos lamented how prevalent OSAEC still is in the country. Preceding his speech was Charito’s, not her real name, who told her story about surviving exploitation as a child.

“As I was listening to the young lady…I could not help but shed a tear to think [about reliving] the suffering that she went through. And to think how many other children are even — as we’re here, [sitting] in this fancy hotel room, eating our fancy food — continuing to suffer the same fate as she has,” Marcos said.

“And accompanying those tears that I just shed was a deep sense of shame because we have not done enough for the Philippines to now be considered the epicenter of…sexual abuse and exploitation of children. And I leave it to your imagination. And I would imagine in some cases your imagination cannot even begin to fathom what is done to these poor children, to our poor children,” the President added. “We must do more.”

140 cases of child sex abuse material offences investigated by police since 2020: Sun Xueling

SINGAPORE - Children are facing a greater risk of being sexually exploited because of new technologies, and it is challenging for the authorities to prosecute the predators.

And the best way for international law enforcement to tackle this is to work together, said US Ambassador to Singapore Jonathan Kaplan on Sept 16.

He was speaking to about 180 officers and participants at the opening of the Child Forensic Interview Regional Workshop at the Police Cantonment Complex.

The five-day event ends on Sept 20. Its opening was attended by Minister of State for Home Affairs Sun Xueling.

The workshop is organised by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

HSI is the principal investigative arm of the US Department of Homeland Security and probes transnational crime and threats.

These include criminal organisations that exploit global infrastructure through which international trade, travel and finance move.

In his speech, Mr Kaplan said children are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation.

He said: “Unfortunately, our children face more dangers than ever because of new technologies. These technologies, such as live streaming, give criminals unprecedented reach in harming our kids.”

He noted that the rise of social media and online gaming platforms has allowed predators to communicate with children globally.

More advanced technologies, such as encrypted digital storage, have also made it harder for the authorities to gather evidence for prosecution.

Mr Kaplan added: “The challenges are great, but we know that our best chance of combating potential harm and protecting our kids is to work collaboratively with (international) partners.”

More On This Topic

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Three horrible child rapists going to jail in Texas


El Paso man receives 170 years in prison for

continuous sex abuse of children since 2016

An El Paso man was sentenced to 170 years in prison on child sexual abuse charges in a case pending since 2016, authorities said.

Edward Alvarado, 43, was sentenced Sept. 6 by a jury to 75 years on one count of sexual abuse of a child continuous: victim under 14; 50 years on a second count of sexual abuse of child continuous: victim under 14; and 45 years on a third count of sexual abuse of child continuous: victim under 14, court records show.

Edward Alvarado: age: 36; height: 5 feet, 10 inches; weight: 200 pounds; features: black hair, brown eyes; charges: aggravated sexual assault of a child

A jury convicted and sentenced Alvarado on the three charges after a 15-day trial. Alvarado was found not guilty on an additional charge of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Judge Marcos Lizarraga of the 168th District Court ordered the three prison sentences be served consecutively.

Alvarado will serve the 50 year sentence first, followed by the 75 year sentence and ending with the 45 year sentence."We're very pleased with this sentence," El Paso District Attorney Bill Hicks said. "It is a remarkable statement by the jury that sexual assault and to abuse our children is not tolerated. A remarkable statement by Judge Marcos Lizarraga that the judiciary stands behind the children of our community."

Alvarado allegedly flees to Mexico to escape charges

Alvarado initially was arrested June 16, 2016, in connection with continuous sexual assault of a child — an 8-year-old girl, court records show.Alvarado was released Aug. 12, 2016 on a $206,000 bail as he was awaiting trial, jail records show.

"He became aware that there was a new indictment coming in 2017," Hicks said. "When he became aware of that new indictment, he fled to Mexico. He was then tracked down in Mexico by our fugitive task force, and was returned to the United States in 2018."

There were three victims — 4, 7 and 10 years old — of Alvarado, Hicks said.

"All of them (victims) were brave enough to stand up for their justice and to come forward and testify," Hicks said. "It took a long time to get this case to trial, but we're very proud of these young ladies standing up for their justice and for the family members, the aunts and supporters, who came forward to support these young ladies to get them into court and to be their support system.

"It takes people willing to stand up and fight for justice to get people who are horrible sex offenders like this. Edward Alvarado is off the streets and away from our children."

During the trial, testimony revealed Alvarado was attempting to sexually abuse other young victims, Hicks said.

"He had exposed himself and was obviously trying to lure other young ladies," Hicks said. "He had exposed himself to other prepubescent girls in an effort to lure other girls into his web of sexual abuse ... He is a type of person that we need to make sure is never ever around children."

He is the type of person who needs to stand before God sooner rather than later.

Mission man found guilty on all charges of
sexual abuse of child, sentenced to 60 years

by: Mia Morales
Posted: Sep 16, 2024 / 08:09 PM CDT

MISSION, Texas (ValleyCentral) A Mission man was sentenced to 60 years for continuous sexual abuse of a child.

An Hidalgo County jury found Jorge Enrique Sanchez guilty on one count of continuous sexual abuse of a child, four counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and one count of sexual assault of a child, according to a news release from the Hidalgo County Public Affairs.

Jorge Enrique Sanchez (Source: Hidalgo County Public Affairs)
On Feb. 22, 2017, the Edinburg Police Department received a report of a 14-year-old who had been sexually assaulted.

During the interview, the teen reported to the investigators she had been sexually assaulted by Sanchez for five years, the release stated.

On Sept. 13 Sanchez was found guilty by the jury on all counts and sentenced to 40 years for continuous sexual abuse of a child and 20 years for sexual assault of a child, totaling 60 years in prison.

The release added, that there is no parole eligibility for continuous sexual abuse of a child.


Tulia man sentenced to 30 years

for child sexual abuse

Islam in South Asia > Astounding Evil Under Sharia Law - Girls pay the price for men's evil


9-year-old Afghan girl was sold by her own family and forced to marry a 50-year-old Muslim man. Her screams are her only way to express the pain and fear she’s feeling. This is Sharia law!


PAKISTAN: a woman was raped, and instead of arresting the rapist, the Sharia council determined that the rapist’s sister should be raped by the victim’s brother. The innocent teenage girl was publicly raped in front of 40 people in what is called ‘revenge rape’ in Sharia law.