Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday 12 September 2024

Wolves Among the Catholic Sheep > Young priest investigated for CSA in Chicago; Depravity of school sex abuse appalls Irish Bishop


Young Chicago priest under probe for alleged child abuse

Archdiocese of Chicago investigating child exploitation claims against Martin Nyberg, who has been asked to step aside

The Archdiocese of Chicago announced Sept. 6 that a state investigation is underway into alleged sexual abuse by a newly ordained priest.

In letters addressed to the two churches where Father Martin Nyberg served starting in June 2023, Chicago Cardinal Blase J. Cupich said the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, or DCFS, is looking into allegations against Father Nyberg "they termed child exploitation and child molestation during a public penance service."

The cardinal stated in the letter the accused priest "strenuously denies the allegations."

Father Nyberg, whom the archdiocese listed as 28 years old at his ordination in May, began his priesthood as associate pastor starting July 1 at St. Josaphat Parish in Chicago. From June 2023 through May 2024, he served as deacon at St. Paul of the Cross Parish in the western suburbs.

Cardinal Cupich said he "asked Father Nyberg to step aside from his ministry until civil authorities have completed their investigations and our Independent Review Board has presented its recommendations to me."

A spokeswoman for the Illinois DCFS confirmed to OSV News "there is an active investigation" into the allegations against Father Nyberg, but she did not give further details about the case which she said is protocol when cases are active.

A local news report confirmed that parents met with St. Josaphat School representatives Sept. 5 about the allegations some of their children made concerning Father Nyberg. The parents reportedly said their children who attended an eighth-grade confirmation retreat in August, alleged the priest asked inappropriate sexual questions during confession and reported that he "inappropriately touched" several of them.

In another local TV news story, a St. Josaphat parent whose children are reportedly younger than those who made the allegations said the school, parish and archdiocese "reacted extremely fast" in notifying civil and church authorities. Brian Patton told WGN TV, "There's nobody more angry about this situation than priests. I want to make sure that's very clear" and added that "I've got nothing but empathy for the kids and the parents" involved.

A spokeswoman for the archdiocese told OSV News in a text message there was "no other information to share other than what's in the letter. The case is being handled according to our policies and we will inform you of the outcomes."

Sara Larson, executive director of Awake, an abuse survivors organization based in Milwaukee, said in an email to OSV News, "While the Catholic Church has made significant progress in preventing sexual abuse of minors, the unfortunate reality is that gaps still exist in our safety measures, and abuse can still happen today. While I can't comment on the truth of these specific allegations (against Father Nyberg), the power differential present in many pastoral situations, including the sacrament of reconciliation, creates an inherent vulnerability that can easily be taken advantage of."

Awake is a group of "abuse survivors, concerned Catholics and allies" that addresses abuse in the Catholic Church. It offers virtual survivor support programs and tips and techniques on dealing with abuse among other resources, and has a survivors advisory panel that gives feedback on its offerings.

"It's especially troubling when we hear about allegations against priests who were recently ordained," said Larson. "While most dioceses have implemented more careful screening of seminarians, we must continue asking what we can do better, both before and after ordination, to evaluate and train priests, especially in the area of sexuality and healthy boundaries."

In the letter, Cardinal Cupich said the archdiocese also offered assistance to those who have alleged abuse in accordance with its policies on protection of children and youth.

According to the archdiocesan website, its Office of Assistance Ministry "provides pastoral care, support and resources to victims/survivors of clerical abuse, and their loved ones" in their efforts to heal psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Once formal allegations are made the office offers spiritual direction, and counseling. Its website also lists services ranging from reporting agencies to support groups and a link to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' resource page for victim assistance.

In May 2023, the Illinois Attorney General's office released a nearly 700-page report documenting about 2,000 cases of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy and religious brothers across all six Illinois dioceses over almost 70 years starting in 1950. The report was the culmination of a state investigation that began in 2018 with just 103 substantiated cases from just two Illinois dioceses including the Chicago Archdiocese.

The attorney general's office combed through thousands of child abuse claims files, more than 100,000 diocesan documents, held numerous interviews with diocesan officials and their general counsels and documented more than 600 confidential points of contact with victims through interviews, letters, email and phone conversations. It found 451 clerics and religious brothers perpetrated the abuses.

The report includes 50 pages of recommendations of policies to handle clergy child abuse cases that the attorney general's office said should be considered in addition to the uniform policies that all six Illinois dioceses had adopted (as a result of the attorney general investigation) to make their already existing protocols more robust.

Bishop ‘appalled at depravity’ of school sex abuse allegations

Bishof Denis Nulty: 'I know this is very upsetting to current staff, students and families'

BISHOP of Kildare and Leighlin Denis Nulty has said he is “appalled at the depravity of abuse” outlined in a report into the historical sexual abuse of school children by religious orders.

One has to wonder where he's been for the past 20 years?

Five Carlow schools were among the hundreds named by the report published last week, which included 2,395 allegations involving 884 alleged abusers across primary and secondary schools, including special schools, between the 1960s and 1990s. The Carlow schools named in the report were Carlow CBS (primary), Presentation College, Askea (secondary), Mount St Joseph, Tullow (secondary), Monastery Boys NS, Tullow and St Brigid’s National School, Bagenalstown.

Carlow, Ireland

In a statement issued to The Nationalist, Bishop Nulty said: ‘Behind every sentence, paragraph and page is someone who, as a child, suffered hugely in the very place where they should have felt safe.’ He commended survivors for their ‘extraordinary courage’ in sharing their stories. In relation to the local schools named, Bishop Nulty said: ‘I realise schools in the diocese at both primary and post-primary level feature in the report. I know this is very upsetting to current staff, students and families. As bishop, I want to assure everyone of the robust safeguarding protocols that permeate every aspect of school life today.’ He went on to express his ‘heartfelt sorrow’ and his commitment to do his ‘utmost’ to ensure that the work of safeguarding continues to be a priority in the diocese, adding that the diocese supported the work of the inquiry.

All Sunday Masses across the county last weekend were offered to the survivors of abuse and their families, as well as staff, students and boards of management of the local schools.

Focused primarily between the 1960s and ’90s, the report set out in stark alphabetical order the names of the religious orders which ran the 300-plus schools beside the number of allegations of abuse, as well as the total number of alleged abusers.

There were three allegations against two alleged abusers at Carlow CBS (primary) under the Christian Brothers. The Congregation of the Presentation Sisters at Presentation College, Askea (secondary) had one allegation against one alleged abuser. The Patrician Brothers cited allegations at Mount St Joseph, Tullow (secondary) and Monastery Boys NS, Tullow. An individual breakdown for each school was not provided by the Patrician Brothers; rather, a total of 21 allegations against 18 alleged abusers across its schools were listed. The figures were provided to the inquiry by the religious orders themselves.

In other words, this is most likely the tip of the iceberg.

St Brigid’s National School, Station Road, Bagenalstown was named as a school where one or more participants in the survivor engagement process said they had experienced abuse. Some of the local schools have gone on to change their names or to amalgamate with others.

The scoping inquiry was established after the RTÉ radio documentary Blackrock Boysaired in 2022. It described harrowing accounts of sexual abuse at Blackrock College, Dublin. Following its broadcast, many survivors, primarily men, came forward from various schools outlining similar experiences.

Central to the inquiry was the voice of survivors. Participants described being molested, stripped naked, raped and drugged amid an atmosphere of terror and silence. Many felt what was happening was so pervasive that it could not possibly have gone unnoticed by other staff or members of the religious orders.

As adults, participants said the impact of the sexual abuse led to serious and ongoing difficulties in relationships, mental and physical health problems, addiction issues, lost career opportunities and damage to their sense of place and community. Many felt there was something inherently wrong with them, describing failed intimate relationships, marriage breakdowns, suicide attempts and time spent in rehabilitation programmes. Tragically, many victims’ voices will never be heard as they have carried their stories to their grave, shrouded in secrecy and shame.

And no mention about what it did to their faith?

The scoping inquiry outlined its belief that further allegations of sexual abuse in schools will emerge following the publication of its report. To that end, An Garda Síochána advised victims of historical sexual abuse to avail of its free, confidential 24/7 child sexual abuse reporting line 1800 555222. The gardaí said they have received over 160 contacts since the publication of last week’s report.

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