Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Child Sexual Abuse in Belgium and Gang Rape, honor killings in the Netherlands


Belgian man arrested for sexual abuse

of multiple children


A 45-year-old man from Barendrecht is in custody for sexually assaulting multiple children. The man turned himself in after a report was filed against him, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) said.

The man was arrested on Tuesday, September 10. On Friday, the examining magistrate remanded him into custody for another 14 days. “The investigation is currently in full swing,” the OM said.

Sources told the Telegraaf that the man sexually abused children of varying ages, including “very young children,” at his home and other locations. The man allegedly knew the children from clubs and through acquaintances. The sources called it a very serious and extensive sexual offense, according to the newspaper.

Sex crimes have a massive impact on the victims and their loved ones, the OM said. “For the sake of the victims' privacy, no further statements will be made about this case.” The prosecutor added that it understands that local residents will have questions and concerns. 

Second suspect arrested in two decade old

Rotterdam gang rape

The police arrested a second suspect for gang-raping a woman in a Rotterdam park two decades ago. The 37-year-old man from Rotterdam’s Crooswijk neighborhood was arrested on Wednesday afternoon. The first suspect, a 39-year-old man from Rotterdam, was arrested on Monday.

The gang rape happened on 12 January 2004. That evening, a then-30-year-old woman and a friend got off the metro at Voorschtoerlaan station in Rotterdam. On Lusthofstraat, the friend got into an argument about money with a group of five or six men. The friend walked away, but the woman remained behind and tried to resolve the situation.

The men told her they would go get her friend’s money. She walked with the men to Paulus Potterstraat, where the men surrounded her and one raped her while the others watched. They then took her to Rozenburg Park, where several other men raped her as well.

Despite extensive investigation, the police could not solve the case at the time, but new information led them to reopen it recently. “Even though it’s been 20 years, the investigation team would like to get in touch with people who can remember something aobut (sic) the case that could be of value to the investigation,” the police said. The men who gang-raped the woman all had short dark hair and a slightly tanned complexion. At the time, they were estimated to be between 18 and 30 years old; some may have been minors.

They had a tanned complexion in January in the Netherlands??? Is that code for being from the Middle East?

“They are probably now in their late 30s or somewhere in their 40s. The men may come from the neighborhood and still live in Rotterdam or even specifically in the Kralingen neighborhood,” the police said.

More incidents of honor violence in Netherlands;

Victims almost always women

The police have noticed an increase in honor-related violent incidents in the Netherlands. Last year, the police registered 619 cases of violence because the family honor was violated and had to be “restored,” including four honor killings. Ten years ago, there were 460 cases. The victims are almost always women. A few cases involve men who “violated family honor” with their sexual orientation or affairs, NOS reports.

Almost two-thirds of last year’s cases involved threats or assault. Permanent surveillance, sexual abuse, and forced marriages also occurred. Four people were killed.

Almost a quarter of honor violence incidents last year involved Syrians. Turkish, Moroccan, and Afghan are also common backgrounds. Syrian people’s overrepresentation is due to the inflow of refugees in recent years. Over 150,000 Syrians now live in the Netherlands.

The police have asked the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment whether it should pay more attention to this topic in its integration course. “Newcomers must be made aware that choosing a partner in the Netherlands is an individual’s right,” said Wilfred Janmaat, head of the police’s National Expertise Center for Honor-related Violence. “If this is not happening enough at the moment, more attention needs to be paid to it.”

Previous studies have shown that honor-related violence occurs when women want more freedom of movement or a divorce once they are in the Netherlands. Men also experience a loss of status when they are no longer the breadwinner. War traumas come on top of that, said Janine Janssen, a cultural anthropologist and criminologist affiliated with the police’s expertise center. “Being exposed to war violence can lead to psychological problems, but it can also lower the threshold for committing violence yourself."

Today, two young men will appear in court for the first time for murdering their sister, 18-year-old Syrian girl Ryan Al Najjar from Joure, in a suspected honor killing. Her body was found in the Oostvaardersplassen near Lelystad in May. Ryan’s father is also a suspect, but he fled the country and is believed to be in Syria. He told the Telegraaf that he was “very angry” with his daughter.

I've been angry at my daughter, but it never once occurred to me to murder her. Why does that occur to Muslims? Can't they teach them that honor killing is murder in civilized countries?


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