Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, 21 March 2025

Child Sexual Abuse > Canadian Deepfake porn site blocked in NL; Scottish teen had 1600 CSAM on phones; Canada's Sickest Paedo


Popular deepfake porn site now blocked in the Netherlands after OM request

A popular porn site that uses artificially manipulated sex videos can no longer be visited from the Netherlands. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) confirmed on Tuesday that an article by AD.nl stating that the Dutch IP addresses being blocked on the site called M*****Fakes is a result of an action by the OM.

Celebrities like Olcay Gulsen and Helene Hendriks were among 20 celebrities in the Netherlands that reported M*****Fakes to the police last year after their likeness was used in the videos, according to the AD.

The OM has been investigating the makers of the deepfake videos since last year. That investigation is still ongoing. In the meantime, the OM has requested that the website take away its servers in the Netherlands. The website went along with this request, a spokesperson for the OM stated. The website can still be visited from abroad.

The porn site contains sexually explicit videos in which Dutch politicians, singers, and presenters are depicted. The videos are made by using artificial intelligence to put the face of the victim on the body of a porn actress.

M*****Fakes has almost 650,000 members, with some of the members paying for the videos. The website got over 200,000 views per month in the Netherlands. Although these video's have likely been uploaded by a Dutch citizen, the website is owned by a Canadian internet entrepeneur who has connections with Russian cyber criminals, according to AD. 

Uploaders on the site know that making and sharing the video's is illegal. People are warned not to speak to journalists on the site's forum.


Caithness teenager had 1600 sex abuse images of children on iPhones


A former relief support care worker has admitted possessing a cache of indecent photos and videos of children as young as four.

Jack Hutchinson, who appeared on indictment at Wick Sheriff Court, will be sentenced next month.

Wick Sheriff Court.
Wick Sheriff Court.

The 19-year-old was 15 when he started his collection, Sheriff Neil Wilson was told on Tuesday.

In just over a three-year period from March 2021, Hutchinson accumulated 1644 images and videos.

Fiscal depute Grant McLennan said that the majority of the images recovered from the accused’s iPhones featured young males and females performing sexual acts with other children, adult females and adult males.

The videos showed young females exposing themselves to the camera while committing sexual acts. Hutchinson pleaded guilty to the charge, brought under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act, 1982.

The court was told that Hutchinson was caught in a police intelligence operation. Their National Child Abuse Team discovered that he had uploaded a video of child sexual abuse.

Officers searched Hutchinson’s home at Scarfskerry on June 7, 2024, and he gave them passwords to his iPhones, containing extensive material.

Hutchinson was arrested on June 11 and taken to Wick Police Station where he made no reply when he was cautioned and charged.

The case was continued for a background report until April 16 when Sheriff Wilson will hear mitigation from Hutchinson’s solicitor, Fiona MacDonald, before passing sentence.

The accused was meantime instructed to place himself on the sex offenders’ register.

Dangerous offender convicted, again, for child abuse material

Michael Tomasik of Sudbury wept as he was convicted of several charges related to child sexual abuse material in court March 20
Jenny Lamothe

Editor’s note: This story includes extremely graphic testimony about child sexual abuse that some readers may find disturbing or upsetting.

A Sudbury man who is considered a dangerous offender and has been convicted of several charges related to child sexual abuse material wept in court March 20 as the details of his latest conviction was read onto the record.

Michael Tomasik was set to begin a four-day trial when he opted instead to plead guilty to three of the seven charges he was originally facing, and was convicted by Justice Graham Jenner. 

Tomasik has a long history with the courts and was declared a dangerous offender in 2017. He was under a long-term supervision order between June 25, 2020 and June 24, 2030.

In 2008, Tomasik was 27 and convicted of child luring and child pornography charges after he engaged in online conversations with a London, Ont., police officer who was posing as a 12-year-old girl.

Then, in 2016 Tomasik was found guilty of trying to convince a sex worker to abduct a child so he could commit sexual assault. Instead, the sex worker strung him along until she had enough evidence from his text messages to alert police. Tomasik was also found guilty of child pornography charges at the time. 

These new charges stem from charges laid in January 2024. Tomasik is now 43 years old. Though he was originally facing seven charges, including accessing child sex abuse material and Agreement or Arrangement-Sexual Offence Against Child Under 14, in the plea agreement entered into this week, Tomasik pleaded guilty to three of them: making child pornography (written), distribution of child pornography and one count of breaching his long-term supervision order. 

Do prosecutors in Canada try to charge paedophiles with the least charges they can?

Through the agreed statement of facts, the court heard further details of Tomasik’s possession of an internet-accessing phone, which is against his terms under a long-term supervision order, as well as his written claims involving the sexual abuse of children.

The agreed statement of facts states there is no independent evidence that Tomasik’s written claims of abuse against several children detail actual abuse he committed. However, he did detail in writing his abuse of a one-month old girl, a five-year-old child and a three-year-old child. These claims were made in writing to a woman he connected with through an online-dating site and with whom he tried to arrange an opportunity to abuse children together. 

The woman’s identity is covered by a publication ban and she is not facing charges. 

Details of the 2024 charges

The agreed statement of facts, signed by Tomasik and his attorney, George Fournier, and read by assistant Crown attorney Alayna Jay, deals first with the longterm supervision order, which Tomasik breached by owning an internet-accessible phone.

The statement details Tomasik connecting with a woman on a dating site using the name “John Wick,” and also using the phone to access child pornography and to send images of child pornography to the woman. 

The statement includes that Tomasik met with this woman on multiple occasions and paid her for sexual services. He took photos and videos of her, and also paid her to send nude and sexualized photos of herself. 

“Mr. Tomasik asked her if she had skirts and knee-high socks and if he could treat her like a little girl,” reads the statement. 

During the course of their communications, Tomasik “discussed his sexual interest in children and incest.”

OK, I can't continue with this report, it is just too sickening. If you want to read more, and I can't think why you would unless you are a pedo. Continue reading on this link:

The agreed statement of facts

Tomasiki’s next steps in court and final sentencing is expected to go on for some time, as the Crown has requested an assessment for further orders related to his dangerous offender status, as well as a pre-sentence report. He is scheduled in assignment court on June 18 to check the status of the further orders. 

Is he in remand, Jenny?

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