Can they do that? Does a municipal government have authority in that area?

© Space Needle / Facebook
Gay conversion therapy for minors could soon be banned in Seattle, Washington after a city council subcommittee voted on a bill to ban the controversial practice.
Sponsored by council-member Lorena Gonzalez, the bill calls for a ban on licensed mental health providers practicing the therapy on minors. The bill is supported by Seattle mayor Ed Murray and gay activists.
The bill will be voted on by the full council on Monday and should the measure pass, offenders will face a fine of up to $1,000 for carrying out the practice.
Advertising gay conversion therapy would also be banned, leaving practitioners open to consumer related laws surrounding misleading ads.
Gay conversion therapy is an attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation through a range of controversial methods, which include shaming, inducing nausea and even shock therapy. It works off the incorrect theory that sexual orientation is a mental illness that can be “fixed.”
Maybe you should read this before accepting statement: Ex-gay Man: ‘Homosexuality is Just Another Human Brokenness’
It has been widely discredited and is considered damaging to young people. - by the LGBTQ lobby and liberal media.
“It’s absolutely offensive to me, that instead of providing these children, who are going through perhaps a moment of confusion … instead of providing them the support that they need, there are people out there who believe it’s appropriate to convince these children that their same-sex orientation is somehow a disease, or an illness, or something that can be cured.” Gonzalez said.
A moment of confusion is right. Children deserve and need truth, not the foolishness that goes around today because of the gay lobby and supportive media. The truth has been known for millennia; it hasn't suddenly appeared in this generation. But it has suddenly been repressed in this generation.
Arguing against the conversion ban at the subcommittee meeting, Kevin Amos said it was an issue of religious freedom. “We’re really talking about parents who have a right, in a civil right, to rear their children,” he said.
Five states have banned licensed mental health providers from offering gay conversion therapy for minors. California, New Jersey, Oregon, Illinois and Vermont. New York State has taken action against the practice by barring practitioners from getting insured. In Oklahoma, a bill introduced in 2015 sought to protect gay conversion therapy from government restrictions.
In 2015, federal legislation was introduced to classify conversion therapy as fraudulent, which would allow for a countrywide ban. The Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act is yet to be passed.
There is a lack of detail surrounding how much gay conversion therapy is taking place in the state of Washington.
Banning gay therapy would increase the gay population which is what the gay lobby wants. They also don't want you to know that it actually works because then you might come to believe that maybe gays aren't actually born gay. That would be catastrophic for the gay community for it would lend credence to the Biblical view of homosexuality. And if the Bible is true, then there is nothing but a horrible judgment for practicing homosexuals.
The fate of Sodom and Gomorrah is mentioned several times throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is also mentioned in the Quran and the Hadith. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Supporting children in acting out homosexuality is another form of child sex abuse and a slap in God's face. One ought not to be very comfortable in that position.
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