Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, 5 February 2018

Some of the Worst Abuse I have Reported This Year on Today's Global PnP List

Caution: This post contains some pretty awful stories
Two children fall prey to sexual predators
in as many days in Karachi

Karachi, Pakistan - Yet another case of child sexual abuse was reported in the city on Friday when an unidentified man raped a little girl and left her severely injured, a day after the body of a seven-year-old boy who had been raped and murdered was found in the bushes near his house in another part of the city.

According to SHO Javed Jalbani of Sukhan police, the victim’s mother came to the police station to file a complaint that an unknown man had raped her eight-year-old daughter in a house in Labour Square, Korangi, while she was at work.

In her statement, the mother said that her husband lives in Punjab while she works in a factory to support herself and her daughter. She added that she used to leave her child at the house of a woman who worked in the same factory and lived nearby. The children played together all day while the two women were at work.

The mother further said that on Friday when she returned home, she found her daughter crying in pain. The eight-year-old told her that she was playing with the other children when a stranger came into the house, took her to a room and raped her.

SHO Jalbani said that following the woman’s complaint, the victim was sent to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) for examination and treatment.

He added that police would issue a final statement once the medico-legal examiner’s report is received. JPMC Executive Director Dr Seemin Jamali told The News that a female medico-legal examiner had examined the child and had confirmed in her initial report that she had been subjected to sexual assault.

Jamali said the MLO had suggested that surgery be performed on the victim since her wounds were severe. The child has been admitted to the children’s ward and a surgeon will examine her to further devise a treatment plan, the director said.

Growing violence

This is the second case of child rape reported from the city in just under two days. On Thursday evening, the body of seven-year-old boy who had been strangled after sexual assault was found in the bushes near his house in New Town. According to Gulshan-e-Iqbal Division SP Ghulam Murtaza Bhutto, the victim’s father Abdus Sattar had informed them that he found the body of his missing son near National Sports Complex.

Bhutto said a police team reached the site and shifted the body to the JPMC for a post-mortem. The victim was identified as seven-year-old Shah, and according to his father Sattar, he had been missing since Thursday afternoon.

The deceased’s father told police that he started the search for Shah himself when his wife told him that he had not come home for lunch. By evening, he found his little son dead in the bushes near his house.

Bhutto said that a tennis court is being constructed at the sports complex. The builder had hired Abdus Sattar as a gatekeeper there and had also provided a makeshift housing arrangement for him where he was living with his family.

Sattar told the police that he had no enmities. Bhutto said they had started an investigation. 

A medico-legal officer performed the autopsy and confirmed in his report that the child had been subjected to rape before being strangled to death. He added the medico-legal examiner has preserved the samples obtained from Shah’s body for examination.

High-ups take notice

Home Minister Sohail Anwar Siyal has taken notice of both incidents and sought separate inquiry reports from the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) East. He also directed him to ensure that culprits behind both crimes be arrested. 

5-yr-old raped, killed allegedly by teen in India

The girl – the daughter of daily wage workers – was home alone when she was raped, strangled to death and burned, allegedly by a 14-year-old neighbour
Geetika Mantri

In a brutal incident, a 5-year-old girl in Tamil Nadu was raped, choked to death and her body burned, allegedly by her 14-year-old neighbour. The brutal crime has put the focus on the need for community led initiatives for child protection across the state.

Nisha* was enrolled into Class 1 at the local anganwadi school in Keelathattaparai village just a few days ago. The youngest child of a couple who worked as daily wage labourers, Nisha used to return from school at 2 pm every day, and was usually alone at home until her older brothers finished school at 5 pm. Her parents, who do odd jobs to make a living, work 20 km away from the house and return late in the evening.

On Wednesday afternoon, Nisha was playing in the neighbourhood, when her neighbour, 14-year-old Deepak*, came along and reportedly took her inside her house. Another child, 7-year-old Prashanth*, was also with them.

Once inside, Deepak reportedly started sexually assaulting Nisha. Prashanth, who witnessed the assault, got scared and ran away, reportedly to inform Nisha’s brothers about what was happening.

Meanwhile, Deepak reportedly raised an alarm, claiming to the neighbours that there was a fire at Nisha’s house. When the neighbours went over to see what had happened, Nisha was burnt.

When the police went to investigate the scene of the crime, they questioned Deepak on the basis of Prashanth’s statement. Deepak confessed to killing Nisha, according to the police.

Speaking to TNM, Pudukottai Inspector Santha Kumari reveals, “The boy had strangled Nisha to death with a towel. To cover up the crime, he poured a little bit of kerosene over her face and neck and burnt her to death. He then started screaming that there was a fire and alerted the neighbours.”

Deepak has been admitted to a juvenile home. The police have booked him for murder as well as destruction of evidence among others.

The shocking case has put the focus once again on the vulnerability of children who stay alone while their parents are at work, and also the need to ensure that children don’t engage in violence, and sexually harmful and aggressive behaviour.

*Names changed

Unbelievably cruel dad sexually abused and
stomped his baby to death in Chile

The girl had turned one year and eleven months when the subject assaulted the girl; He had a history of intrafamily violence


Santiago de Chile  (EFE) .- Dozens of Chileans who demonstrated today in front of the Palacio de La Moneda, seat of the Executive, demanded the death penalty for a man who beat, raped and asphyxiated his daughter, a one-year-old baby and eleven months.

Nearly a thousand people, many of them carrying signs, shouted "asking for the death" of Francisco Rios Rios, 29, who is in pretrial detention, awaiting trial.

They ask for the death penalty for the aggressor of the baby. Photo: Twitter

"Death penalty to the murderer" or "Even when violence against children" were some of the cries of the Chileans who demonstrated peacefully in front of the government house, without the need for the police to intervene .

In Chile, the death penalty was repealed in 2001, during the government of Ricardo Lagos Escobar, who replaced the capital punishment with the one of perpetual qualified prison. The convicted person is not eligible for parole until after 40 years of effective deprivation of liberty.

Last Monday, when the prosecutor Marcelo Sambuceti established the aggressions suffered by the child that finally caused her death, about 500 people waited for her father at the exit to lynch him, which was avoided by the Special Forces of Carabineros.

According to Sambuceti, who also suffered assault on leaving the court in the city of Puerto Montt, in southern Chile, Ríos had previously been convicted twice of domestic violence.

Dr. Juan Eduardo Donoso, who treated the girl when they tried to revive her in an office in that city, told reporters that the images that were engraved in his mind "are so strong" that he decided to write her vision regarding the shocking case of child abuse.

The law must apply to human beings. This monster is not. Death penalty / execution for rapists and child killers. The day that is restored for these cases, we will see if they will unleash their "impulses" with such lightness. #JusticiaParaSophia https://t.co/n0EGEsfzmk

At that time, Donoso said he had found the worst of his nightmares: "a baby cruelly violated, to the point of causing her death."

Not even the worst horror movies are as strong as the images left in the eyes of the group of people who tried to bring her back to life that afternoon, said Dr. Juan Donoso.

The father of the minor identified as
Francisco Rios. Photo: Twitter

The case of the child shook all of Chile and throughout the week, in many cities of that country of 17.5 million inhabitants, a series of demonstrations have taken place demanding from the Executive a new legislation that toughens the sentences against the guilty parties of violence against children in Chile. 

Blue Mountains circus founder among seven people charged over alleged abuse of three boys
by Danuta Kozaki and Clare Mathie

The founder of the circus, Therese Ann Cook, is among seven people charged by police. (Facebook: The Arcade Circus)

The founder of a circus based in the Blue Mountains is among seven people charged with 127 offences over the alleged sexual and physical abuse of three boys between 2014 and 2016.

The charges have been laid against people linked to The Arcade Circus which is at Katoomba, the ABC has confirmed.

It is a community-based circus whose participants include children with and without disabilities. It was established in 2009.

Detectives from the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad set up Strike Force Baillieu in July last year to investigate reports of abuse on three boys under the age of 10, police said.

The founder of the circus, 58-year-old Therese Ann Cook, three other women, two men and a 17-year-old girl have been arrested.

She has been charged with 43 offences, including aggravated sexual assault of a child under 10, having sexual intercourse with a child under 10, and aggravated kidnapping.

"Police will allege in court the group participated in ongoing sexual and physical abuse of three boys, who were known to them, between 2014 and 2016 in the Blue Mountains," a police statement said.

The arrests were made at homes in Katoomba, Canterbury and Wentworthville yesterday.

A 17-year-old girl was charged with eight counts of aggravated sexual assault in company, aggravated kidnapping, and producing child abuse material.

An 18-year-old man was charged with 42 offences, including kidnapping, and sexual intercourse with a child under 10.

A 20-year old woman was charged with offences including aggravated sexual assault and aggravated kidnapping.

They were expected to face Parramatta Children's Court today.

A 26-year-old woman was charged with 13 offences, including aggravated sex assault in company.

A 29-year woman was charged with offences including five counts of aggravated sexual assault.

A 52-year-old man was charged offences including three counts of aggravated sexual assault in company.

They were expected to face Penrith Local Court and Central Local Court today.

Some trainers are accused of performing sadistic "blood rituals" on the young boys, the Daily Telegraph reported.

Thai School Director Charged With Child Sex Abuse Says He’s a Victim of a “Smear Campaign”

NAKHON RATCHASIMA – The school director in Thailand’s Northeastern Province of Nakhon Ratchasima who has been accused of having sexual relationship with a 14-year-old student and sexual advances towards a 13 year-old girl is now facing rape charge after the girl’s mother filed complaint with the police that she was raped by the director.

The complaint was filed on Friday (Feb 2) after a team of prosecutor, social worker, and psychologist talked to the girl, a Matthayom 2 (Grade 8) student and her mother who were at the Nakhon Ratchasima Shelter for Children and Families for rehabilitation.

The girl student told authorities that she was raped by the school director Nathaphop Boonthongtho. She also told the them that she was also raped by her boyfriend, a Matthayom 3 student at the same school.

She was later escorted with her mother to file complaint against the director and her boyfriend.

On Jan 31, the school director reported himself to Bua Yai police to acknowledge two charges– taking away minors who are under 15 years of age from their parents and libel charge.

The school director said today (Feb 4) that he was ready to meet the police to acknowledge additional charge of raping on Feb 7.

He said he would deny the charge and insisted that he was the victim of a “smear campaign” by a group of people who were not happy with his appointment as the school director.

Nathaphop Boonthongtho, insisted on his innocence during a phone interview with the Bangkok Post on Sunday as he was preparing to turn himself in to police on Wednesday to fight charges of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl and depriving her of parental care.

The other suspect in the sexual abuse case is a Mathayom 3 boy, who is the girl’s former boyfriend. He is also facing the same charges as Mr Nathaphop, following a complaint the girl’s mother lodged with police.

The mother, who asked not to be named, admitted her son had developed an intimate relationship with the girl one year ago, but he never acted against her will.

Depraved predator jailed for 14 years after sickening sexual abuse of two children
By Rebecca Day

A ‘depraved’ paedophile who sexually abused two children has been jailed.

‘Sexual predator’ Martyn Woods has been caged for a series of historic assaults.

Woods’ victims were both left ‘suffering severe emotional trauma, police said.

A girl was subjected to a campaign of abuse and a teenage boy was assaulted as he lay in bed.

The extent of Woods’ sickening crimes came to light when one of his victims bravely came forward last year.

The 72-year-old, of Woodford Avenue, Lowton, Wigan, was caged for 14 years after pleading guilty to 12 counts of sexually assaulting a child.

Woods will be on one year extended license after he is released - and will remain on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely.

Speaking after the sentencing at Minshull Street Crown Court, Det Con Debra Gallagher said: “Martyn Woods is a depraved individual whose abuse of two young children left them suffering severe emotional trauma that they still feel to this day."

“There is no doubt in my mind that he is a sexual predator who thought that he had gotten away with his sickening abuse after so many years had passed. However, thanks to the courage shown by one of his victims in coming forward to speak to police, Woods has now been brought to justice and a dangerous man has been imprisoned.”

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