Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, 2 June 2017

A Clown and a Secret Service Agent on Today's Global P&P List

Klutzy the Clown gets jail time for 6 week affair with 15 y/o - N.S. Canada
N.S. man gets 42 months for disturbing images of 5 y/o - Canada
30+ people charged in indigenous CSA investigation - W.A. Australia
Oregon man gets 30 years for multiple rapes of 12 y/o boy - USA
60 y/o American pervert arrested in Batangas - Philippines
Secret Service agent caught in internet CSA sting, get 20 years - MD - USA
Young Limerick man pleads guilty to 1000s of child porn images - Ireland

Klutzy the Clown sentenced to 2 years for
sexually assaulting girl
Dale Rancourt previously admitted to having sex with
the 15-year-old victim
By Joan Weeks, CBC News

A children's entertainer in Sydney, N.S., has been sentenced to two years in a federal penitentiary for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl.

The sentence for Dale Rancourt — better known as Klutzy the Clown — is in addition to the seven months he's served since violating his bail conditions last November. 

During sentencing Wednesday in Nova Scotia Supreme Court, Judge Patrick Murray said Rancourt, 51, used an emotionally vulnerable child for his own gratification.

Rancourt previously pleaded guilty to sexual assault involving the girl over a six-week period in 2016. Her name is protected under a publication ban.

Victim 'profoundly' affected

Speaking outside the courtroom, Crown attorney Peter Harrison told reporters the abuse "has affected [the girl] quite profoundly."

"She indicated in a victim impact statement that she has ongoing fear that Mr. Rancourt will contact her again," he said. "And she will likely be dealing with these matters for the rest of her life."

Rancourt has been ordered not to have contact with the girl while he is incarcerated. Harrison said Rancourt will no longer be able to work as a children's entertainer.  

"He's also going to be subject to a two-year probation term where he will be supervised in the community and on top of that, a 20-year sex offender order where he will have to be monitored by the RCMP throughout Canada."

Rancourt's lawyer responds

Rancourt said the victim initiated the sexual contact but he does not blame her, said defence lawyer Tony Mosvik.

"He's [pleaded] guilty at an early stage," said Mosvik. "All along he has said that he is the guy responsible for this."

Harrison said the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled the adult bears responsibility. 

"They are presumed under the law to be more mature and usually in positions of authority and, as such, they bear the responsibility, not the child," he said. 

Rancourt had no previous convictions and Murray accepted a joint recommendation from the Crown and the defence for a two-year sentence. 

Yarmouth man sentenced to 42 months for
making child porn
Images of 5-year-old girl 'among the most disturbing'
judge had ever seen
By Blair Rhodes, CBC News 

In his written decision, Judge James Burrill of Yarmouth, N.S. provincial court said Jacque Alain d'Eon was a moderate risk to reoffend.

A Nova Scotia man has been sentenced to 42 months in prison for making what a provincial court judge called "among the most disturbing" images of child pornography he's seen in a legal career spanning three decades.

Jacque Alain d'Eon, 31, was sentenced in Yarmouth provincial court in April, though Judge James Burrill's written decision was only released Friday.

D'Eon was charged after a photo album was discovered in his backpack in March 2016 that contained a dozen pictures of a five-year-old girl.

"I must say that in 32 years in the criminal justice system, they are among the most disturbing photographs I've ever seen," Burrill wrote in the decision.

"I've had to caution myself that I should not be unduly influenced by the horrific visceral reaction that those photographs generate when viewed."

Judge rejected sentence recommendation

Lawyers in the case had made a joint recommendation for a sentence of two years, less a day. In a rare move, Burrill rejected that recommendation.

"I have concluded that to impose the joint recommendation would bring the administration of justice into disrepute and would be contrary to the public interest in this particular case," the decision said.

At one point, d'Eon claimed to have no memory of taking the pictures but his fingerprints were found on them and parts of him appeared in some of the images.

Moderate risk to reoffend

The sentence includes six months for possession of child pornography and two months for breach of probation to be served concurrently. He is getting 501 days credit for the time he has spent in jail awaiting his sentence.

Burrill said d'Eon has serious substance abuse problems and has been assessed as a pedophile with a moderate risk to reoffend.

He said the joint sentencing recommendation would have meant d'Eon would serve his time in a provincial jail, where he would not receive the treatment he needs for both his alcohol abuse and sexual deviancy.

In addition to his prison term, d'Eon must submit a DNA sample to a national data bank and be registered as a sex offender. He also faces a 10-year weapons ban and must stay away from children and the places they frequent. He is not allowed to communicate with children online and cannot work or volunteer anywhere near children.

Once he's finished his prison sentence, d'Eon will be on probation for three years.

30 accused of child sex abuse in Western Australia
Gabrielle Knowles, Chief Crime Reporter

Shocking evidence of entrenched child sex abuse in regional Aboriginal communities has been uncovered, with more than 30 alleged paedophiles charged after a crackdown in the Pilbara.

It is believed to be among the most arrests from an abuse investigation in regional WA.

The nine-month operation has prompted calls for more intervention in the communities, as well as support for affected children.

The alleged perpetrators have been charged with close to 300 offences, including sexual penetration, and are accused of interfering with children as young as nine.

Most of the accused men are Aboriginal and are from Roebourne, Wickham, Karratha and surrounding areas, with some regarded as leaders in their communities.

Children’s Commissioner Colin Pettit said he was pleased about the “diligent” investigations, which also showed how vital it was to support scared children to speak out, no matter where they lived.

He has asked agencies to ensure the young people involved and their families were given the support they needed to recover from the trauma.

“Once this process is over, it is incredibly important for a strong preventive approach to be established in these communities and maintained for the long term,” Mr Pettit said.

“Every child and young person has the right to live in a caring and nurturing environment and be protected from harm and exploitation.”

Some men are accused of preying on more than one girl and there are allegations the depravity had become so normalised that girls sought out men to sell themselves for cigarettes or alcohol.

Mining magnate Andrew Forrest was criticised when he raised concerns about Roebourne in 2011, claiming “little girls” had approached him in the street and offered him sexual services in exchange for the price of a cigarette.

A group of local indigenous women labelled his comments a racist slur and threatened to refer him to the Human Rights Commission.

Mr Forrest did not want to dwell on that complaint, which was not pursued, but said yesterday he believed the allegations emerging from the Pilbara demonstrated the need for further intervention in remote Aboriginal communities, including cashless debit cards.

“Wherever there is unchecked cash welfare and abuse of alcohol or other substances, and no change in leadership, or failed policies, a directionless community results and tragedies like this can happen,” Mr Forrest said.

It is understood the investigation started in September after police gained the confidence of an injured girl who had sought treatment at hospital.

Police spent a lot of time in the communities earning the trust of children and their families to uncover incidents.

The accused perpetrators range from teenagers to men in their 70s. It is understood a recovery group led by the Department for Child Protection has been set up as part of a State Government response.

Special counselling services are being provided and dedicated child protection workers have been appointed to ensure the affected children are safe.

Communities in the Kimberley and Mid West have previously been the focus of similar police inquiries amid suspected under-reporting of child sex abuse.

WA child protection expert Andrea Musulin, director of the Perth Catholic Archdiocese’s Safeguarding Services program and a former police officer, said the alleged abuse highlighted the importance of teaching children how to protect themselves.

“Even though it is the adults’ responsibility to protect children ... by educating children we may be able to prevent some offences happening or at least empower them to report abuse,” she said.

The sooner children disclosed offences and received support, the better chance they had of recovering from the trauma and the less likely they were to go on to become abusers themselves, she said.

Anyone who would like to seek advice or support can contact Crisis Care on 1800 199 008 or Lifeline 13 11 14

Pedophile sentenced to 30 years in prison
By STEPHEN FLOYD H&N Staff Reporter 

A Klamath Falls man arrested in 2015 for sexual assault of a young boy has been sentenced to 30 years in prison after accepting a plea deal Friday.

Lee Branden Moniz, 29, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree sodomy and was sentenced to 25 years in prison on each charge, the minimum sentence due to the age of the victim. The judge ruled five years of each sentence must be served consecutively, leading to a 30-year sentence overall.

Moniz was also sentenced to lifetime supervision once released from prison and must complete sex offender treatment. He will not be eligible for early release or alternative incarceration.

Moniz was arrested Aug. 2, 2015, for incidents occurring between July of 2013 and December of 2014 when Moniz forced sexual contact on the victim, described as a boy younger than 12 years old.

Moniz’ trial was postponed multiple times to allow more time for the defense to investigate. If the case had gone to trial, Moniz faced a maximum of 110 years in prison.

60-year-old American pedophile arrested in Batangas
By: Tetch Torres-Tupas - Reporter 

The Philippines Bureau of Immigration (BI) arrested on Monday an American pedophile wanted in the US for engaging in child pornography.

According to Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente, the BI’s Fugitive Search Unit (FSU) in Batangas conducted an operation and arrested the 60-year-old Christopher Wayne Walker at his home in Barangay (village) Darasa, Tanauan City.

“Walker was arrested at the request of the US embassy in Manila which informed the BI about his presence in the country and his record as a sex offender,” Morente disclosed.

Walker was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by the Courts in Burnet County and Bend County in Texas but jumped bail and promoted child pornography.

“The BI board of commissioners already issued a summary deportation order against Walker last April 23 for posing a risk to public safety,” Morente added.

He also said that the deportation order was issued on account of Walker’s status as an undocumented alien that stemmed from the cancellation of his passport by the US government.

The law stated that an alien whose passport was revoked automatically loses stay in the country.​

Walker is currently in the BI detention facility in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City.

His name was placed in the immigration blacklist, leaving him banned from re-entering the Philippines.

Secret Service officer caught in online pedophile sting gets 20 years, lifetime supervision
By: Tony Ware, 

Following the high-profile case of Anthony Weiner, the U.S. Attorneys' Offices have successfully prosecuted another case under the Project Safe Childhood initiative. 

A former Secret Service officer has been sentenced to 20 years in prison, followed by a lifetime of supervised release, for conducting sexual conversations with a minor and attempting the exchange of explicit images. 

Lee Robert Moore, 38, of Church Hill, Md., pleaded guilty March 1, 2017, after Delaware State Police with the Delaware Child Predator Task Force had sexual chats online with Moore, at times when he was a work, and were requested to send him explicit photos while posing as a 14-year-old girl.   

As part of the investigation, law enforcement found Moore maintained social media profiles for similar behavior, including the sending of sexual images, with a 14-year-old girl in Texas and another 17-year-old girl in Missouri. 

Moore was assigned to the White House by the Secret Service at the time of his 2015 arrest, and was terminated from his position as he was held in custody since that time.

Project Safe Childhood was launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to use federal, state and local resources to better locate, apprehend and prosecute individuals exploiting children via the Internet, as well as identify and rescue victims. 

Man remanded on bail after admitting to possessing thousands of child sex abuse images
The man admitted to possessing 2,683 images
and 721 movie files in total.

A 20-YEAR-OLD man has pleaded guilty to one count of possessing nearly 3,000 images of images of child sexual abuse.

Appearing before Limerick Circuit Court, the man also admitted one count of possessing over 700 movie files containing images of child sexual abuse.
The man pleaded guilty to having the illegal material at his home on 10 February 2016, contrary to Section 6 (1) of the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act, 1998.
The man admitted possessing 2,683 images and 721 movie files in total.

‘Highly sensitive’
Prosecuting counsel John O’Sullivan described the case as “highly sensitive”. A psychological report was sought by the man’s defence.
On 10 January 2017, the man pleaded guilty at Limerick Circuit Court to five other separate charges relating to possessing images of child sexual abuse, as well as sending indecent or obscene messages by telephone.
Judge Tom O’Donnell granted an application by the man’s lawyer preventing the media reporting the defendant’s name.
The man was placed on the national register for sex offenders and he must notify gardaí of his whereabouts and if he changes his address. He was remanded on continuing bail to appear before Limerick Circuit Court on 10 July for a date for sentencing.

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