Everyday thousands of children are being sexually abused. You can stop the abuse of at least one child by simply praying. You can possibly stop the abuse of thousands of children by forwarding the link in First Time Visitor? by email, Twitter or Facebook to every Christian you know. Save a child or lots of children!!!! Do Something, please!

3:15 PM prayer in brief:
Pray for God to stop 1 child from being molested today.
Pray for God to stop 1 child molestation happening now.
Pray for God to rescue 1 child from sexual slavery.
Pray for God to save 1 girl from genital circumcision.
Pray for God to stop 1 girl from becoming a child-bride.
If you have the faith pray for 100 children rather than one.
Give Thanks. There is more to this prayer here

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Disturbing Pedophiles and Perverts on Today's List from UK & Ireland

Army friends get together to molest children - Cardiff
Head teacher jailed for 160,000 child porn images - Kent
Extreme pedophile sentenced to 12 years - Lancashire
8 yr sentence will stand for intense CSA of young cousin - Dublin

Friends who met in the Army carried out
'vile' child abuse together

David Hollyoake groomed one victim before taking him to Keith Fricker's home where they abused the boy together

A man who was sexually abused by two adults while he was a schoolboy says his life has been destroyed by their “vile” offending.

Friends David Hollyoake and Keith Fricker, who met during their time in the Army, denied historic child sexual offences but were found guilty following a trial at Cardiff Crown Court.

Judge Philip Harris-Jenkins told the defendants: “I find it to be the case, on the evidence, that you shared a common interest in the sexual abuse of young males.”

Hollyoake, 59, from Romilly Road in Cardiff, was found guilty of 30 counts – including rape, indecent assault, and gross indecency.

His “old friend” Fricker, 62, from Taunton Way in Coventry, was found guilty of one count of indecent assault.

The court heard the offences involved two boys, who were teenagers at the time, and related to the 1990s and early 2000s.

In his sentencing remarks the judge noted Hollyoake used “classic predatory paedophile grooming techniques”.

David Hollyoake, left, and Keith Fricker, right (Photo: South Wales Police)

Prosecutor James Wilson said the first victim was vulnerable and “isolated” due to his family circumstances and was bullied at school. Hollyoake befriended the boy and bought him cigarettes.

Judge Harris-Jenkins told the defendant: “You used his vulnerability to your own ends.”

Prosecutors said Hollyoake developed the boy’s trust before taking him to Fricker’s home where they sexually abused him together.

Mr Wilson read out a personal statement from the first victim, who described the abuse as “disgusting, vile and sick”. He said: “The abuse I suffered as a child has destroyed my life. I still see those images of abuse in my mind.”

The victim stated he turned to alcohol and drugs to try and help him cope and also harmed himself and tried to kill himself. He explained he had suffered from mental health problems and still finds it difficult to form relationships.

His statement concluded: “I can’t change the past – I just hope there is still a future in my life.”

Judge Harris-Jenkins told the defendants: “There is no doubt that the abuse perpetrated by you has blighted his life.”

Prosecutors said Hollyoake gave the second victim “hush money”. The court heard he asked the second boy to go to Fricker’s house with him but the boy said no.

Prosecutors argued the aggravating features in Hollyoake’s case included the fact there were two victims and the offending took place over a number of years.

Tim Evans, defending, said his client maintained his denials despite the verdict of the jury. He accepted: “These are very serious offences and he has to be seriously punished – he knows that.” Mr Evans emphasised Hollyoake had no relevant previous convictions.

The judge noted his “repeated pattern of behaviour”, adding: “This was nothing short of a campaign of sexual abuse.”

Prosecutors said Fricker had relevant previous convictions for abusing boys dating back to 1986 and 2001.

David Elias QC, defending, said the single count on this indictment was an “isolated offence” and argued his client was not involved in the grooming.

He told the court the Probation Service considered Fricker to be rehabilitated following his previous sentence and asked the judge to consider an alternative to an immediate prison sentence.

But Judge Harris-Jenkins said: “This is a case where only an immediate custodial sentence can meet the gravity of the offending.”

Hollyoake was jailed for 22 years and Fricker for three years.

Speaking after the hearing Detective Constable Matthew Lindsey, from South Wales Police, praised the victims for their courage.

He said: “I hope today’s significant sentences send out a message to other victims of historical sexual offences that it is never too late to report such crimes or for justice to be served.

“We would like to commend the victims and their family for the courage they have shown in reporting these matters and allowing us to put these dangerous men behind bars.”

A spokesman for NSPCC Cymru said: "Hollyoake and Fricker subjected their victims to horrendous abuse.

"It is vital that victims are able come forward and be listened to so that predators like them can face justice for their crimes. "Survivors of abuse should also receive the best possible support to overcome the trauma they have gone through."

Head teacher Richard Williams jailed for downloading more than 160,000 child abuse images
By Keith Hunt

A head teacher who was in charge of child protection at his school has been jailed after he downloaded hundreds of thousands images of youngsters being abused.

Richard Williams stored more than 160,000 of the sordid images on his computers and other devices before ensuring he was caught as a “cry for help”.

The married 48-year-old former head of St Mary’s C of E Primary School in Chilham downloaded the pictures and videos over a three-year period.

Richard Williams has been jailed for one year

His lawyer submitted that because he had taken great steps towards rehabilitation he could escape being sent to prison.

But before jailing Williams for 12 months, Judge Adele Williams said: “The problem is the public will rightly feel revulsion that a man charged with the care and education of children should engage in this activity.”

Maidstone Crown Court heard police raided his home in Alexander Drive, Faversham, on November 8 last year after receiving “intelligence” that images had been downloaded there.

Williams admitted to officers he had accessed the images while head of the school.

Computer equipment was seized and the material from the “dark web” was discovered.

He declined legal representation and described how he had become addicted to adult pornography for most of his adult life, but in the last three years had turned to indecent images of children and extreme porn.

Sin is progressive! Adult pornography often leads to child porn, and child porn progresses to younger and younger children and more and more vile and violent sexual abuse

“He found them sexually attractive because he liked girls’ forms of all ages,” said prosecutor Donna East. “He was interested in girls aged nine and above.

“He had acted already with his addiction. He didn’t want to feel this way towards children, given his occupation.”

He admitted six offences of possessing indecent images including 293 in the highest category, 737 in the next highest and 159,446 in the lowest.

A probation officer said Williams had the support of his wife. They had no children. “My concern is rehabilitation is the key here,” he added.

Williams, who has since moved to Midhurst in West Sussex, had received help from the Lucy Faithfull child protection charity and was helping them with their research.

Judge Williams told him: “Possession of child pornography is a great mischief in our society.

Mischief? Mischief! Good grief Judge - children are being physically, emotionally and spiritually molested to make child pornography. It's not mischief, it outright evil!

They are, of course, real children here being subjected to real sexual abuse in these images. “The public rightly feels revulsion that these images should exist, let alone be viewed.

“You were the headmaster of Chilham Primary School and had responsibility for child protection issues when you engaged in viewing this material.”

The judge said Williams’ letter to her set out the revulsion he himself felt about his behaviour and his remorse.

“I am impressed with the steps you have taken to rehabilitate yourself, but these offences are simply too serious to be dealt with in any other way than an immediate sentence of imprisonment,” added Judge Williams.

Williams’ name will appear on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.

A sexual harm prevention order was made for the same period and he will be barred form working with children and vulnerable adults.

"Extremely dangerous and predatory" paedophile caged for 12 years for sexual abuse of teenage boys

Nigel Delaney, of New North Road, sent quarter of a MILLION messages to his victims asking for images


A Huddersfield man has been jailed for 12 years for a string of horrific child sex offences.

Police found a staggering quarter of a million messages of Nigel Delaney’s devices harassing teenage boys for images for his own sick gratification.

Delaney, 65, of New North Road, just outside the town centre, pleaded guilty to 27 counts of child sex offences, including breaches of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, attempting to pay for the sexual services of a child and attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming.

The offences date between November 2015 and April 2016.

Other charges include arranging or facilitating the sexual exploitation of a child, making indecent images of a child, possession of indecent images of a child, distributing indecent images of a child and failure to comply with notification requirements.

He was jailed for 12 years at Burnley Crown Court, plus five years on extended licence. He has also been given a indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and banned from working with children.

Det Con Wendy Potter, of Lancashire Police, said: “Nigel Delaney is an extremely dangerous and predatory paedophile who committed a number of offences against teenage boys.

“After initially arresting Delaney for breaching his SHPO in April 2016, further enquiries revealed he had been messaging a several underage males across the Lancashire, Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire areas.

“Officers reviewing the communication found in the region of 250,000 messages as Delaney relentlessly pursued the victims for his own depraved gratification.

“Following a prolonged investigation, Delaney admitted his guilt and has now been brought to justice. I must thank the victims, who showed great bravery in helping provide evidence to police.

“We welcome today’s sentence and hope it serves as a reminder to others wanting to commit such heinous crimes.”

Detective Inspector Mark Catney, from Kirklees Safeguarding Unit, said: “This depraved individual has subjected his victims to sexual abuse and we welcome the sentence handed down to him today.

“I would like to take the opportunity to praise Delaney’s victims who had the courage and bravery to come forward but also the confidence in the police that they were being listened to and action would be taken.

“I hope the conviction and sentencing of Nigel Delaney will provide the justice and closure they deserve.

“The investigation demonstrates the police commitment to protecting vulnerable victims and that police will tirelessly pursue those who present a risk to children in our communities.

“I would urge anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse to come forward to the police. We have specially trained officers who will fully support you and listen to you, no matter how long the passage of time, the police will do everything they can to bring the perpetrators to justice for their crimes.”

Man jailed for 'intense' sexual abuse of cousin (6) loses appeal over 'severity of sentence'
Ruaidhrí Giblin

A 57-year-old Dublin man jailed for the “intense” sexual abuse of a young relative while she was being cared for in his home, has lost an appeal against the severity of his eight year sentence for indecent assault.

The man, who can not be identified to protect his victim's identity, was convicted by a Dublin Circuit Criminal Court jury of 41 counts of indecent assault of the girl at his family home between 1983 and 1986. She was aged between six and nine at the time of the abuse while he was aged between 24 and 26.

The man was sentenced to eight years imprisonment with the final year suspended by Judge Gerard O'Brien on February 8, 2016.

He lost an appeal against conviction in May and lost an appeal against the severity of his sentence today.

Giving judgment in the three-judge Court of Appeal, Mr Justice George Birmingham said the man had stood trial on a 50 count indictment for indecently assaulting the victim each month while being minded by the man's mother at their home.

Mr Justice Birmingham said the victim gave evidence that the man would have her go to the bathroom and sexually assault her.

She said similar activity took place in bedrooms and an outside shed. She said there were occasions when he grabbed her sexually.

Mr Justice Birmingham said there was evidence the victim, who was the man's second cousin, engaged in self harm as a teenager and experienced significant psychological damage. She has been on medication for depression for most of her life.

The sentencing judge saw the aggravating factors as the psychological harm caused to the victim, the age disparity and the systemic nature of the abuse.

Mr Justice Birmingham said the case was “robustly contested” and the only clear mitigating factor identified by the sentencing judge was that the man had no previous convictions of any type whatsoever.

Mr Justice Birmingham said the Court of Appeal accepted the sentence was a severe one.

Undoubtedly, this was a “very bad case involving intense abuse of a very young child over a prolonged period” which resulted in “very serious” long-term damage to the victim. The case was always going to have to be met by a long sentence, he said.

Mr Justice Birmingham, who sat with Mr Justice Alan Mahon and Mr Justice John Hedigan, said the sentencing court may have decided to impose a sentence somewhat less than the one imposed but the Court of Appeal could not conclude that the sentence fell outside the range available.

Dismissing his conviction appeal in May, Mr Justice Birmingham said the uncertainty as to dates was largely dissipated by the victims response to cross examination.

He said there was nothing present in the case that would bring it within the exceptional category of cases which would not be allowed to be considered by a jury.

He said the Court of Appeal was quite satisfied that the trial judge dealt with the matter in am entirely appropriate way.

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