Priest who demanded homosexuals have a ‘celibate life’ suspended after being accused of molesting 15-year-old boy in the Bronx

Father Anthony Giuliano in September 2004
A priest who once said homosexuals had to live a “celibate life” to be good Catholics has been accused of molesting a 15-year-old boy at a Bronx church about 30 years ago.
But without a change to the statute of limitations on child sex abuse in New York, the alleged crimes committed by the man of the cloth will forever go unpunished.
Father Anthony Giuliano was running two parishes in Dutchess County — about 85 miles from Manhattan — on Aug. 16 when a 43-year-old man told police the priest had molested him in the late 1980s.
The Archdiocese of New York immediately removed him from the two parishes as the NYPD launched an investigation.
“The allegation has been found to be credible,” Reverend Gerald Walsh, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, to parishioners at St. John the Evangelist and St. Charles Borromeo churches, located in Pawling and Dover Plains.
The accuser told Bronx Special Victims Squad detectives that he was working in the rectory of Holy Rosary Church in Baychester between 1987 and 1988 when Giuliano befriended him. The two used to play wrestle, he told cops.
During one session, Giuliano told the teen that he was going to “take him to the back and give him a frontal,” according to police sources.
The teen thought Giuliano was talking about a wrestling maneuver — until the priest told him to lie down on the ground, pulled the teen's pants and underwear down and molested him, police sources said.
Even if sufficient evidence is found to support the accuser’s claims, New York’s statute of limitations bars authorities from filing charges. Victims of child sex abuse have until age 23 to bring a criminal or civil case.
In June, Albany legislators failed to vote on the Child Victims Act, which would have made it easier for child sex abuse victims to seek justice against their abusers, as well as the Catholic Church and schools. The long-stalled legislation would have created a one-year window for past victims of abuse to bring charges against their tormentors.
The Catholic League called the legislation “a vindictive bill pushed by lawyers and activists out to rape the Catholic Church.”
An odd choice of words - 'rape the church'. If the church had been as proactive in stopping the rape of children by pedophile priests as they are in stopping those children from getting justice, this world would be a much better place.
Meanwhile, investigators are trying to determine if other, more recent victims of Giuliano can be found, police sources said.
“This is a shock,” the priest told the Daily News last month when the allegations surfaced. “It never happened.” When reached Tuesday, he refused to comment. The accuser also declined comment.
In an interview by a SUNY New Paltz student posted online in 2014, Giuliano said that homosexuals should be celibate if they want to be part of the Catholic Church. “It must be a celibate life like with the priesthood,” he said. “We are celibate for a greater purpose.”
He also questioned Pope Francis’ push to open the Catholic Church to same-sex couples. “We can’t say this for 2,000 years and then all of a sudden say, ‘Oh, we made a mistake for 2,000 years,’” Giuliano said.
Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of Bishop Accountability, said the Archdiocese of New York notoriously hides information, preventing a more complete picture of the extent of abuse among priests in the state.
“We know of very few accused priests in New York State,” Doyle said. “We know about more accused priests in the diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire than we do in the Archdiocese of New York.”
Baychester, NY
Former petting zoo employee indicted for
child sexual abuse
By Tom Smith Senior Staff Writer, Times Daily
FLORENCE – A man working with the pony ride of a traveling petting zoo has been indicted on multiple counts of child sexual abuse.

According to the indictments, the children were are all girls between the ages of 3 and 6.
The indictments were issued during the recently concluded August grand jury session. In the indictments, Raymond is accused of subjecting a child under 12 to “sexual contact.”
Police said Raymond was arrested April 30 after an investigation into the allegations that he inappropriately touched the girls, who were riding the pony ride where he was working.
Raymond is in the Lauderdale County Detention Center on bail totaling $300,000. He is scheduled to be arraigned on the charges Sept. 21 by Lauderdale County Circuit Judge Gil Self.
Stockholm, Maine
New York man accused of child sex abuse
By WKTVCANASTOTA N.Y. – A Canastota man has been arrested on several charges following a three-week investigation, according to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office.
Charles W. Pentland, 44, allegedly subjected a child younger than 11 years of age to sexual contact, the Sheriff’s Office said. He has been charged with felony criminal sexual act, felony sexual abuse, misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a child, misdemeanor sexual misconduct and misdemeanor forcible touching.
Pentland was arrested under an arrest warrant and was arraigned before the Village of Canastota Court. He was remanded to the Madison County Jail on $15,000 cash bail or $25,000 secured bond, and he is scheduled to answer the charges at a later date.
Members of the Madison County Child Protective Services and the Madison County Child Advocacy Center assisted sheriff’s investigators.
Canastota, NY
Utah man accused of child sex abuse tells judge
how he found God
Timothy Morgan Butler, of Layton, appeared in Judge Glen Dawson's Second Distrtict courtroom with his standby council Julie George and Mark Arrington in Farmington on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. He turned to the public in the courtroom to say that we are all brothers and sisters. In July Butler pleaded guilty to three counts of attempted aggravated sexual abuse of a child.
Image by: BRIANA SCROGGINS/Standard-Examiner
LORETTA PARK, Standard-Examiner Staff
FARMINGTON, Utah — A 56-year-old Layton man told a judge he found God when serving jail time 20 years ago when he read the Book of Mormon.
I don't think he found my God
Timothy Morgan Butler spoke at a scheduled sentencing hearing before Judge Glen Dawson on Tuesday, Sept. 6, in 2nd District Court.
Butler, who is representing himself, asked if he could speak in court for a few minutes. Dawson had rescheduled the sentencing hearing for Sept. 20 because they had received the victim’s impact statement on Tuesday. Mark Arrington and Julie George have been appointed as stand-by council to help Butler with his case.
Butler accepted a plea deal on July 26. He entered guilty pleas to three counts of attempted aggravated sexual abuse of a child, first-degree felonies, in 2nd District Court, according to online court records. Each felony Butler pleaded guilty to carries a possible sentence of three years to life in Utah State Prison. Butler said in court Tuesday that he was ordered to serve a year sentence in the Davis County Jail 20 years ago for a drug possession charge. At that time he said he didn’t believe in God.
Three months into the sentence, Butler said he received work release and his fiancee would pick him up from the jail and drive him to his job in Salt Lake County because his driver’s license had been suspended. The woman broke off their engagement, Butler said, so he decided to drive himself to work.
“I made a stupid mistake,” Butler said.
That’s when he called his mother, but she refused to talk to him. Butler said his father spoke with him on the phone and told him to read the Book of Mormon.
Butler said he didn’t believe in God but decided to read the book, and he couldn’t put it down. He said he talked to his cellmate and he was "filled with the Holy Spirit of God."
“I knew there was a God,” Butler said.
Butler then went on to say that later when he was released from jail he read 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 in the Bible and went to a bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with questions concerning virgins. Butler said he was a member of the LDS Church at that time.
Butler claims that verses in that chapter claim when a virgin passes a certain age then a man can do what he wants, and he hasn't sinned.
That's not what the Bible says. The reference is to a man's daughters and whether she should be married or remain a virgin. Doing what you want with her would not allow her to remain a virgin. I'm curious as to what the Mormon bishop told him.
As Butler left the courtroom he said, “God bless you,” to Dawson for allowing him to speak in court.
Officers with the Layton Police Department arrested Butler on March 25, 2014, after a 10-year-old girl accused him of touching her inappropriately, court records say. He told officers he sexually abused another child under the age of 10 around the same time as the first child, according to court records.
During an interview with police, Butler told an officer “the Bible did not set limits on the age between two partners,” a probable cause statement filed with the court says.
The New Testament is not a book of rules. It is about having a relationship with Jesus Christ that is so intimate that one should never do what would be repugnant to Christ, not because it is against a rule, but just because you have surrendered your will to Jesus and you want what He wants. I think he missed that part.
Though Butler’s mental competency was questioned during the case, two psychiatrists found he was competent to stand trial. He has spent time at Utah State Hospital for mental health-related issues in the past.
New York Mills man accused of child sexual abuse
By WKTVNEW YORK MILLS, N.Y. – A New York Mills man has been charged for allegedly sexually abusing a child after a five-year investigation.
David R. Burr, 37, was indicted by an Oneida County Grand Jury and charged with felony criminal sexual act for allegedly sexually abusing a 10-year-old in Utica, according to Chief Deputy Joseph Lisi.
Rome Police detectives Richard Galluppi and Jason Worth, both formerly assigned to the county Child Advocacy Center, led the investigation. They said that on January 20, 2011, Burr sexually abused the child in Utica.
A five year investigation? Five years? Wow!
The investigation involved numerous members of the Advocacy Center, including Child Protective Services caseworkers, victim advocates and counselors who assisted the victim throughout the investigation.
Burr was arrested on an indictment warrant by members of the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office Warants Division and he is being held in Oneida County Jail without bail.
The victim has been offered additional counseling through the Child Advocacy Center.
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