Michael Jackson was allegedly "infatuated" with the infant son of the doctor who ended up serving time for his death. (JOEL RYAN/AP)
The caption just above references Dr. Conrad Murray's 'This is it'. In it he recounts how he was concerned about MJs infatuation with the baby. The baby's mother would never let MJ be alone with the child.
Michael Jackson operated the most sophisticated child sex abuse operation "the world has known," an alleged victim of the King of Pop claims in new documents.
The shocking claims are included in an amended complaint filed by Wade Robson, a choreographer who was taken under Jackson's wing as a child.
See also: Michael Jackson Hit With New Child Sex Abuse Claim
Michael Jackson Hit with New Child Sex Abuse Claims More Than Five Years After His Death
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In the new filings, Robson, 33, alleges that Jackson and his inner circle sought out children in systematic fashion through two companies, MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures. The companies — ostensibly dedicated to creating and disseminating Jackson's entertainment — served "dual purposes," Robson's lawyer told the Daily News.
"MJJ Productions operated the most sophisticated child sexual abuse procurement and facilitation operation the world has known," Robson's lawyer Vince Finaldi said Monday.
"Although MJJ Productions on its face was a multimedia company dedicated to creating and distributing Michael Jackson's music and entertainment, it actually served a dual purpose, and that was locating, producing and enabling his sexual abuse of kids," he said.
"This wasn't just on his own. This was through his company, through (assistant) Norma (Staikos) primarily," he said. "She would call parents and say, 'Hey he wants to meet you, come down to the ranch.'"
Finaldi said the company would set up the limo, have someone drive the family to the ranch, sometimes pay for plane tickets, put them up in lodging, pay for food and have staff members give gifts.
"Make no mistake, Neverland Ranch was nothing but a well-orchestrated trap," Finaldi told The News. "It was custom-built to attract kids so he could groom them and decide which to sexually abuse."
Robson's amended complaint, obtained by The News, adds new negligence claims to his suit against the two companies.
He claims he was brought into Jackson's orbit when he was only 5 years old, after winning a dance competition in Australia organized by MJJ Ventures.

Wade Robson initially testified he was not the victim of sexual abuse, but then recanted, saying he’d realized through therapy he actually was a victim of Jackson’s. (© REUTERS PHOTOGRAPHER / REUTERS/REUTERS)
Two years later, Staikos contacted the family about meeting with The Gloved One and staying at Neverland Ranch during a trip to Los Angeles, according to papers.
Staikos served as Jacko's "madam" or "procurer," the filing states.
During that visit, Jackson allegedly sexually abused Robson. The abuse continued for eight years until Robson hit puberty and Jackson lost interest, according to the new complaint.
That is typical pedophile behaviour.

Wade Robson, seen here at 10, first met Jackson when he was 5 years old. (KIWI4U VIA YOUTUBE)
Robson, who went on to work as a choreographer for the likes of Britney Spears and 'NSync, denied he was sexually abused during the pop icon's 2005 molestation trial in Santa Barbara County.
But he subsequently recanted, saying he'd realized Jackson abused him following years of therapy. In 2013 Robson's claims against Jackson's estate were thrown out after a judge ruled he'd waited too long to sue. He is now pursuing separate charges against Jackson's companies.
A lawyer for MJJ Productions declined to comment when reached by The News on Tuesday.

Wade Robson has said the realization he was abused derailed his successful career as a choreographer. (NBC NEWSWIRE/NBCU PHOTO BANK VIA GETTY IMAGES)
A source in Jackson's camp called the new complaint "too silly" to warrant a response.
Finaldi said the new complaint could lead to a delay of the March trial now scheduled for the lawsuit in Santa Monica, Calif.
He said there's still plenty of time left on the five-year trial clock for any extra discovery that might be needed.
"It doesn't benefit anyone to have a complaint that isn't complete with all the necessary causes of action," he said. "This was just very standard practice. Our firm specializes in child sexual abuse litigation."
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